Minutes 1948-02-10 P~78 ~ ~ Arroyo Grande~California ~3 ~'ebru-.ry 4 ~ 1948 ~ The City Council met in regular session v:~ith P~2ayor F-~.R. Phi?lips ~residin~,u~ion ro~l call Gouncilmen Schr.yder~ll2enny and ~ountree rer~orte~ ~resen.t.~bsent Counc~iTMen Lierly. ~I'?~e minutes of the previous meeting vaere read and a~proved as read.Comrnunication.~ v~rere read and z~laced on file. ~~rs. L~.C.Loor~is v~as ~re~ent to ~sk ~bout her cl~im fnr dam- a~es fror~ the City ~'or the,~~~e done from the overflow of the se~ver at her ~~?.~ce. ~~~r Harr s e haa not looked in~o the matter ~ hut a~reed to takf> care of it at once and ~^rould report to the rou~.cil in ~ fe~r~ days. Councilman ~'ountree m~de a motion~secondec~ by Councilman Schnyder to table the m~.tter until the report was received from t~k~e Git~r Attorney. Don Shaffer reportec~ the C'it,y Planning Corlmission ~,rrould like to meet ~~.rith the Cit,y Council to discuss t-he different phases of annexation to the City bv the people of Fair aaks and Grand Ave; t~hP difference in electric r::~tes ~nd insurance v.ras to be looked into. It t~,~~ a~reed to meet ?t the City hall Tuesday~ l~'ebru~ry 10, ~t 7.?.0 P.r.T. . R _~OLTTmIO~T # 17~ R~50LLTi1C~l`T C`r TH'_; CITY COT.?RTC?L C`F TH~' CI'I'Y C~F ARROVC~ G?~~~r'~J4,CnI7T~`PY Or S~TT LUI a O.BI~PO ??~LAZ'IVE ~'n i~~ A~~T'~TIOIC~ ~'F C-~k~.iAI~T U?~TI~~!H~~?IT~ TERRITORY T~ THE CI TY nF ARROYO r~RAr?D~ ~ Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: ~Y'~~5: Councilmen Phillips,Schnycler~r"enny a.nd Rount~ee. ~T~~' : TTOne . Absent: Councilm~n Lierly. ~:r ~'win~ asked ~bout ~ettin~ TJ"r Turney to check the v~irin~ at the x~um~s and he ~:~~s instructed to h~ve the ti~r~~°k done. ~?e alsa asked :~bout layin~ water lines on ~-Tuebner ~.nd ~1h.iteley Streets and Councilman :~ountree m~de a. motior~,seconded by Council- I~:enny instructin,~r him to have the vrork done.T:s ~,'w?_n~ next asked ~ro~lt havin~ ~.~r Lyles men help ~?ut in t"~e culvert on Cl~.rence Avenue ancl he v:~as told to proe eecl ti~ait,~ the ~~ork. Councilman ~ountree made a. motion~~econded by Councilman r~Tenny to e~ncel ~ 2.C~0 of the ~ecember bill of I4."rs ~essie Schultz. It ~^,~s reported ~~r ruy Stewart vaished to resig-n from the City Plannin~ Commissicsn and the Clerk v~as instructed to conta.ct him and a.~k him to h~ve the resi~nation fi~led. Bills ~~~;ainst the General rund f~r ~ 2~18.74~the t~ater Fund for ~ 167~.2~ and the ~`later ~eposit ~'und for $ 20.00 vvere audited, anproved and ordered paid. `I'he purchasin~ ~~ent wa~ instructec~ to ~lace another order ~'or 4 inch transite pipe. TTo further business a~pearing ~.nd ur~on motion th~ meetin~ - ~vas ~d j ourned. , , ATT~T: rit~r Cler P:a,y r ?rroyo ~rande~California February 10~1948 There vaas an informal meeting of the Eity Council and the City Plannin~ Cor~rr~ission ~,~rith all Council ~2embers present and ~'rom the Flanning Commissior~ Don Shaffer~~.alph Bennett~L"~°attde Dever~aux~~..F.Harris ~Ben Conrad r~nd C. rJ.I~~eCoy. ';:m.Taylor vvas present to discrass insur~_nc~ rates inside and out of the Ci~ylimits and some comparisons were m~_de on the saving if' the property were inside the Gity limits.P~?r Ben Conrad ~ave ~vera~-e costs on ~anita.ry~Mire~Li~hting and water dis~ricts and said the average cost was around ~fi ~.45 plia.s L.11 on Interest ~nd Ronds makin~ total of ~ 4.56 ne $100 ssessed valuatior~~rj.d ~ r. said it would be as -~dvanta~eous or rro~°e s to get the same through the City ~f the~ c~me into the City Limits. ue also g~.ve a rough idea of the v~lu~~ions of improvements ~nd ~creage on that area which v~as being discussed and reported there h~.d been ~6 ne~v homes built in 194~. The extension of Gr~nd ~venue int~ the 101 1-?igh~rray was dis- cussed an~. several of the Council expressed themselves as f~.vor~- able to the extension. ~To further business appear~.ng ~nd unon mt~.~ the meeting wa.sad j ourned. ~t ~c ~ C~.._~ ~Yi. . ~ rn