Minutes 1948-03-17 3~1
Arraya Grande~California
T~~arch 17,1G48
`I'he City Counci3 r_~~.t ir~ re~~-t;1ar : e=~sion ~~rith 1~?ayor T'.R.
: Phillips ~re~icin~.T?pon roll call Co~~nciZrr~en ~:'enny~Lierly and
_~,otzntree reported presert. 4bcent Courcilman Schnyder.
i~e minutes of the previous me~tir~g ~.:Qre re=~d ar~d ~_prroved
?~s reac~. The cor.~municati.ons ~,~ere re~_d ~_nci placed on file.
'~he ' etter ~'ror~ the Southern ~~~_i~orrlia ~.uto Club offerin~
to ser~Tice the ~=i~;n~ v.~as discussed anci it was su~*~ested to have
t1~'e Chief of Police look over the letter before acceptin~° the
~ ~'he letter from ';.C.Loomis c?~ Son in re~~rd~ to co~lission
insurance on the f~re truck ti~ras discussed and ~ motion by Council-
m~n Rourtree~secarc?ed by Couneilman Lierlv to have th~ fire truek
covered v~~ith collission insurance. The clerk ti^~as instructed to ask
for a schedule on the i~surance policies ancl also ~,sk 2.'r Taj~lar if
~e ~vould attend thA next meeting _~.n~`~ ~'o over the ~~olicies v°:ith the
'i'rie ~ainting of a si~n on the roof to the resevoir vvas discussed ~
and ~ motion w~s ri~_de by Councilman ~ountree~seconded by Council-
marl Lierly to refer the matter o~' the si~rn ~ainting; to the I!'~rchants
Associa.~ion with the ~,~proval of the Council.
h~irs Brovan ~j~~pe-~_red ~efore the Counci.l in regard to the Recreation
Project anc~ a. aiscussion on t~~e subject follovred . The City .qttorney
stated th~.t it yvould be necessary to circul~te ~ petit~on ~nd ~et
a 1G or 15~ of the registered voters to sign askin~ for an Qrdinance
and election to raise money on tl~e tax roll for a?~ecreation Project.
~e~r Harris asked T~_rs F?rown to c~ll on Fr•ida.y mornin.~ ~=~.nd he
~^1o~ild give further instructions about a petition anc~i ordinance.
ihe iirst readin~ of C7rdi:• ~nce ~7 in re~ards to the ar~nexation
of the h"ineau Rc Loorr~is and ODell property wvas held.
~ ~~LU i ?"C?I~? ~ 18 3
A R ~SOLUTIQI~' C~^ 'l:-~ ~ CIT~' CC`Ul`TCIL G~F iH ~ CITY C?F A~~.dY~ ~??ANDE
'~t?T?-~TORIZIgT(,~ T~~~ ~Cr'?'PT.~I?C C`~' D`'^~DS i0 iFAL E~TATE.
Pa~;sed and a.dopted by the followring roil call vote:
AY~ : Counci lm~en Phillips ~ r~erny ~ Li erly and Rountree ,
?~TC~r~ : TTone .
A??~~TT : Councilmar ~~'~hnyder.
. A su~gested C~rdin_~.nce on the licensing of dogs vras discussed
and the City Attorney ti°~~s to tiroceed v~ith the preparation of the
,~;Zr Conl°~a.d ~~sked ~bout r~roceeding v~ith a stub line of the sewer
on Alpine ~treet to serve the key lots ~~~nd a motion was r~ade by
~ Councilmar~ Rountree~secon~,ed by Councilman Lierly to h~ve the
City ~gineer proceed ~~,rith the v~ork.
F~Ir ~uving v~ras ~sked to s~~e I~:'r Rose in rega.rd to the placing of a
, culvert in his drivew~y.
?~To further business a~ pearing and upon motion the meetin ~ras
ad~ourned. f
v~' , 'i= rr';~
4TTEST: ~ ' ; ~
City Cl~rk I~Rayor