Minutes 1948-05-26 388 ~ Arroyo `~rande California ~ i~~ay 19 ~ 194~ ti7 The ~ity Council met in regular session with Mayor H,R. ~ Phillips presiding.Upon roll call Councilmen Schnyder~Rountree~ Cla.rk and Dixson reported present. The minutes of the previous meeting daere read and ap~aro~redr, as'r~a~. The communications were read and placed on f'ile. Ty4r Shoti~v from the St~te Divisiori of Forestry appeared before the Council to ~sk about le~sing the City Park ~uildings and a ' motion ~aa_s made by Councilman ~~ountree~seconded by Councilman Schnyder to le~se the buildings as had b?en done in the past. Several property ovvners from F~ir C~aks w~ere present to ask about hooking up to the City SevJer and City Atto~~ney 1:'=r Harris ~~re~d to look into t:~e legality of the matter and as soon ~_s he had the information a special me~ting ~~ould be called to discu~s the matter. ~ Ordinance RTo. 89• ~ ~ ~ : ~ AN ~~ID~F'I~:PTCE (?F T~i~ CI'1'~' C~F A~t'~~~0 G~AT?D~ ?-~~GULATIATG T?TE ~ , I"4.I!.IT?G OF ~0~`~~?~;C`I'IC>1`?'S ~t~Ii:t?~ PUBLIC i:~';~'~5~~'~?OVI~ITTG Ttir' T~~';I'~TOD Or D ~'T~,,. ~.~II~?ING T':~ ~3~' PATD i~?u'~R_'~FOFZ~F?'Q~?IPI`I~ ~ ITT~ `l'i~~; U~E ~F 5~'PTIC T~?~TKS C~ CE~~PCC~LS TTT A.~~.EAS ~~'RVICED ~?Y ,5~l~Y ~ ~'~~CILIiI~ ~ P?~.OZIIDITTG r~CR ~ Fr';~; Tn B~ CI?~F~C~~ FOR T~ ~ IT?STALLATIC~P? t~r ~~'~~4T~'+.~-~~"FT~~u~S ~ P?3OVIDITTG i~ OR TH~ P~~'THC`D Or D^T~P.?II~?ITTr 'I'i-? ; F';' „S T~ B~ PAID T~-T_~4.~~'^C}?~,AP'D P?~QVIDI~?C P~T4LTI~ ~'QR TH ~ VIC?LA~IC?N Cr S.~ID GRDII~TAA?CF. The Ordinance was read and upon motion which ti~as seconded<. and c~rried~~;°a~s ado~ated by tne follo~~ing roll call vote: ~ ~ AY~: Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~'~ountree~Cl~_rk and Dixson. ?`T0 ~ : T?o ne . A,~"'~`TT : I~Tone . The a~-~o~ ntment of a Poundma~ter vJ~s discussed and ~fter the discus~ion Councilm~n Schn~der made a~otion~Secondea by Councml- max ~ountree to ~~r~~oint ~~.r~es ~iartm~n ?~oundrlaster. The placing of a c=~11 li~ht for police on the building at the corner of r~rir~-e ~nd ~ranci~ ~~r~.s discuCsed and P~"ir ~:"cCoy •~~as ~sked . to take c~re of the matter as s~on ~s ~:~~r Rountree ~ot ~ermicsion flror~ the property o~nmers . LL T:`r Takem~n~T.~r Dell -~nd r 2Tewsonl v~ere precent to si~n ur for ri~ht~ of ~~~y ~'or ~~r=~ter line to their property. T~ir Cl~.~rk a~reed to talk t~ the ~ronerty o~vners v~ho ov~~ned the lane ~.b~ut a ri~ht of vva~r over that. ~ T,'r DetTAre~ux ~~sked ~bout puttin~~ bla.ck top in fron-t of his ~tore on tne 101 ?~i_~hv~aay. ~ ~ ~ P~"r ;srin~- asked :~bout .~ore stor~ ~e for v~ater =7_nd another v~rater lir.e a;s ~ve ~.re puttin~; on r~ore cons~.zmers and ~Ti1.? soon ha~e out-~ ~roti°~n our stora~e ~w>ace. It ~r~ s su~~ested t?~~_t r"~.~ror Philli.ns con- sult 1°r Yofah.l t~ see abotzt a~ite for :Another recevoir. It 1,~~=~s s~_~~,~rested tr~a.t the tirrie linlit c~n ~_~rl;in~ be incre~sed ~'rom 1 to 2 hotzrs but it `;~?~s decide to leaj~ e it as if, ,^:Ta:s for the ~resent. It ~:v~~ r!oved ~~nci seconc~ed t7~~t ?'~r H~_ckler be allo~,Ted ~ 25.Q~ ~er month ~"or the use of his c?r'ca-::r~encin~ v~itn ~rtav lst. 'I'he Clerk v~r~.s instructed to h~ve =~mes Hartm~n ~.nd F.Y. ~X3.m~nds a~~ed to ~hose coverec~ btr insurance ac firemen. ~ nTo ~'nrther ~~zsiness a~nearin~ -~nd iz~on motion the m~ctin~ ~~s ~{d~'~,,,.~rned. A ~ ~ ~ T . ~ ~ F r , f = ~ ~ Xi T C'~ t~r CL~rk r ~ a.; or ~ 4~~.ro~r~ ~ra.nde C"~1iCornia i. a4,T 2O ? i~'4~ . C.~ eci.~_A.l r~~~t~ n~* -~he Council ~.~:~as cd? l.ed for the r.urnose of discu~~in~ r:o~i;,zns to the ;e~~aer ~~r~tem b;j ~?eople out,side4 the City. ~"~.~ro~ ~''n~ ~_Iips rre,>i~~e ~nd ~~11 Councilrlen ~ere ~?resent. Af~ter discussion ~ r:lot~ on as r~~~~.ci~ ~;;r Coancil~an ~ c~izntree~~ec~ onc~ed b~T Coune~ lman C?arhto c~.~-, --e t:nefello~~~in~; i ePs: ~l~.0~`/8~~~} 3g~ ~ 125.OC to h~-~ok ~nto t'~.P Tr~ank line~"~ ~G.00 x~er Y~~iok up v~~l~e`~e tvvo ~r more con~truct txnP_lr' o~~.7n later~_ls ~nd connect into an exist- inr=' r~anhole ~:~d ~11 T-~ork t~ .~e in~~~cted b~r the Gity ~'~~h~ineer. ~lso a c_~~_r~=~e of ~l.~;C! n~r month servi~ce char~e ~^ras to be paid ~,T those o~atsic~e the City. ~ ~ A ch=~r~-e ~C.GC~ *~er h~ok~zn to the t.runk line t^,ras to be paid r~r those inside thF Cit~T. ~l~ere ~~~s ~or1e disc~ac:~ion ^rl j,Tar~_~as : ub~ ects k~ut r:o nct~ on taken. 1`'o f~zrtr~er ~.>>:~cinesr ~:-„-,~=~:rir~- -;.n~~ ~~non m,otion the r~e~~tin~~ v~~.s `~z~~=~~~irned. ~ , ~ ~ j r ~,P;;t . ' , _ _ - i.