Minutes 1948-07-12 3~~ ~ ~ ( CfS~tir~~_~ed) ~ `~he c, erk instr}acted to contact tne :~t~te ~:~i~~h~,Pra~ Dept. =~1>^~,zt navin,~; tne 3~ r~ile si,~ns m~t-ed f~rther o,at. '~Tnre ~tre~t 1.i~~'hts ~~nr '~~t~rn ~~:.^a.tion ~~ra~ ri.scus~ed and the c? er~ ~.as instructed to re~~?est ~ r~ore li~hts for tnat ~rea ~nd ~iso 4? i~*l~~ts for i.ra~ ~ ic '`:'ay. `~'~e clerk ~~_s::ed ~,bout ? chec?~ ~'rom l~l~honzo F Bei~ for Redemnt- ;_on ±axes t^rhich ~x.ras received a~ter tY?e bonks ~.lere closed for the~ Tisc~l vear~ ~_nd nc~t de~osited ~~r_til ir: ~!~Iy~±he ~~raltier h~vin~ r~en ii~•~red t~ ~ une ~,Cith.S;Tr ~~arris tr~.e :Attorr~e~j s~id as lon~ a~ it v~ras r~~ceived bJr <<~ne ~Gt~ ; t T,~.Ta~ ~.Iri~rt. ~Tr ~t~ir_~ reported th=~t a~j l~nk r~an h~ d off erec~ 10~ ~er lb . f'or old ~r~cs fi. ~tin~s anc~ he ~%:~a~ instructe~d to sell the ~;unk lvin~ ~round.L~_e tr~~~s =~lso authorized to x?ut a si~'n ur at the dump sa_ying it ~~:~~.s to be closed Au~t~i~t ~~.st. ~ ~ ~ Counci_li:~an Dixson as~ed -:~.bcut h:~vin~ the police c~.~r ~ainted ~l~ck and ~.:~~ite r+nd after some discussi~n Councilman Dixson m::zde a moti_on~ seeonded b~r Co.~nci lman ~ehn~rder a.Lithorizin~ the painting o~' the car. T..r ^v~in~ a.sked =~boi_zt orderin~* 100 ~eter boxes =~.nd ~-,~as told to place the order if th~y v~ter~e n?eded. Pills a~tain~t the General Fund foP ~fi 3~ U45.25 =~.r_d the UJater ~und for 3~ 44~ .~0 tr.~ere audited~ a~nroved and ordered paid. iTo lurther busi~.ess ~r~~earin~ ~nc. upon motion h~ meeting t~v~a.s fi , r ~_d j ourned. ~~J ~ , A+t~st: . `~/_J~~~.+~C~.. C Cit Cler ` P,Ta or Y Y Arroyo ~rande California ~uly 12~194~ • ~~ecial r~eeting w~s held to discuss and iook over ~~the ~'ar- b~.~;e ~rdi~ance~~;~~~o~°~Phil~_ips nresided..Councilm~n Sehnyder~Clark and Dixson ~rrere ~resent.~hsent Councilman Rountree. ' I~~Ar Yates and Tti~r Kruse ~~ere ~reser~t to discuss the gathering of ~.zrb~ge and the Santa ~.~aria Ordinance v~Tas discrossed ~retty thorou~':'- ly.ihey su~~ested ~llo~~in~ the City 25~~ for each person collectEd i'romfor bi?lin~ and collectin~. R?umerous ot~~er sub4 ects ~~rere discu7sed b~~t no definite action taken. RTo further business ap~earing and upon motion the meetin~ ~~-as adjourned. . Attest:. ~i.~ 'f r ity Clerk ~P.~ yor ,