Minutes 1947-12-16 f ~74 Ccca~r~zr?u.~) _ fl-?ineau and Loomis ~.,Tere to be notified to be present ~t the next meeting to c~iscuss the annexation of their property to the City. r?r r,RcCoy ~°ras ins~ructed to purcha_se 6 more fire hydrants a.nd it vras su~~ested to call the C:~.mps and see if there vrere any to be sold by the Camps. A number of progerty ovaners ~ere present to discuss the oY~ening of a c~ntinua_tion of ~ena Street in ';'Jestern Addition and they were I - r tolc~ the v~ou ' h. _ a n h n n , y la ave to be surve ed ~raded nd , avellec~ d t e tur 5 ~ ed over to the City. 2?o further business ar~pearing and upon motiox~ the meeting was adjourned. ~ ~ ~ , , ` $ +r ~ .~^i~, q rf f;f., ~ At t e s t : ~ ~ ~ d~ ; Y"I'y'!. ~ Sr 3-,~vc''~,~i z . Ci ty C~ er ~'~ayo"~°~ Arroyo Grande~C.alifornia December 3~1g47 `I'he City Council met in re~ular session ~~rith I~~ayor H.R.Phillips presiding. T~pon ro~l call Councilmen Schnyaer~hZenny~Lierly and Roun tree reported present. The minutes of the previous meeting v~ere read ~nd aT;proved as re~d. l~e communications were read and placed on file. Councilman Rountree asked for Police ofY`'icers to close a x~ortion of' the main str•eet for the Xrn~s C~nen House -I?art on ~'rida evenin _ Y Y r - r, ~ r ~ecember 7, Police Chief ]~:cKenzie vaas to ~sk T~.s hacYler and r4~~r Fdmands to 1-ielp out. ~~:`r R.B.P.~ineau anx~eared to ,~et inform~tion ~.bout having the Mineau . I and Loomis Subdivision brought into the Ci~y. '~e matter was discuss- ed and he a~reed to have ~ letter 3_n before the next me~ting. R:~~;~:C`I.,LTTIL~AT ~ 1`7~ ~~.=:5.^.I:LTTIC?]~T C?~' TIN.^ CI`I~ CC~T71`.TCIL C!F THE CITY C~F A~3T?C!YC~ CR4R?DE~ cnj-rnTly OF S.~I~? Lt?IS 0?3ISPC~?STATE OF G<~.LIFC?RNIA ~ RrI~TIVE TQ T??E ' S~LE C`F C~Z'T~ InT R~L PROP~1^Y. PasCed and adopted by the follov~in€r roll call vote: AY~S:Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~PeTenny~Lierly c2 Rountree. nTG ~S : ~70ne . ARS?~1~?T: I~tone. T,Rr ~r:Tm. L~,TIes tivas present to discuss the laying of' transite pipe ~nd after discusssion Councilman Rountreem-ade a motion~seconded by Councilman Lierly to a~;~rard ~."r "~rn . Lyles the `ob of laying~ ~ome of the pipe up to the amount of ~ 900. It ~~:~~s reported th~t the swinging bridge needed repairs and also ~ cu~_vert on Cln_rence ~~venue needeci. repairs.l~~r '~,vvin~ v~ras instructed to look after the sVrin~ing brid~;e and orc?er a; culvert for Clarence A#e. 1lRr '~,l,vin~ asked ~~Jhere they ~vanted the 4 inch transite pipe tied in ~nd ti~~s znstructed to tie in on '~°lhiteley and I~?elson Streets. ~,~r McCoy reported that ~:"r .~tkinson ~r~ho bou~'ht the Assembly of Cod property ~^Tished to remodel the building and tear down the ~~rt in the back. The Council agreed to al~ ow t~e v~ork if it UJ~s done accord- ing to the Code. The Planning ComMission's rec~uest for the City Council to adopt the Santa ;~.~ria. Garbage Ordinance was discussed and the ~rd. v~as read and discussed. The ~doption of the Uniform ~'lectrical Code v~r~s discussed but no action taken. Councilman Schnyder asked a_bout having l:"r I.~yles lay the 4 inch w~ter line on A1~inE from Gr~nd Avenue to ~`Jalnut ~treet and cut in on the 8 inch line at CornGM1rall ti^~ras discussed. It was agreed the work should be done sa the fire hydrants could be ins~alled. ~?o further business ~ppearing and u~on r~otion the meeting v,?as adjourned. ` ' ATT~T:~~1°~ ` %~j~~~~ _ v ~ City Clerk 1~~~ay r ~ ~ ArroyTo Grande ~ Calif'ornia December 16,1Q47 The City Council met in ?~peCia.l jtiieeting fcr the purpose of having more of the transite pipe laid. Present vrere P.Tayor ;=hillips ~Cduncilmen Schnyder,P:4enny and Rountree. Councilma.n Schnyder made a motion,seco~ided by Councilman Rountree to authorize $ 900 more of the ihrork to be done. TTo further business appearing and upon motion the,meeting was ~d~ ourned . ~ ~Tt i _ Att e s t : /l~s.B ~G~,.~. .~~;r~~~ n,-- , ~ . , , ~ , City Clerk ; P-Zay r •,J