Minutes 1947-11-05 3~~ ~ arroyo Crande,Ca_lifornia ~ ~'rovemb er 5 ~ ~947 ~ The City Council met i.n re~;ul~r session with T:'_ayor H.R.Phillips ~resi~~ing. ?Jpon roll call Councilmen Schnyder~r~:enny~Lierly and ~ountree rerorted present. . . 'i~he minutes of the previous meeting vaere read and approved as re~d, the communications were read and placed on file. ?°,:ayor Phillips ap~ointed Councilman Lierly to work on the Recreation Comr~ittee. 'I'he corimunication from the League of California C.ities ~,^,r~s discussed and the Clerk~~ras instructed to write a letter of protest to the State Control].er on the appor.t;_onment of Liquor License Fees received. Councilman Schnyder made motion~eeconded by Councilman Lierly~ that Py:r V.D.Hackler be hired as nightwatchr.nan at ~ 200.00 per month~ I~xr P~IcCoy was asked to have 200 copies of Permits printed for the City Health Dept. Councilmen Rountree brou~ht up the hirin~ of a man to t~ke care of the dumpshe reported someone ~,~illing to do the vvork for ~ 20.00 per r::onth and what he could salv-~.~;e from the junk. He a~reed to see that the trash was properly dum~ed and no wet garba~e dumped if they v~ould put up ~ate out there. Councilm~n Lierly made a motzon~ seconded by Councilm~n Schnyder tc hire the man at $ 20 per month for 30 d=~ys~and the ~~n was to corre in to tre City Hall and repart. R~oLTTTZOrT 169 ?3 ~^~C_`LL?TI01`vT OF TL?F CITY COUl~'CIL C~F TH~' CI'I'Y C~F ART~~YO GRAT?DE AD~PTI'`TG ??LTDG^T :~TTD A'?PROVIl~rG I~~~zO?3.Ar'~T.?T.^ G~F AGR~;?~";,F~l`?T FC'E~' '~CPF~`?DITU~E C~F GAS T~X ALI;OCATIOr? rOR ~sZ~~~OR CITY STR~^TS. ~~ssed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYL?S: C.ouncil~nen Phillips~Schnyder~I~genny~Lierly and Rountree. nT0?~ : I~Tone . A??~ ~,TT : l~on e . R~GLU`"ICI~T ~ 170. ~esolution of the City Council of the Ci~;y of Arroyo Grande to move the Stop sign from the ~outh west corner of rTelson and T.Tason Street to the TTorthe ast corner of It?ason and RTelsan St. Passed and adopted by the followix~g roll call vote: AY~:Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~Menny~Lierly and Rauntree. T~?~~ s I~?one . ~ ABS~TT: 1`?one . ` 'ihe City Attorney a~reed to draft an Ordinance for plumbing ~ hookups. The Sewer System in k"lestern Ad,'ition was diseussed and Councilman Lierly made a motion~seconded by Councilmar~ Sehnyder authorizing ~.~_ayor Phillips to ~.p~rove and sign plans and specifications for the sewer. 'i'h.e cleaning out o~' the creek up the valley was discussed and T~~r Harris warned ~he Council of the City~s responsibility on the pro~ect. He su~gested that a corimittee be a.npointed to contact the State ilighway Dep't about the bridge and get written permission from the property owners along the creek aboutthe possibility of c3.eaning out the creek and the committee v~~as to report at a sx~ecial meeting. T~?ayor Phillips A~pointed a committee of T°r ~oole~~;r 142a~to~ r"r Conrad and Cou~cilman Rountree. ~-~r Harris ~~Trote a form for the ' property owners to sign. . ~~r ~:~eCoy was instructed to order 1400 feet more of the Johns~ T~w~anville 4 inch pipe. The meeting to be held in Saeramento on ~Tovember 18,194~ when the rerouting of the State Highway would be discussed was t~.lked of~ and it w~s suggested a representative from the City Council should attend. P~~r Harris su~gested the cor.~mittee from here contact I~~r ~-esperson and Mr Silliman and ask their help to protest the moving of the Highway out of town. Pti~r '"Jm.Hopkins askec~ about the possibility of having Le Poin;~ Street cornected up with High Street and said he would ~-ive the T?ecessary fronta~e if the City would have the line taken care`of. Councilman Rountree macle a motion~seconded by Councilman Schnyder to have the City En~ineer run a survey for the street so a deed could be given to the City for the necessary property for the street. The City Clerk ~.sked ~.bout taking a vacation starting Frid~.y PTovember ~ and Harry Hart asked a_bout takin~ the balance of his vae ation. _ ~ , . _ _ _ .~_.....1 _ :1.3_. 1 Bills a~~inst the General, Fund for $2 ~886.74; the ~~ater Fund for $1~843•35~ ~nd the ~later ~eposit Fund for $1b.Q0 wer auc~it- ed~ apnroved an~. ordered paid. Arroyo Grande~California ~Tovember 10~194~ A~pecial meeting was held For a report from the Committee on the cleaning out of the creek. Present v,rere Councilmen Lierly,Menny and Rountree f'rom the City Council and Mr Poole from the Committee appointed by 1GRayor Phil3ips The matter was discussed and Councilman Rountree made a motion~ seconded by Councilman Lierly that I~2r Poole supervise"the work and P~r Cardoza was to be h~:red for a few days to do the work. ?~TO further business appearing and upar~ motion the meeting was adjourned. ~ . J Attest: ~ ~ ` Deputy City Cler Arroyo Grande~California ' rTovem~ ~er 19 ~ 194'] . The City Couneil met in re~ular session vaith It~ayor H.R.Phillips presiding,u.~on roll call Councilmen ~chnyder~l~Renny~Lierly and Rountree reported present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and arpro~red>as read. Communications were read and placed on file. Councilman Rountree reported the cleaning out of the creek had been done by lt~r Cardoza. Resolution ~ 1~9 ~r=~.s discussed and it was decided to have the jt~p sign at the S'~l eorner of I~?elson &~Iason moved to the SE corner of lt~~zson and rTelson Street and try it out. RESOLLTTI~PT ~ 172 Resolution before the City Council of t~e City of Arroyo Grande to appoint Tblr Ben Conr~d as the authorized agent of the City of Arroyo ; Grande on t'ne trunk line and laterals for the sevrer in ~;;'este~n ~ddition. Passed and ~dopted by the following roll eall vote: AY~'1S:Councilmen Phillins~Schnyder~l.~enny~Lierly and Rountree. r No es : r?one . ABS~VT: P~To~ie. It was movEd and secondec~ that r.~r Conrad be ~uthorizecl to pre- ~are a.dvertising for contracting for bids for construction of the outfall and laterals f'or the ~°'estern Addition Sewer. Councilman Schnyder ~.~ade ~ motion,seconded by Councilman Lierly a_uthorizing l:"~ Harris to have a.ll ta.xes on the City property can- celled. `"he bids were opened on the lots to be sold by the City,~nd the bids on Lot 6 on ~~Tason Street were as follows: $ 4G1.00 by E.Renshav~ and $ 550.00 from T.~r ~.~.Hurimel. ~,~ayor Phillips a.sked if there was anyone present wishing to raise the bid 5% oE more and there were several bids and the Lot was sold to the hi~hest bidder A;Zr J.O.Hummel for $ 750.00. The bids on tn.e portion of Lot 24 in "loods Addition on Allen St; , were $ 652.00 from E.Rensha~v ~nd from 14~r ~.C~.uummel ~ 750.00 .~~:ayor~ V asked if anyone wished to rai~e the bid 5~ or more and T~~r L.A.Brisco raysed the bid to $ 787.50. Councilman Lierly made a motion~seconded by Councilman Schnyder to v~Jithdr~w the Lot on Allen Street from the sale and re j ect all bi~.s . The l~yin~; of the transite pipe vaas discu.ssed and I~!~r n~~cCoy ~vas instructed to get bids and if possible c~.ll s~ecial meeting. 1!RS I,instrum askec~ the City to ~et an ~ncroachment permit from the St~te Hightivay for a pipe line f'or t~~ater tc T;"r Robison's pZace south of town.Councilman ~ountree made a mot~on~seconded by Counc~l- Man Lierly instructing the City Clerk to make ~.pplication for the permit. tt~r Dammann's reauest to close the a1ley throu~h his property v~~s denied and P."r Harris re~orted he ~~~as proceedin~ ~r~ith the Condemnation of the P.C.Right of ~:l~y. P.~r ??~rris read the C~rdi_nance relative to sev~rer hookups for the first time ~nd it w~s t~i?~?ught to be s~.tisfactory.