Minutes 1947-11-19 (2) RF.~tJL~TTI~P~ N0. ~~2--A
A~RROYO t~RAI~~'i ~'4t~I~TTY OF ~A?~T LUx~ OAI~F'~'
RELA.TIV~' T~ ~'HE ~ALE ~F C~°T'~I~' R~AI~ P?~dP~T'Y
t~~fiF~t~.,A~, the City ~'dunei2 0~' the C3t~ c~f Arrayc~ Grande~ in the
County of` ~a.n ~,uis Qbispo' ~tate af California has hereto~'c~re pub-
Iished notice o~ its inter~tion to sell certain her~inaft~r de~cr~"b~d
rea~. groperty located in saici City and belon~in~ tr~ said City' the
s~id ~roperty bein~ no 2on~er nee~s~~ry for the publie use or weZfar°e ~
~~REA~' on the ~9th day of` ~To~e~nl~er! 19~'j at the hcaur of 8
a~ clock P.M. in the chamber~s of t~~ said ~ity Cour~c ~.1 in the ~ity l~a1,~.
af the "said City ~rro,yo ~ranc~e the ~°itten bid~ h~vein~ t~een ~pened'
and thereafter eertain aral iaids havin~ ~aeen receiv~cl~ ~.nd the hi~Yr-
est and b~st bid v~l~ich v~as then t~btainable bein~ the sum of' ~7~~.0~~
whieh said bid wr~.s m~de by a. Hummel' and
G~REI~S, it app+~ars ta be in the b~st interests c~f the publie
~:nd c~f the said City c~f ~~r~ya f~rande that said bid: be aceept,ed.
I~;O~ THFftFFORE, BE I~ RF~S~LU~ by the ~ity Council th~t the bi~.
of 4. Hurrunel in the ama~unt oP ~750.CQ f'~r th@ hereinaf"ter-described
real property be accep°~ed, and the same is h~rewith a~cepted.
ZT TS Ft1RTHER ~RD~~D that the l~ay~~ o~' th~ ~ity of t~rr~ya C~ran~e
be authorized to execu~e a deed. f'cyr the hereinaf'ter described real
propertv to the a~'aresaid ~a. Humm~2 upon the payment tcr the ~ity
Clerk af the sum of ~~~t3. Q~i.
The prap~rty int~r~ded tc~ be sold is deserib~d as that real
propert~ loca°~~d in th+~ City a~f ~rroy~ Gra~sc~e ~ C~unty af ,'~.n Luis
Qb~sgc~' State of Cali~'c~rnia~ r~ore garticularl.y desca~ibed as fol]aws.
Lat 6' in Blocl~ 8 y oF su~aivi~i4n~ of propert~ belc~n~ing ta N.
Shorty J. l~+Iason, and ~hitelya in th~ Cit~r of .~;rro~a Gr~.~de~
County of .~an L~~is f~~ispo~ ~t~te of Califarnia~ acee~rdin~ to ma~
filed far record Octaber 1' 1887 in ~he Qf'f`ie~ of the Coun~t~ Recorder
of said County.
On l~otion o~ ~ouncilman ~otzn~tree and secande~ by C~uncilman
Menny and af the follQV~ing roll-call vote
~iY~s Couneilmen Phi.Ylips' Schnyder' R~enny~ 2:~.er1.y and Rountre~.
~tOES : l~~ne
sFSTT: None
t~e fc~re~oin~ res~lutior~ was adopted this 19th day of 2~ovember, 194~.
I hereby eer~ify that thi~ is a~rue ~.nd cor~rec~t copy a~' Re~a~u-
t i on h~o , 172•-1~ ? wh~ch was p~.~,~ ed ancl ~dop#~ed by the ~i ty Cc~unc i l Qf
the ~ity ~f ~€rroyo ~rande at a r~~z2ar meetin~ held ~~c~vem~er 19 s~9~~ •
, ~ ~ ,
~ ~ ~
~ ~ . ~
City~ C1~rk