Minutes 1948-01-26 3'~7
Arroyo Grande~Galiforni~
_ January 21~1a48 •
The City Council met in re~ular session with l~~~yor N.R.Phillips
r,residing. ~Jpon roll call Councilmen Schnyder~Menny and Lierly
reported present. Absent rouncilman ~ountree.
The minutes of the ~revious meeting ~ere re~d and anproved ~.s
read. Comrnunic~t; ons ~vere read and placed on file.
' Mayor Phillips ur~ed al1 Councilmen members to attend the meetin~
t~ be held at the High School ~anuary 2~ for discussion on a bond
issue to raise money for a new school.
P~Ir Ben Conrad said he would like to meet with the Couneil to
discuss plans i or the sevver and i_t was decided to meet on 1lionday
January 26~1948 ~t 6.30 P.n,R.
A~~r Ewing asked about a~rade on Rena Street and ~ir Conrad suggest-
ed they ~o ahead and gra:de and g,ravel as it wa:s now as it would need
to be raised if and when Gornwall w~.s but to a~rade.
~'he sewer line ~t the fill on Branch Street ~n~as discussed and
it was agreed to get the ~~:~.~,~.Lyles ~o; to do wha~ever v~~as necessary.
~"r C.E.Loomis was pres~nt to ~sk for dama~es in behalf of Mrs.
E.C.Loomis for the dama,~e~~vhere the sewer overflowed in her house.
P.~r.Harris the City ~!ttorney told 1;1r Loomis to have TUZrs:E.C.Loomis
file a claim and he s~rould check on the City's liability.
T~r Loomis s~id at the tim~e the `~ity took out their insurance
it ~vas thought the i ate wo!,ld be too hi~h on pro?~erty damage that
vvould cover the type of dama~e done by the sewer and there was
very little likelihood of any d~mage. n+ir Harris ~.greed to check
with San Luis ~3bispo and see what the ~ity c~rried up there.
It"r Ewin~ brought up the matter of' septic tanks and cesspools
bein~- put in cZo~ to the City wells and he was asked to c~ll the
lTeal~h Dept. in San Luis Obispo and ~sk them to look into the
??~CLrJTI~N 178
A R~SC~LLTTIOl~T '~DOPTII\TG ^~I~T :`1.~''~R~'~~'ti'?~TT F'OR P•'~4I?~?T.~T~g?CE CF ST~TE
z72CNT~r~~rS IAT T~r~ CI'I'S' 0~ A~"'C1Y0 GR~:I~?DE.
Passed an~ adopted by the following roll call vote:
AY~S: Councilmen Phi'lips~~chnyder~~~enny amd Lierly.
1~?0:~' : None .
?~~~~TTT : Co une Zman ?~ountre e .
A bill on thP General ~und for ~100.00 w~.s ~udited~a~proved
and ordered n~id.
There vaas some d~ scussion on parkin~; on p:~.ved streets and
S`~~P Signs but no action taken.
Z~?o further business appearin~ ~nd. upon motion the meeting was
ad~ ot~rned unt~ 1 S.~"onday ~ anuary " 2b ~ 194~ at 6.30 P.l,"`. I
~ - , ,
Attest: '
City Cler~ T.R~yo ~
Arroyo Grande,California '
~anuary 26?1948 I
The City Council met in ~.n zd`ourned session ~yiith ~:'ayor N.R. '
Phillips presiding. Upon roll call ~ouncilmen Schny~er and ~.~enny
reported present.Absent Councilmen Li~rly and Rountree.
~~°r Conrad discussed the plans for the sewer outf,~.ll and ~aid
there would be an ~.dditional cost of a~proximately ~ 4j0.00 if the
lin ~ was to run thro~agh the l~'ineau ~ Loomis Subdivision instead
of down Oak Street;Mr ~:2~_neau was present ~nd agreed to pay the
difference if they went throu~h the ~ubdivision.The eouncil ~~-reed
ta proc_~ed with the line on th~t ba~isand I-'r Conrad v~~as to order
the materials and nroceeda.s soon as possible vvith the t-runk line.
l:~r Conrad also discussed the taYin~ into the City`of x-ialcyon
Road between ~ak Street and ~ar~el Ro~d ~.nd ~a.k Steet and Farrel
Road b~tween T?alcyon ~oad and the v~~est end oE the ~9fineau ~nd Loomis
Subdivision if the Subdivision and O~Dell propertys ~~ere brou~ht
into the City.
mhe Clerk tivas asked to vrrite the State Department of Public
T~ealth and a.sk ? represent~t~ve to l~ok into the b~ilding of septic
tanks -_~nd ce~spools in the area close to ~he ~'ity ~~ells.
'`To furthe~^ business a_~~pearin~ ,~.nd upon Motion the me~=ting
v~.as ~d~ ourned: -
/ ~ ~ t ~ f , ~ ~
Attest: ~ ,
Y~ • /~if ~ ~ ~
City ~'ler T:Tayor ~