Minutes 1947-12-03 ~74 ( CC~I~?TIP?U~ ) ~"ineau and Loor~is :•E~ere to be notified to be present at the next meeting to c~iscuss the annexation of their property to the City. r~r T,RcCoy ~^~~as ins~ructed to purcr~.se 6 more fire hydrants a.nd it Uras su~~ested to ca11 the Camps anc~ see if there v~ere any to be sold by the Camps. A number of property ov,mers ~ere ~resent to discuss the or~ening of a c~ntinu~_tion of Rena Street in `.'Jestern Addition and they were told they v~ould have :to be surveyed~~~raded and ~;ravelled~.nd then turn- ` ed over to the City. T?o further business a_r~pearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. , ~ :~r~ ~k~` r ~ . Att e s t : A ~ ~ 't ~ City C er ~~ayo~ ~ Arroyo Grande~C.alifornia December 3~1g47 The City Council met in regul~r session t~ith niayor N.R.Phillips presidin~. TTpon roll call Councilmen Schnyder~~,~?enny~Lierly and Rour~- tree rer~orted z~resent. The minutes of the previous meeting vrere read and a~proved as re~d. i~e communications were read and ~?laced on file. Councilman Rountree asked for ~alice ofiicers to close a~ortion of the main street for the Xmas C~en House Party on ~rida.y evening~ ~ecer:lber 7~ Police Chief ~{c~enzie v~as ta ask T;Tr Ha.cYler and l~ir F~lmands to help out. T~."r R.L.P.Rine~u ~px~eared to ~-et inform~tion about having the I~Zineau . and Loomis 5ubdivisi.on brou~ht into tre City. The matter w~s discuss- ed and he ~~reed to have a letter in before the next meeting. R.~;t~LL?TI01`T ~ 173 4~~;;^Ij?iI~l~? C`~' T?'T CI'1'~' CC`Tn?CIL ~F THE CITY C~F A..'~T?C~YC? CR:~T?DE~ COI?'`r'iY OF S:AT? LUIS C~BI'SPf~ ~STATE OF C~~? LIFCRNIA ~ RT'I~TNE TC~ THF ~ S~ LE OF C. yR. IR? R~. L PRQP~TY. ' Passed and ~dopted by the follov~in~ roll call vote: AYES:Gouncilmen Phillips,Schnyder~rienny,Lierly c2 Rountree. I ~ ?~'C .~S : "To n e . ~I~ APSEn?T: I~rone . ~ I T;°r t'~?m.L~,rles tivas present to discuss the laying of tr~,nsite pipe and after discusssion Couneilm~n Rountreemade a motion~seconded by Councilman Lierly to a~~Tard ~Tr ''t~rn . L~rles t'~e job of layin~ ~ome of the pipe up to the amount of ~ 900. It ~~:-a~ reported that the swinging brid~e needed repairs and also ~ cu~_vert on Cl~rence :ivenue neec~ec:. repairs.~k~r '~,v:~in~ v:~~s instructed to look ~fter the sV~inging bridge and or~er a: culvert for Clarence A~ve. 1~Rr ~ving ~sked ~~lhere they wanted the 4 inch transite pipe tied in ~_nd ti,as instructed to tie in on '~"l~.iteley and I+Telson Streets. ~,~r M~Coy reported th~.t ~_s I~,tkinson ~r~ho bou~ht the ~ssembly of rod property yTished to rer:model the building and tear down the ~art in the b~.ck. The Council agreed to aL ow the v~ork if it U~~s done accord- in~ t~ the Code. The Plannin~ Corimission's request for the City Council to adopt the Santa ;ti:aria. Garbage Ordinance was discussed and the ~rd. was read ~.nd discussed. The ~doption of the Uniform ~'lectrical Code w~s discussed but no action taken. Councilman Schnyder ~sked about having T."r L~yles lay the 4 inch water line on ~.1~inE from Gr~nd Avenue to ~°lalnut Street and cut in on the 8 inch line at Corn~^Jall ~^~s cliscussed. It was ag,reed the v~JOrk should be done so the fire hydrants could be ins~alled. ~?o further business appearing ~.nd upon motion the meetin~ v:~as ~d~ourned. ` ~TT~T: ,o . ~L.°e~~ ` - ~ City Clerk T'ay~dr ArrayTo Grande~California December 16~Ig47 The City Council met in a~pecia_1 i~leeting fer the purpose of having more of the transite pipe laid. Present were A.~ayor ~=hillips,C~uncilmen ~chnyder~~~enny and Rountree. Councilrr~n Schnyder m~de a motion~seco~ided by Councilman Rountree to authorize $ 900 More of the ~rork to be done. r?o further business appearing and upon motion th~rmeeting was ad j ourned . /J . ~ ~ • ~~.ti _ Attest: ivltlr~~ ,.~;~,,.Q~z.~ ~ t ~ City Clerk ~ ; P:~ay r