Minutes 1948-07-07 3~1 y."'!~O`,T'~ ~1'~T1C'P?~~~~i`'OS'I~?1a ~Tu? Ae ~ , "„4-s' . . „ , ' ~ '1 ~ ti'~P!'.~.~1 n~cot~~r~-r ~~,q~•i C''',1~P~1 i~07' ~~'_F_' ,.Y"~ule~? ~~_E? ~O~.yQl`:T1T1~ , . . , . _ ~ . . . . „ . . . „ p ~ ?~tinC an ~a ~~.t~,~ ~.~iVS iFPT~ '~`;1.8` Se~~~.1I`l~' ~IY' _ ~ a.. T7C~rl , . ~f~:' ,ul. . ~ . j ~ ~ ^ ~ 4 _ ~ ~ ~ '1 > ,J ~l ~ '„1 N ~ Yi TY ~ L] ~ { l ~ , . ,rv 'or tr:e C.a.tv F'~_Llce ~"za{ F,, ~ d, r~t of -t>>~ rit: s ao~atior~ t,0 ~~!P_ ~`~PC'rAatl_C`7? ^''7I1C1 `~.r1!1 f."_° l".~.i,'",~-r' O"'~ C~1S'~`°7?.~1Tt~" ';J1t.r 1:`.T' ~'1~1_ iT'nCl~ c.~ l. l~tiP ~..1t.~.r `'~T1C~ (y0L1I~ F~V J1.71T:T~ • ~_~Z ~'?'J.rCZ~. ~T1A'1^E~T'S Zr~7'~'J?'~I'°~BTi~. ~=11"_C~ T:~~~,'OT' i1~17..111~?S "~"t"~S1CE?:1. ~'Oi:I1C7_ir'_1a11 ~Ct12"~,'~~.t~T' ?V!~~aE' `3: ?"?Qt,1.O7i~;~P_C071~~"i ~0~~'"C:!..~!Y'.~r7 '~1XS071 ~.r~at '~r~~~ant ?7C` `'ro~ ~erera~ ?~'unc~~ "~~r ~ ~_~O.CO be dr~~~~n in . f~vor of. the l~ovo ~r~nrle rTr_iorr ';i~r?~ Sc~n~ol 'ar the City's Gor~a.tion t~0 ~.np ~nC2`'F?~:t10I1 r i~Yl~~. ~`ounc _Ir~t _r '"1-.rk r~~~Y,t~~~, t,h=~t ::Q ~;_nd J•~r~es ?"~.rtmar~ h2d ~rone to ~ant~ r=~rt,=~r~=,. t,o ?~~k o~.;er t'~e v~~z~ ~rd fo4zn~ it to bP ~r~ ~Ters~r ~ood C!'rl~ti~u_071. COUriC11.IT`,='.Tl '`"C11n`rr1P.T' r`~=;.C±2 r10t1QT1~S8C0T1~;2C1 CO~aI'iC1.1?'?"'_~Il ~1X~OT1 '">.U ~}"lOr'1:?171~ ~i,.!1E? ?~~.ZZ'G~ :i~@ Oi' t~"lE' c F'F~?. 'T'~~e S-:-Zc`11"'~j Of' f.'t1P t rJ~~ CF? c UC~i:f?'P. v"d=i~ O'iSCUB~P.Q ~r1C~. CQl~7'_CZZi71c~.?1 : cnn.~,rder r~~d.e ~ motion9seconr?.ed by C~~~zrci,lman ~.ountree to pay ~~?e ~ ud~e ~ 65. C~0 ~er ~.ontn ?~;e~rtir nin~ v,rith ~zl~j 1' l~~' CO?1rCl~r1~I1 SOUI~t,P~P_ r'E?'~Or't.eCC ~i1~.t l:"T' _"~T'T10?C~ ?;':r'~S t0 ~~P ~lOVpr3. ~'r0'" `-lle Cit~r ana C~unt~~ '~ump ~,u1v1,?1~~4Q,so his fee of ~ 20.~0 ner mon~h ,~.^,.as to ~to~~ ~~~rith t.l~i~ r~:arit~ oi ~un2. ~ Councilm=~n `?~untree also stat,ed that he ~°~o~ild 1.ike to take his V<`j-.Crlt10I1 lri v'i_'~•T '~T'u ~`.'OUiC~ ?'`@ .~~`~P7~t, `'T'OI": ~'..t", lE?a:>-t, pTi,~ Il'iF'.et.111~'.7~e al~~ brouf~°~?t upv the sub~ ect o~ 'r~a5rin,~• t'.n_e c~ance ^rd~nance a.mendec? -~s T°rs I~enstine rerorted r~e ~:°:~ar rot =~ble to nay ~ 3.~'0 n~r dance or ~ ~i ~~'.(~C ?~E_'T' r!U~1't82'. `~'~2P ;;':?.±~eT' l'a_S r'i.1SCFZSSECai. ~~?lt. ~"10 clCtl07'i t^K8I1 ~~s i_t ~~~oulc~ have to bn tnken u.;~ vviith thP ri `.~,r ~ttorney• ~i11s ~~-~inst tne Gen:~ral ~~!inC ~'c~r ~ R3C?.C-O ~.~:~ere a~_zdited~a~prov~ ~nd ~~dered paid. ?''o further business ~{~:~earin~ ~nd ?.znon: motion the m~~tin~ ?~,as ~djourned. , . ~ . , ~ ~ttest: .~C~ ~F'~'I ~ , ~ _ ' ~e~~~,~~`~ ~ City Clerk -i T~.yo~'~ ~ .4rroyo ''rande C,alifornia 7 a 1c~4~ The Cit~r C~unci~ r~et in re~alar se~sion ~^:ith 1~Tayor ~-'.~.P~iiliips r,~~esidin~. TTY,on ro~ 1 call ro~lncil_m~n achn~Tder?Cl~rk a_nd '~i~r~on ~e~orted ~resent.t'~bsent Co~_lrciir,an :'o~.zntree. 1~1P r~lr~~t,°S Of' t~"1F~ i~T'E?S71.Qi~S 2?~'cr,i~.>i ~~T1Ca ~T` C i^ I'12~':t.ll'1~?' 1^:'?7'2 I'2aC~. and ~~~roved as r•ead.y "orr~;znications ,.,:er~ r2~r an~. ~I~c~~d ~o.r -~'ile. ~Tr ~oemer ~'rorl 5nn~a rT~r ;~s ~r~~~er~t to ri, ,<-n hid ~n t'~~ used p,~r7,r~ P,~'111?~T?"1221f. -?,T?C~ 1_;~ t,~~E~r'E? '-AI'E? 1'~Q C~ ~5~~, ~?1~S 1_Tl T~~'~TOT' ~~11~ 11T)S ~~ked ~~or l~ids ~"'rom ;n~,Tnnp ,.r-~~~rt. TTr ~~?:~~r m~ac?e ~ b:i.d of fi 2~C. . 0 for l~C _~:-_t c~f c:~l~.lr:,n t~, ~_r.c~u~e ':,?,e ~~~~~f±i.nr~ ~nd t~~r~ n~-~ ~ 1~`C~.00~ ~ _ ; . on tre 1? sta.~e ~,oT.,,ls ~r;? ~ 1~O.C:~r or t~~~P ~~~ar head n,~r-in~ a tota.l _ , of >~~~.r~ 'or t.~P ~~lzirmqn~, F~ "tex~ c~-',.,.~^~~~ c,ion C~~,nc~?m~~ ~c'r~nTrc~e-r I~'~tiE? r`lOtlOTl'8EPC021~ ~C7. r~~,r ;",p1_7Z1C1 ~I"!i~.7? ~1.u~~I'1 ~:O ?C~C'E?'?t, ~~1~ ~1~: 4t , i ~ O Pf'; t? T' • ~ y ~'`~.V07' Pi!i~_~_1.'.7S *r'.P,Tl c?.:~KE~C~ lf' t,ri~?'t~ ~ ~:.T'8 `~Ti~T i;'l~S OTl -t'"P ;rOZt ~T?~ , r • m ~ ~ a~ a :,,.t ~r , r r , - ~ s - _~a ~ ~r ~~,i~r ~~r~e c~. af ~O. C~0 cr~ t'~A ~zcca. , _ ~~n~ 2~.C~0 cr_~ t..~ ~r~ ~ t. Caunci ~ r:~~~ti~~ ~r~tr,i =y~ r,~ _ e a. r~otion, c~cor~i.ed ~ b,~~~ Counc-~lm~n ~)i~;~ar~ ~,o nQ~ Pct '-~a_cis oz~ t; rr~ot~r~. ~':~~e ~e~~uest ,-r:~._7H 'r~~- rla~r.~in~~ ~~o~--a~iis~~or~ fc~z° some ac~ion :^rom ti-~e Cit~r Couzlcil cr~ ~t:c~F, ~r~r~?~, ,ty~ Or°~~r,~r~ce z:~.s t~.:::~x~ ~a_n ~nc. it ~..°as a~,~reed to r:~~F~t i~~rld~~.v ~~`zl~r 12 > 1,"?`8 et P.T'T. to discu.~-s ~t'~ie Ordir~~nce. . , , . `~hP_ D!_11Z.C~.1.27~ ~a a_ ~'E'T~CE' ^:I']C1 S~i~O. 171 C'r:. c~" t~g ('1t~T ?~T~_l1. V'c'~.S ~iscu~sed ~nc~l it ti~~-as~ cieeide~'.~ to cr~e ?~;~~~t ?0 x~0 s'~.Pc~ t~~~~o~a_ld c~st. ~'S~`IrT`~~IO~' ~~TQ. ? ~!0. ~ IT ??~~CL~!~9t?~at ~a?l~r ~'o Roa~. from t~~e nort~~~erl~ Cittr L;ir~its to its int~rsection G=;its~ F`ason Sti~eet ir t,he Cit~,~ of ~rY~o~,ro rrande is ert~ rel;,r ~~~,~itliin ~ ~~esidentiai. ;iistrict. L I~l^ ~'T-?~^='~~";'~ ~"`:^T~,.r ;~'th~t t~~ ~na~d ~ imi.t on said road in saia ~ area, ~~e ~nd trie same is l~ereUrith "ixed at 25' rr:iles ~~er houx~. ~ ~ IT ~'rTZ"'-,~? ~;~-C`I_U~~tizat s~lci ~oa.d be siF~ri_roste~. s~ ~s to indicate t~.e spePd y~.r~~it of ~5 • iles per ?~o~.~r. Passed ar~d ado~i.ed by the fc~llo~in€;~ roll c~.11_ vc~te: -~r~~: C~uncilMen ~ h~ _li,~ s, ~~chnvc~ r i n ~ _ ? e ~C~~_rk ~,~nc~ ix~_or. ^'6~'S: .Tone. 4~~ -",T;~~' r~aunc i lm~ n_< ount,re e. 3~2 ~ ~ ( c(5`_nt i n~ ~ ea ) CrJ "~he C' EY'K ix?structed to cantact tne =>t~te Hi~~hw~~ Dept. ~~:~o~zt havin,~,~ the 3'~ r~aile si,z~ns ^~~o~-ed f~rther o~~t. `~'~re ~tr~c~t 1.i~}~l~ts ror ' Q~t~rn ~~:~a_tion riscussec~{ and the c? erk: ~v.a_s instructed to reauest ~ r?ore li~hts for that ~rea and ~Iso 4 ii~'r~ts for i.ra~'iic `':'ay. i~n clerk ~~_s: ed -,bout ~ check 'rom .ql~hon2o ~ Bei~ ~or Redemnt- ; on taxes v~rriich ~~ras received a~'ter ~~?e books v~3ere clos~ed for the ~isc=~l year~ ~.nd_ r.c~t c?e~osited ~zr_t;il ir: July~t~~e r~r~altier havin~ ?~een ~i,~;ured to ~ une ~Oth.l~.Tr z7arris the ttorn.e~r said as lon~ as it ~Jras r~eceived b~r <<.~ne 3C`th _'t trJ~~ ,.lri~ht. h'r ';vving reported th~t a~;~znk man h-d offered 1C~~ ~er lb.f'or oId br~ss fittin~s ~.nc~ he ~~-.~as instructed to sell the ~unk lving ~ro~~nd.Lie ~~T?s =also authorized to put a si~n un at the di~mp sa:ying it ~~~as to be closed .4u~!lst lst. Councilman Dixson as~ed ~bout h~.vin~ the ~olice c~.r ~ainted hla.ck ~and ~rhit~ ~~nd~ ~fter some discussion Councilr;l~n Dix~on m~de a r~~ti.on~ seconded b~r Co.,nci lr:lan Sehnyder a.uthorizing the painting- of the car. T~.Tr ^~,r~~in~ a~ked ~~r~~_4t ornerin~ 100 r~eter boxes n.nd ~,~as told to place the order if th~y v~rere n~eded. Fills a~*ainst tize ~erl~~ral Fund foP ~ 3~U45.25 a.rd the VJater ~'und for ~ ~~?-4~.~0 ?~:~ere audited~anr~roved and ordered ~aid. ~~To ~'urther business ~z~z~earing -~.na u~on motion- the meeting v~~as d ~ ourned. ~ ~ AttsSt. C'x , v ~ d~~!~~e~'~~ ~ f ~ , ~ ~ City Cler ` ~ P:~Zayb~r ~ Arroyo rrande California i~ly 12 ~ 194~ ~ 4 ~~ecial raeeting w~s held to discuss and look ~ver~~he ~'~r- bag;e Dr.di~ar~ce~Y.iavoY~ PhilJ_ips ~resiaed.Councilm~n ~ernyc~er~Clark and Dixson vrere present.Absent Councilman Rountree. ' r~~ir Yates and T~.,r Kruse ~vere rresent to discuss :the gatherin~ of ~-arbag~e and the ~anta T~~~ria G~rdinance v~Tas disctassed ~retty thorou~~~ ly.ihey su~~ested ~11otiF~ing t~e City 25~ for each person collect~d rromfor billin~ and eollecting. T~uMerous other sub~iects ~^rere discu~sed but no de~inite ~.ction taken. No further business appearin.g and upon motion the meetin~ `A-as adjourned. . 1~ ' ~ ~ Attest: ity Clerk yor ~ ,