Minutes 1948-04-27 3$6 ~ ~ ~~~royo rrande, Ca lifornia ~ April 27~1~48 `ihe City Council met in special se~ sion ~^~ith IuTayor ~r.R. Phillips .~re~iding. T?;~on roll call rouncilmen Schnyder~'~ountree~Cl:~rk and ~i:~son reported ~?resent. ~ "~~he p~~irpose of the ~F~eting ~~~~as to consider emz~lo~ee ~~~~p~ersonnel ~.n~ for a retiort from th~ v~~_rinus cor~r.~~ittees. ~ ro?incilman ?~untree read a~ list of the reco;,:menda_tions ma.de by the d~.''ferent cor_rnittees ~~nd he r_Z~_ae motion,~econded by Council- ~~_~n Clar~, to c ont~nue ti~e 1 ollowing er~ir loyees : Conr~~d ~T`arris ~~~cCoy ~ :~vrin~~:~_~rt~ ~drr~::~nc3.s ~tnd ~"chillin~. ~'ouncilman ;~.cnnyder raade ~~a_ ~:~otion,seconcied bv Councilman Clark to acce~~t tne resi~;n~.ti.on of C'.a.~~7cY"enzie to t~.ke ef~ect the first of T~~Ta,;r and that he be ~.ilo~~~ed a t~^ro v~~e~~ks v~cation. ~ ~ '"ouncilrr :.n .=~otznt_ree r~_=.de a motion;seconded by Couneilman- Clark 1 ' to ~~t,~oint T.~r 'T.D.N~~c~.ler ~~.s ~~tctin~ Chie~' of rolice a.nd R`r Gu~_~3o ~antini ~_s ~~olice o~iicer ~"oth positions to be tempora_ry. Also ' tn~ ~~~-o- e~h ~~.Coo: ~r Sr. to be a nolice o~ficer on c~.ll at $ 30.QOi '~~p~r month~. Councilman C'1~.~~r~. ~tiaid ~'r TTac~le-r said it v.~ould not be necessary to h=~ve ~a~ar ~cimands on ~3aturd-~y n_i_~ht~ ~-~.s everythi_ng vras un~.er . control tnc1. :=~-"~er ~~i_scuCsing tlie rnatter ~t ti°:~~~s decided to le~ve hi~ or~ c_~11 for t~1e ~ 20.Ct~ ~~~r a.lonth tf~~hic~ri he h-.d heretofore rec eived 'or. polic e duty ~n ;aturd~.~ ni ~hts . '~~e reco ::r~en~i:=~tion o`' t~~e co~~r,_itt~ve to~-hire ~~not:~er m~an on ~r ~ ~ts ~~nd ~~r ~::zs discu~ sed ~-:.nd C;ouncilman ~ountree m~de + I:~:ot~ or~~v=econded by ~ouncilr~~an ~~ix~on to ha.v2 the jtreet Supt. 31ire ~:~an :~or ~ 17r.~C` ~.~er r~or~th. It ~~ecor~:rlendecz t I."~Jor j~hillips centa.ct l~r r:Tc~tto in r~e{~=~,rd to a ri~r,t of ~~,T~y ~or ,:=ra-t~r r,i:~e l;_ne ,0 1~e laid to tn~ ~~st ~~_r t o t oti~.n . 1 Ct~"er recor~men~l~tions of the cor:~r_nittees ~~^.Tere to ~~k tr~e ~tate ':ri~hwa_y ~~.bo~lt ~~n isl~nd to ch~:_nnel the tra.iTic oif tne hi~n~r~ay ~r!tc ;,~~:~n > rld =:,1so ~~~>~t inc~z ~.:,=~.ter line be la_ic~ on T~ lly-~io ~o~~d na Zt t:~~~ sa,_~,~estec th,~.t a lire be laid ~cross rrand Avenue ` e:'ore the ~~ir~acin~ ~r~~as u~ne. . o fsir. tner uusiness ~~;~-~pearin~; ~~na u~?on motion th~ m,~eting u°ras ~ ~-d~ao~~~rn~d.~ . ~ At t 2 S t 2 ;~~-~!.rc5~_-~'~~G11~~L~.<~:._.~ ~ + ~ _".,~`~1~~= ' ' ~ C~ C'lerk T. j~~r ,