Minutes 1947-12-19 ~75 ~rroyo Grande~California December 17~1947 The City Couneil met in ~e~ul~r session vrith h~;ayor H.F. Phillips ~~residing. t~~~ on ro? 1 ca.ll Counci_lmen Schnyder ~R~enny, Lierly anci Rountree re;~~-rted preserit. The TE~inutes of the :~revious meeting vaere read and ~b~?roved as read. The communic~_t~ons v:~ere re~td :-~nd placed on file. `i'he ofl er of the lphonzo E. Bel1 ro . to ~ive a ruit claim . deed to the ~ortion of the ~ailro~d Right of T'ay from the 1C?Z ni~hv~.~y a~or~~ the ~ones Subdivisionfor ~ 250.C0 was discus~ed ~nd Councilman Lierly r:lade motion,seconded ~y Councilman ~.ou~tree authorizin~~ the City ~ttorne~r to ~~et the cuit claim deed for 250.OG. ~."rs iielen P.'~.tts a~-pe~.red to see if the City would accept ~ nersonal bond ~•;~ithout si~~~ners for ~icense ~"or second hand. It was Moved ar:d seconded that a bo~id be accebted from I~~rs ~Telen P"atts for a second hand license. Th~ bids ~or the trunk line and 1~terals U~ere opened and vJere ~s fol~ows: Trunk Line~ ??rovm a_nd Doko?$ 19~~61.10~ '"Tm.Lyles Co; 22~~P(.40 and L:L. Craig ;fi 18~6~O.OC~. For the Laterals : Lro~n and Doko, $5~8~'S.OC?~'lm.LylesCo~ 6~6~9.30 and L.L.Craig~~5,700.C0. I.'r Conrad su~'~;ested the bids be ~iven Y urther stv~y and it vras d.Pcided to meet on rriday ni~Yht December 19th at 7P.bR.for an ~djourn- ed ~:etin~. Councilman ~ountre~ r_?ade a motion~seconded by Councilman Lierly to acce:~t tne security bond of ~;r B.A.~oss for: a second hand lieense. ~.E~O~UTI~l~? N0, 174 . A~,E~GL??TTC~I~T~ ado~ting an a~reement ~'or rna~ ntenance of State vi~ht~~ray in the City of Arroyn Crande. Passed and adopted by the follot1ing roll call vote: _qYES: Counc lmen Philli~s~Schnyder~~:~enny~ Lierly and Rountree. l~TG~ES s None . :~BS~?T: PTone. It~ayor Phillips su.~gested a stop si~n be placed at the top of t:~e hill in front of T.~r Hearns as he thought it mi~ht help to pre- vent someone runnir_~; into the ba.rri_c~de . There v~ras a discu~sion about the ni~ht watchm~n and it ~ras decided to hire an extra man for 30 d~.ys anc~ it ~ras left up t~ `~he Chief of Police to rire the man. The Ordin~nce on ~Iumbin~ hookups v~as read ~nd it vras decided to hold the Ordinanc~ over z~ntil the next meeting. R?o further busiriess appearing the m~eting ~:,~~.s a~.jot~~rned until , P.r?. Frid~y December 1~,,~?47. ~t Atte s t : ~~!J~ r ` ~J • i~~ ~ G ~l ~~'_2_-~---- . , City Clerk r?~a,yor'~- ~F ~ ~rroyo Grande,California December 1Q~1947 The C,ity Couneil me~k in an adjourned regular rneeting with T~.~ayor H.R.Phillips Tresidin~. ~~pon roll call Councilmen $chnyder~ ~~enny~ Lierly and Rountree ~ eported present. '?;~(~Lt1TI01`T ~^T0. 175 A R~SOLUTIO~,T~ to re~;ect any and all bids for the Trunk Line and Laterals.•for the Sewers from 'e~lestern ~.ddition on the basis th3t the bids were all ~oo high and authorize the work to be don~ by day • labor under ~ie direction of I.`r Conrad the City En~ineer and that materials and su~~plies be purchased on the open market. Passed and a.dopted by the following roll call vote: A~~: Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~Petenny~Lierly and Rountree. 1`T~~ : RTOne . ;ABS~TT: None. T.Ir Conr~d discussed the nro~osition of laying the Trunk line throu~h the Iv~~_neau and Loomis Subdivision and he was to take the m~atter up with T~~ineau & Loomis~.nd ~et prices for labor and mat~rial for the sewer work. It was moved and seconde~. that F;Tr Hackler be allowed 25.00 per month for the use of his car. The subject of a High Cost of Living Bonus to the City IInploye~s vaas discussed and Councilman Li.~rly made a motion~seconded by Courr~ cilMan Rountree to give a$ 15:OQ per month raise from the General F Fund to alI City ~nployees st~rting with the salaries paid for anuary . 37~ ~ ~ ( Continued) ~7 ~q~yor Phillips was asked to contact 1~~7r Deal about auditing the City books. ~ R^SOLL?TI01~T r?Q. 1`J6 A^E~OLUTI~IV~ to raise the minimum price for v~ter outside the City of ~rroyo Grande from ~ 2.00 ~?er month to ~ 2.50 per month P~inimum for 1000 cubic ~'eet~ startin~ with the Januar~r bills. ~assed~and adopted by the following roll call vote: A~~: Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder! ~":enny~Lierly and Rountree: I`T4ES : None . ABS ~'~TT: l~one . Couneilman Schnyder made a:motion~seconded by Councilman Lierly instructing the clerk to notify the Arroyo Grande City Plannin,g Commission that the City Council had accepted their suggestion to continue Grand ~4venue on into the ~~ity. :~lso to refer the matter to the City Plannin~ Commission for camplete investi~ation and report as to feasible cost e~e. . T?o further busin~ss a~~pearing and upon motior~ the meeting vras adjourned. • Y • ~-,~.rxi_ ~~1 . ~ ~ j' -~~11 ~ , rt ` ~ : attest• ` ~ - LL,{_ ,_=~-t--- ~ Y ' ~ Arroyo Grande,C~lifornia ~~nu~~ry 7 s 1`.'4Q' mhe C~ty Council met _'_n ~~e~r_z1=a.r se~sion ~^~~ith ~"~yor ??.R. Phillips presidin~.T"~or: rol~ ^~11 Councilmen Schnyder~I~enny ~nd ~ =.ierly r:~~-orted ~?~esent. Absent Councilm~n Rountree. The ~ninates o1 the ~rbviot.s m;=etin~s vrere reaci ar~d ar~roved ts re~~d. ~i`'he co:nmunications L~,rere re=~d and pl~ced on file. 1':~ayor Phi? lips report~d he ~i~~d cont~c ted ?~r.r Deal ~nd he ~:~~ild bp ~villin~ to accept the Audito.rs ;'o~>~ho~~~~ever he s~id at the present time he ti•,~as vcry busy -znd v,ould be until spring. Tre bid from the ?Jnion Cil Co to :E'urnish ~asoline to the City for the CO;"^171~' year vtiT as opened and Councilman Lierly ~r~ade ~ motion~sec~n`?_ed by Councilman I~Tenny to accept the bid of ~.,~59 ~~er ~~a.l on "'76" Gasolin~. `I'here were no v~mitten bids on the ~?0.5 ft of L,ot 24 of the '.`r'ood ~ s Add' n and T~~'~~_yar• Phillips ~sked if ~nyone present wished to ~lace a bid on the Lot. ~'er S.";.Denison bid 1000 and ~i~ere vaere no ~urther bids so ~he lot U1as sold to T~r '~enison. T~GLI?TI C!N 1'77 ~ ~rC`L??rnIt~RT !~?T~'~T~~I?IrTG T~?'~ S~L': ON ~:;POR~'ION C~~' LC'T 24 ~ C`: ~';'^C~D' ,S .~DT" TT "~C T;'_R ~ .~~"I.D'~'`.'I''01~?. Passed amd ado~~ed ~y the follov~rin~ roll call vote: Av~S:Co?.r:c'lr.~n ihi~-'ibs~~chr~vder?P`enny'~na Lierl,y. T'~ ~ : rT0I12 • A.r~f"-.'~RT`I`: CQL{1"C; ~"''aT"i '_~:nUlltr'P~. TTr r,~;. ~~ked ~bout ~~~v ~n~- t' r: t~~r ~ ~ truc?~s inted ~nd ~_°Z2z' ^="+i,GT' SO?"_l2 '~1.~~CUCS102^i ~ t '.='~_c CE'C1Q'PC'1 t,0 r'ir`1Vt~ ~t1C~ VIOT'~: CJ_071e. ~'he ~ irc~'~~~ ~~~_te-r ~_~re ~~or -~1T,in~ ~trF~et frori Grand to ?d'a,.nut v~.as _aisclas:=ed ~nd it v~~as ~~r~ed to h~a.ve A"r '.",'.r.?.Lyles Go proceed ~~~ith t'ne v~~ork ~~_nd h2.ve ~~ate v:~lves put in. -4 notice vaa~_s to be r.,~_~t ~ n thA loc~ l~aper that the ~~•:~ater vrot:ld be s'_~~zt off . l."ayor Pn:il~ips ~Y~:?oint d Co<<r~cilmen ~chnyd.er~ and Lierly to ~tlz~?~ the ~~rY~a~e ordir~nces and -<,_lso the v~r~.ter ~chedules. ~?i 11s ~~~*~inst the rener~ 1 r und. for l~ 575.6 the ~;~iater Fumd ~`'or ~ 2~~12 .`7~' ~ t ~e ~'~;~t~r De*~osit ~und for ~fi 4.00 ~_nd the Income Tax r und for ~ 267. ~C~ v~ere audited~ ~~n~?roved and ordered p~id. TTo further busirecs ^~~z~earin~ ~.nd upon motion the meeting ti^ra~ ~_d. ourneci. _ _ ~ ~ , ~ A`~''i ~T: ' ; ' j I City Clerk _~ror