Minutes 1948-03-03 ~ $0 ~ ~ ~ Arroyo ~-r~ande ~ r=~ I.if ~rnia ~ ~ rT~rch 3 ~ 19~-3 ~ The ('ity Co~~ncil met in re~~~zlar ~e~sion ~~ith T~'ayor H.R. Phillips --~re.~idin~. T?~on roll call Col.incilmen Schnyder~P~'enny and Lierl~j re:~or~ed rre~ent. Councilm~.n ~.ountree a?~~riving a little la.ter~. The mirnates of the nrevious meetin~ vaere read ~nd ~.n~roved as read. ihe corlmunic~t-i ons v~ere re_~_d ~.nd 1~1:=A.ced on ~ile. RTSn~?~TIOI~' 1~1 J*'~'(~TTTn-~+~tr ~l r,y, CZ~i ~~?~~~T~. r~~T~"~ ~Fz..,.~!'IV~ ~n~ Tu~ ~e~~.~~~~z~~-~r:~TT 1T7~ pc~T~L~:~~~ fi~o~ A~r ~rx~ roRrT~ oT '`T~LSG~rr A~7D °~n~;C~I`, ~~'?~'~~TS IT~T T~?~; CTTY CF ,~C`~'0 rR~.T'~E. Pa~sed and adoptea i~y the follov~in~ roll call vote: ~`•r~'S: Councilr;len Phillips~~chnyder~r,~enny~~ierly and '~ountree. TTOr :~?'one. ApS~''~TT: TTone. A discu~sion ~~~ras neld in re~~rd to ~ st~~ si,~-n on the corner ~~r tlze bank and as the Chief of Poli~e lF.~s not ~?re~ent it Vaas c~ec `ded to consult hir~ k?~fare ~'oin~ ~'~zrther. 1 The r.earing on tne ~_dc~ition of the T~~~ine~u~ ~~nd Loomis Subdiv~- ~ ision ard the (~~Dell ~roper~ty :into the City of Arroyo Grande wras held and as no protests ~vere filed or ma.de~ the .'ollovaing Resolution v,~~s bassed. ~?.'~C~L??TIOP? ~ 182 '~~~OLITTIO~~ 1~ ~F~V^ T~?:^ CI'~ AT~ORAT~~Y PR'~PARE' AN ORDITTA?~TC.E ,OR 'iF~,~~ Ar'~,•`-~,XA'iTOrT ~~,~r" rRInT~'QU ~T'I~ L~`C~TTIS ~??R'~IVI~IOrT AT?D T~7 ~ 0' P ~LL P~~P'~~T`~'. P~.ssed and ~adoi~~ed ',;sr thP e"oll_o~r~in~ roll cali votet ?~Y~;~s Ccunc;~lr~en Philli~s'Sc?~!n;rder?r~e~?ny~Lierl,y ~nd Ro~intree. ~,TO~:S : None . r~~c~n-T: ~,~one. P:~r Conrad rProrted t'nat tYae se~r~er trunk Iine v,,~~ ~oin~ alon~ S.rp2'v `1~J8~~ > ~ l~".r 1~,~eCoy reported he ~l~a_d t~_ken n!r L~~? es to lo~k at the sewer line ~;,~rere it cro:~sed the c.ree~ ~_rd he 'nad s~i"~~~'ested several vYays it coizld be ta.~~:en care of and ~"rI!!~cCoy v~ras instructed to talk ~vith ?`r L~yles and }~~ave the necessar~,nipe ordered or V~ha~ever~it would , t~ke to repair the line. `I'he do~ sitl~.ation ~.round to~~m v:tas discu~;sed and ~fte~'some disr- cus~ion a. r;iotion ~ras m_~.de by Councilman Lierly?seconded by Council- m~n ~~ountree instructin~ t'ne City Attorney to prep-~=:.re an ordinance 7'0~° the licensin~ of do~rs. Ri ~ ls a~ainst the reneral N ur~d f or ~ 2~ ~2_3 .70 ~ the s`'ater €und for ~ 1~272.r13~ the ':`'ater De~osit rund for ~ 4.00 and the Capital Outlay rund for h 5~4~-~3.6~ ~,rrere audited~~~proved and ordered paid. ?~~o further business appearing and upon motion the meeting ~ U;~as a.d~~ o~rned. , . ~ T`_r T~ : ~ . ~,~-1~1 ~ ~ ~IG~,~...c, ~ ~ ~ City Clerk /j r;Ta, or \I