Minutes 1948-05-19
3$8 ~
Arroyo '~rande Ca lifornia
i~~a~ 19 ~ 194~ ~
The ~ity ~ouncil met in regular session ~rith Mayor H.R.
Phillips presiding.Upon roll call Councilmen Schnyder?Rountree~
Clark and Dixson reported present.
T'he rninutes of the previous meeting daere read and ap~aro~ued.~.
as'r~a~. The communications vrere read and placed on f'ile.
t~xr Show from the State Divisiori of Forestry appeared before
the Council to ~sk ~bout le~sing the City Park ~uildings and a '
motion ~aas ma.de by Councilman i~ountree~seconded by Councilman
Schnyder to lease the buildings as had b?en done in the past.
Several property ovaners from Fair Oaks were present to ask
about hooking up to the City Sev;rer and City .Atto~ney 1~:=r Harris
a~reed to l~ok into t~.e
le~alitv of the matter and ~s soon as he had the information a '
speci~l me~ting v,~ould be c~.lled to discu~s the matter.
Ordinance No. R9•
AA? C~~ID~"Al~?CE C`~ `T'~-i~ CI'I'S_' C?F A~.'.~OY~ G:~,ANDE R~GULATIP~rG T?~TF, i
I,?4 KIT.TG OF EC1T,iTECTI~TTS t"TI'i-E~ PUBLIC ~~'~~~~5 ~ P`3,OVI~IT?G T~Tz' ~ `
T~,~,'1'L-'_GD Oi^ D~T~t~Il~?I~?G r'.~~'"a TC` ~B~' PATD i~r:~~ .~'C`R~ PRO?-?IRI'I~ ~
??Y Y''~ ~'.~CILI i I~ ~ PRC?VIDITTG ~ C?R ~ F~i'~' TC? B^ CI-?~ RG~ r OR
TH ~ I~?STALLATIC~T? ~~4~AT~-l,?~T~S ~ P?~OVIDIT?G l~ 0~ TN~ P~ETHC`D
OF D^T~P:~IR?II'TC 'I'i-?~ F ~S TC` B~ P~ ID Tu:_..'{'R.~+'C}R ~ Al`'D P~n~lIDIl"'G
The C_'rdinanc e was read ~nd upon moti on which v~~a_s sec onded
and c~r.ried?tivas ado~ted b,y tne follovuin~ roll call vote: ~ ~
AY Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~~ountre~~Cla.rk and Dixson.
TT0 ~ : I~?one .
A'~`" "~`TT • I~Tone .
The a~-~po~ ntment of a Foundmaster ~r~.~s discussed and ~.fter the
c,iiscus~ion Councilm~.n Schnyder made a rnotion~Seconded by Councml-
ma_r ~ountree to ~~n~oint ~~.mes ~-?artman ~oundrnaster.
The ~lacin~ of a ca11 light for police on the buildin~ at thP
corner of ?~x°i~~~~e ~nd ~ranch ~vas discussed and T::"r a:~cCoy •was asked :
to take c~re of the rlatter as soon as i:~r Rountree ~'ot nermission
~rom the ~ro~erty owners.
?~"r ~~kem~n~T::r ~ell ~nd r ~Tevrsom v~ere precent to si~n u~ for
ri~ht~ of
~~~v f'or ~T~ter line to their r?roperty.
T~ir Cl~~rk a~reed to talk to the ~ronerty o~~m.ers vrho ovm~d the
1~ne =a_b~ut a ri~ht of VU~a~r over that. ~ ~ ~
T,'r De~,*ere?~.zx ~sked a.bout pl.ztting ~lack to~ in fron-t of his
~tore on tne 1C~1 ~~i_~hy»_y.
P.~r ~~rin~ asked ~Y~out r„ore stor~~~e for ~~~~ter ~_nd ~nother water
~ ine as ~~~e ~?_re ~uttin~ on more consumers and ~ri~. ~ soon h~a.ve ol~t--
oti°m o~zr stora~e ~r~acP. It rr~s su~~°ested t~^t T'~yor Phillips con-
sult `r k.ofanl to s?P about a~ite for -Another resevoir.
It ~~°~{~_s s;z~~~rested tr~a_t the time lir:~it c?n :~;~r~;in~- be increased
from 1 to 2 hours but it ~.~?~s decide to lea~~ e it a~ i~ ~~~a s for the
It ~.vas r-~oved ~~nd secon~ed t7z~~t ?'Tr H~_ckler be allowed ~ 2~.OC?
~er month `or the use o~' his c~r,co,:7~.~encin~ ~~ith P~.ay lst.
`lhe ~'lerk ti~~~ s instructed to h:~~ve ~mes H~rtm~n :-.nd F.Y. ~dm~nds
a~'~~ed to ~hose coverec~ btr insurance a~ firemen. ~
TTo ''nrther b~zsiness ~~~earin~ =~nd upon motion the m~~tin~ ~as
/ r
,T, ~ y? - ~ ~ ~ , ~ ` 4 , ~ ;
/ !'(~j ..,J
C~.+~r CLerk ,Ta,rOr
~.:r°rot~o ~.rande r~lifornia.
I"~y 26,1~?~?-~ .
~~~,ec~i.~_:l ^:e~t~n~* of ,he Council <<°~as c~~1_ed for th? nurpose
of ~iscu~~=in~ r~o~i>>zps to the =eti~er ~~r~tem b,y ~eople outside the
C1LV. _ . _
1~~`~a~z~~ ~'hi.1_lips r~re~ic?e ~nca ~.11 C'.ouncilmen ~ere ~resent. ~ ~
A_-"ter c~i~.cussion mot~ on ~s r~~.c~~ b~T Coancil:~an ~~oizntree~sec- ,
oncied b~r Co~_znc~ lman C~ ~r~;to c~:~- r°e tizefollo~~;rin~T f~Ps 3g~
125.~0 to hn~~; onto t'_~P T~Tznk line,~ 5G.00 x~er ~~iok up v~Y~e~e
tvvo or more con~truct tpeir o~j~7n. latera.ls and connect into an exist-
in~ r~~.nh~le ->.ncl =~11 T-:ork to :~e in~~~cted ;~~r the Cit~,j _^n~ineer.
~lso ~ cl~_~_r,~7e of `~1.~;.C' per ?~onth service charg~e v~ias to be paid
b~,r t~ose o~atside the City.
A ch~_~r~~ ~?C.~?C; ~?er ~~or;~zp to tne trunk line ~^ras to be x~aid.
b~r those insic~e the Cit~~. ~
'i'~.PT'P 1J?S ~OI"1e C'11SC~~~`c1011 OT'i ~.T%a.Z']_CUS ~ U~1~!2Ct.S }JIZt T'i0 ='-Cf.10T1 t.~kE'71.
T`TO f'i~T't.L]P~' ~)1.~~1r1P.S° ~"`'~n=aY'1T~=' '_.%21~i ll?~OI1 I'tOt1071 t11P 1"lP.°_t,ITl€° W?_S
~ae?,;^Tirned. ~ ~ ~
• ~~i~1,~f~~ .
i T'A ~;t . ~ _ 'f r -
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