Minutes 1948-02-18 37~
Arroyo ~rande~California
r ebruary 1~? ~ 1~4x
Zrhe City Council met in re,~.zlar session tfvith P:"~~Tor ~I.R.
~ Phi~lips ~residin~. TJr~on roll ca~l Councilmen Schn~rder~P~enny~
Lierly a.nd ~,ountree re^orted pr~sent.
~'he rainutes of the ~rev; ous meeting ~vere re~.d and ar?proved
~s re~d. The cor~municua.tions v~ere read and pl2.ced on file.
~Totic e of ~lecti on
~~otice is hereb,y ~iven tn~t General I~:~ur.icit~:~l ~lection will
be i^e1d in t:!ze City of :Arroyo urande,Co~~nty o° S~n Luis Obispo~
State of California on Tuesd-.y the ihirteentn ~f ApriI~194~~at
~~~rhich election the follovrin~ o~'fices are to be filled:
Three C,ouncilmen -Full Term
One City Clerk -----------Full Term
C~ne Treasurer Hu11 Term
'I'here will be one votin~ precinct ~or the z~urnose of holding
s~id election~consistin~ of the consolici~ation of the re~uler
election precincts establishec~ for holdin~; State and County elect-
ions as follows: Consolida~ted Voting Precinct ''Af° co~~?risin~ State
=:nd County nrecincts niar~bers Arroyo Grancle One~Z'sr~o and Thsee and
the ~ollin~ place thereof sha11 be at the Arroyo Grande City ~Tall.
ihe polls v~y~ill be o~en betv~een the hours of ~ A.r;1. and 7.00
b`~clock P.r>T.
The ~ollowin~ n~med ~ersons have been c~uly a~pointed as election
officers ~'or the holdin~ and con~_~,cting s?id election,nam.ely:
I~`TS?'rC`i'OR P~Trs P.~yrtle ~ailey
~~adg-e ~ T2rs ~nnetta ~"~hitlock ~
Clerks I~:'rs T~"~e C.~>etcl~um and T~~iss Ethel
In all particulars such electiorl shall be held anc. conducted
in the rnanner provided ~or the holdin~ and c or.duc tin~ of NTTanic ipal
elections in said City and zr. accordance v~ith the Lav:~s of the State
of Cali~ornia a~plicable thereto.
Dated this 20th da,T of ~'~ebruary,1g48
~~rs ~c1na I~t.Schillin~~City Clerk.
The cor.:~ensation to be ;~ai~? to the election officers for the
General i~"iunicipal ~lection to be held ~pril 13th,1948 ~rr~s discuss-
ed -..nd ordered fixed t the sum of ~ 6.00 each.
'Lh~ r.iisin,~ of ineney for recreation by placin~ it on the ballot
~~~.t the General Fiunici_pal ~'lection v:~a.s discussed and 1!~r Naz ris the
City :"~-ttorney ~~~reed to lo~'~ the matter up and notif,y tr:e Clerk in
~ the next few d~~~rs iF there ~~~~as su~'f
iciPnt ti~~e . ~
T"r Pad~ett asked about navin~ I'~~y Street opened up ~_nc~. so~,_e ~~v~ork
done or i.t. f~fter some ~iscussion ~ r?otion m~~e ~-~v Counc; lman
Lierly~seconcxed by Gounci lrnan F}erny to h~- ~ the assistant en~ineer
cneck tne street and al~o the carilr~.ittee on streets was to l~ok over
the sit~aation.
P~~r ~'~n,~in~ re~orted th~t T~Ir Turney vras vv:~itin~ for parts to do
the ~aork at the ~umbs . ~ ~
The Clerk re~?orted th=,.t check ~'or ~ 1R84.3~~ was 1°eceived from
the ~tate for thP navment of ~rr~rk done or ':;`est Ps°~nch ~'treet.
'~'here uras ~ discussion on the cl~im c~f T:"rs ^~my Loomis ~nd after~
c~iscussion Councilman -~ountree r~~c~e a r~otion,seconaed by Co~znei.lman
r;~Terny that the claim of t~Frs ,~my Loomis be com~romised for ~5'00.00
nrovided she d~ould ~.e~tinoti~aled~e it as ~ com~romi~e and not as an
ackno~rrled~ement of ne,~li~-ence on the part of the Cit~C.
~^~C`Lt?~I^l`r ~x1~G
A'. FjFc(~ LT? i I C?I~T `I'n C.~?`TC EL ;':~.?~.RAl~TT 7 0~ ? T?-~ ^~'IA'~`.'~ D~p r~~R TP_r ~rT
~OR THr ~.1'.'?C~iTl`T^1 Qr `~3.6~ ,`.,~-_ICTN `FA=, ~`:`??I~TF~' I~T '.~~,RO?~ AS THE
,~il`~"OL~?T T~:AD B`~ r ID ~F~.~'-;VI` t?~LY.
P~ssed and ~dopted byT the follovain€* roll call vote s
?avr~:Councilmen Phillips~Schny~.er~~.?enny,Lierly and Rountree.
r.Tp~S : T?one .
_y p~rTT: l~Tone .
rTo'further bu~ine~s a~?~earing and upon motion the ~ eting was
, ~.a f
n e ~.K~ ~XA- Y~ ~ ~`'f ~ # ~ `~t ' ~r
Attesti ' i
Citv~ Clerk - ~ ~ ~"=1vor ~ ~