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Minutes 1948-04-07 382 ~ ~r~royo ~rande ~ California ~ ~pril 2 ~ 1~4~3 ~ ~ne Cit,y Council riet in regular session v~~ith T'~yor ~~:.R.Phillips presidinr~. Upon ro11 call Councilr~~n ;chnyc~er~T"enny~Lierl,y ~~nd ~ountree re~orted present. The I.Zinutes o~' tne j~revinus meetin~ ~ere re~d and a.~proved ~_s read. from c o:~',municati on T:~r ~Toe ~liveir~_ in re~ards to ~^;ork on Che~ry :"~venue in tiie ones `T'r~ct ti~aas discussed ~nd the clerk instructed ta ~imite him that the City v~~ras pl~nn~ ~g to do some work on the ~ ~ st~=~ets in t~at area if the ~roperty o~~~~ners ~.-~~~ould ~ut in curbs and ~ut~ters so taere ~~~ould be somet.~in~ to vvork to. ~ lettei Lrom :~anual ~.~ickey as~>in~ for in~'orm~~t; on on tifv~.ter ~nd se~vers ti~~as t,o be ~ efered to ~-Rr Conrad foE a reply. I'he letter irom t':ie Pacific Telep?~o~~ e~n~. Tele~~-r~~nh Co!~pany requestin~ per.missi~n to la_y a c~~.ble across ~~uasna ~oad ~nd Huebner , Larle s ~ranted. f`?~D I'~TAI'TC L; '`rC~ ~t `7 ~ -~~C?~I~.'^.iTC ; t~~, 'i-~ : CI`I~' C'~' ~?ROYO GBAi:D~ P??O~:rT1~Ii'Tr FC`R T?i~ r'~~,`I`'~{', ~InTT ~qITT T.:~?TTT ',TT~i~'-,D ~C~Y TL` T~rn C.I :I'~' CF ARROYO rRA~?DE~ ~:~ID ?7?~ I`T'-?ABIT~ i ,'Y'~I'I'~`~~Y ~ ~I~{r ~'~Ir~Tn.~'~ '~S ~,rn rrI+:TII`r~'~At7 LCOP:'IIS- C' DEI,Z, r RC`P~.TY" . . . P~a~;sed arc~ ~_dopt~d the fol~oe°~~~n~ roll call vote: ~YFS:C~""'CII.~'.'~?`T ~?TTI.LIF~~SC'~"~'`~~~~~ 1tQ~TI'Y~LI~~,LY AT'D RC?"_`TTR~'E. rTo ~ : TT~,rT J . ~ 4~~ 'T`'T: nTC`r"~. O~c?ir~:ance on ~he licer_sin~ o_' do->'s v~,~s read for the first i, i r_~ a . ~ ~ ~ Th~ map of the ~?risco ~ubdivisiorl ~°:r~.s ~recented to the Council ='or tr~elr ~a~~rroval ~r~d CotAncilman Rour.tree rl•~de ~ motion~ceconned _ r~~~ Courlcll~~:~n Li~rly ~.ut~iori i~ n~ the P'a~ror ~znd Ci ~y Clerk ~o si~,n }~or t'~~e Cauncil's ~r~t~~r~v=~_l. ?'he w~ter su:~~ly ti:~~s discussea _~nd it ti?~.s su~T~'ested tha.t Iuir• Conrac~ t~~e City ~giz~~er. louk iz~to the water resources up the ~ creek. 1'u~r Fad~Yett asl.ed ~tbout having T'-~y Street put in so he c ~~~1d ~;pt in ~nd out. The sellin~ of the 1_~.ida en~ir?e ~nd purapec~uipment and al~o the ~~olt v4~as r!iscussed ~~r_d r~otion was made ry Councilman Rountree~ seconc'ied by C~uncil~ian Lierly ~.,_u~horizin~- the rity Attorney to ~rep<~re tlie ~~dtrertisin~- o~' the ertzipmer~t. r'rs Bro~:.n .~nd P~`:rs ~-~eidker vy~ere ~resent and T.;rs Brov~m a.r~eared refore t~~e Council in re~ard to tne Recreation Pro~;ect.r'r Harris explained t.~.e Petition ar~d C~rdin~~~nce he t~,~as prep~.ring. ~i,Is the rener~l ~und f'or ~ 2~20~.Cu~ the t'water rund for ~ 3~6~2.~,~~tne :,~ter ~e~:osit ~'und for ~ 2 .00 and the C~.p1tal Outlay rund fcr ~ I2~6~4.~~ `~rere ~udited~arFroved and ordered paid. rIo further business a5,pe~~in~ ~nd u~on motion the r~eeting ~~as ~ d~i ourr~ed. Attest: a ~ ~ City Clerk ,~ayo ~rroyo Grancie ~ C~ liforni.a April 9 ~1~348 ':'~ze City Council m~~t in s~eeia_1 session vaith l~,'ayor ?~.R.Phillips • nre~idin~~. ~_?~on ro~I call Co~zncilmen ~chnyd~r ~~,T~nry~ Lierly and ~o~intree reportEd p~ esent. `~he pur~~~ose of tre s~?eci~l m~etin~ v,~as to hire ~ s~?ecial z?olice o~~iicer ~or a p~riod of 3C~ days. ~~plications of Guido Santir,i and ~ oseph L.Cooper Sr. ~rrere read and filed. A motion by Councilm~an Rountree~seconded by Coune~l- man Schnyder tc hire Guido Santirli far 30 d.~ys~he ~aas to start A~ril G,194~ :=~t ~ 200.C0 ~er montY.. ' '_'~o furtner busine~s a,.?pearing and upon rmotion the meeting v~ras _~d~;ourned. ~ ~ r`~ t t 2 S t, C.GC.~,~,~ ~ City Clerk ~Tayor