Minutes 1948-04-09 382 ~ ~ A~~royo Grande,California ~7 ril 7l194~? '~'he City Council met in regular session i~vith P~?ayor ?-T.R.Phillips presidin~. Upon roll call Counc~lr~~n Schnyder~T°enny~Lierly ~~nd ?ountree rreported pre~ent. ~ ~ihe i;zinutes o~ the ~,~rev-i~atzs~ meeting ~ere read and a~~proved as ' i ead. from ' co:~munic~tion r:~r ~Toe C.`livezx'a_ ln re~ards to -~^;ork on rhe~ry .~venue in tile ~ ones lract `vas discussed ~.nd the clerk instructed to ~vrite ~~im th:~.t tne City ~~~s planr-~g ta do some work on the st~~,ets in t~at ~rea if the ~roperty' o~~~ners ~°~~ould nut in curbs and ~ utters so there vJould be ~omet:~ing to vvork to. A letter Lrom >>.nda.l ~.Dickey asr>i.n~ for in-~'orm~,t;.on on t~vater ~nd se~vers 4~ras to l~e ~nefered to P~r Conrad foE a reply. ihe lett~r °rom t:rle Paeific Telephor e and Tele,~-r~:~t~h Company reruestin~- permi_ssi~n to lay a_ c~-~.ble across T-~uasna Road a.nd ~uebner , L:arle v°,-:~ s ~rant ed . c~~DIrTaTrr.~ rT~ g7, ~~C?~I~'~.n~G ; C`i' `i:~~ CI~T C~F ~?RC~YO C7~A~i?l~~ Pr?0`.11"T~I2TG FC`R T~iJ A~`Tl`TEX° R~,I.,rT L.~+ !'-~.`_`'AITT T~~.-Tr-,_.r.Ti,-,~ -,-,~?~T~CT?~ 1~` I'Tr„ CIt'Y CF A~ROYO rRAT?DE~ ~~I~ rJTT TT~;ARIT ~D i -'~=_~I'I'C~?Y ~ ~I~rr D_;-'~'SIr~T~ m~ ~S 'r: 'i~;TII`T~.,AAU-LG~P;ZIS- C`' D ~LL, PROP'~TY~~ ~ . . Pa~~sed ar~d ~_c?.o~t~d the fo~Jo~~~~r~~• roll call vote: "~Y~;S : C~r ,r,C I LTa~.'.~~ F'rT I_ LI k'S y~ C""'~'~rT~ _~Z ~ 1t2~'TR?Y ~ LI LY A?`ID RCT T„T~ . x~ Tr~+ I`TOr'~ • t`_ ~J• AR" 1TT:''TC`,,~-~. O~~~ir:~.nce on ~r,.e licersing o_~ ~o,~_;s v~.as read for the first ~~in~e. `~h~ map of the ''t~isco ~ubdivision ~°:~s pre~>ented to tY~e C,ouncil "or trieir~ ar~t~roval and Councilman Tourtree rr:..de i?lotion~ceconcied t.-'ourlcil.m~.~n Lierly autiiori~~in~ tre PT~,~ror and Ci ~~y Clerk to si~r~ ~OI' i,'iP C`OUTICIZ~S ~'~.?7'~V'__1• ''he v~^titer ~unply~ vr~s discussed ~_nd it ~t~.c su,~~ested tha.t I~'ir Gonrad the Cit~~ ~ririeer. look irlto t.he v~ater resources u~~ t~ie creek. tl"r F~d~rett ~si:ed ~~bot.t h~ving IT ~y atreet ~ut in sha.~e so he cc~,:ld ~_,pt in ~nd out. The selling of the ?~.ida en~-ipe ~_~nd pur:lpec,ui~ment ~nd ~.lso the rolt U1z~s discu~sed wr~d ~ mction wa.s maa.e ~ry Councilman Rountree~ s~eonc:ed by C~unc~_lman Lierly ~~_uthorizin~- the C'ity Attorney ta ~rer<~,re tize :~dvertisin~~ of the erzzipment. "'rs Bro~~:~n :znci P.ss ,?eiaker ZrJere ~resent arld ~;irs Rro~+m ar~eared ?~e"ore trie Council in re~ard to the Recreation Project.T:'r Harris explained the Petition and Ordin~-<nce he t~,~as preparin~. Ti-1s a~~a.irLst the rener~l ~und ~'or ~ 2~20~.C~?j the ~"a'~ter Fund for ~ 3~662.~~~t'ne `;~ater ~e~~~asit ~und for 2.~0 anc? the Ca.pital Outla.y r und f cr 12 ~ ~ 34 .4~j ~°rere audi ted ~ a~ proved and ordered pai d. T4'o further business a~,pea~in~ ard upon motion tY~e meeting ~°ras adjourned. ~ ~ ~ ~.ttest: ~ . ~ City Clerk yo :4rroyo Grande~G~liforns.a April 9,1g48 '~'~le ~ity ~ouncil m~~t in s~ecial session vrith T.'.ayor T~.R.Phillips • rre~idin~.t?~on roll call Councilmen ~chnyd~r~~1~nny~Lierly and Ko~artree reported p_~esent. ~~~e puri,~ose of the s~ecial meetin~- vras to hire a snecial r~olice o~iicer for a period of 3C~ days. ~~plications of Guido Santini anc~ ~ ose~h L.Cooper Sr. ~rrere read and filed. A r~o~ion ~~y Councilman ~ountree~seconded by Coune~I- man Schnyder tc hire Guido Santini for 30 d_~ys~he tiJas to start ~pri 1 g,1948 _a.t $ 200. CO ~er montY~.. "=o furtner business a~~pearing anc3 upon r.lotion the meeting vras : ~d j ourned . ~ attest: ~j~~J~~ ' "v' ~SGl4~~_,~ ' City Clerk ~~Tayor