Minutes 1948-07-21 3~3: ~,r~c~yo urande~t;alirornia ~uly zl?I~?4~S . :t~he c;ity Gouncil met ~n regular session with ~ayor phillips presicling.vpan roll call t;ouncilman 5chnyder~nountree~t;Iark ana t~ixson reported present. ~rhe minutes 4~ the previous meeting ~Rdere r~ad and arproved as read. ~t~he cornmunications ~vere react and: p~~ceci on f'ile. tt E50LU'1'1 C?N lyl . K~a~L~J`1'IO1V OF' :C'H:~ (:I'1'Y GOU1ti~1L 0!~' 't'HE ~.L 1'Y OF AN~OYO GRAtN17E APPK~VZN(i fgiGt~ 1~;N`l` FQt{ 11~1..~illv :i.'~YEi1V(;#~ 0l~, ~,.1`A"1'~ ~il(~HYVAY ~N 3't1E (:T`i`Y OF A:KttC?YO GF~.NIJ~. Pas$ed ancl adopted by the ~'ollowing roll ca11 vote: AY~: ~ ~ouneilmen Phillips~Setinycter~notzntree}~larg ar~ Lixsom. ~i0~'sNone. ABSEtV•1': NoZie. t~r ~en ~onrad ~iaa -~e map or ~t~ra~t ~ 45,the ~~tneaa ~indLoomis 5a~ociivision ror approval by ~he Gity Lou~~il:. ~ounci.:~ xountree made a motion~seconcteci dy ~onncilman ~ixson ~c~ approve the d ivision map and au~tt~ortzin~ tt~e t;ity Glerx to sign d~or the ~ity ~ouncil. ~r ttarris was to ae askect to prepare a r'orm ~ ar right o~' ~raye ~rom propert~ owners and ~r~ Conraa vvas tio prep are the deseriptions on rigrits o#' way ~or the water line east o~ town. Aflr E~rvi.n,g asked about r~nti:ng a Y'loor sgnaer ta sand the ~'loors in the house at ~the City wells anct was tola ~o rent the 8ander. ~4t this ~time there w~s some aiscussion or the assessm~nt rol~:.: ana ~he baard adjourned to taxe up ~~a Bo~rrd of' ~q~alizartioA. i'~e ~ard reconv~nes to take up regular matter~. ~r ~iilier on ~tlpine ~treet as~ed abou~ naving scm~ work done on ~lpine ~treet and house number~~.on ~the St,reet~he ~s tt~~ci the house numberin~ w4ula ~e ~caken car~ oz as::~soon as the ~a,ps c~~zld be preparea and ~h~t the streeL ~voula be graaec~ arici sprinkleci. ~ ~r Linstr~xm asxed adout navir~g a snort peice of street soutn o~~ 1aIIy- rso noad lying aeLween ~r israwn~ s ana ,~ur ~inderson props- ertiy abanaonea.rhe Gouncil agreea to tiaice care oz Lne mattier a~c tine ne~rc meeLing. inere was some ~d.ti~ aoou ~ cne Log urainanc es anct i t~as aec iaeci co asi~ ~nr na~~ris a~oui, i,nem a~. 4ne nexz meeiing.It was also thot best to have another notice gaut in the local paper u~ging people to get their dog licenees. The ~1.erk had received a check for $ 54.0~ for the 1947 -4$ Personal Progerty Ta,x on the Arroyo grande Bakery~but no penalt~es ' and Coune~lman Sehnyder made a~notion~seconded by Councilma~ Clark to waive the p~enalties. It was agreed to aecept the map from H~arn ~ros. and pay for the same at the next meeting. IL xras reported Mr Peterson ma.de an offer oP $ 100«00 on the Buda lan~+dsrr=b~t it was deeided to hold the matter over until the next meeting. ~to Purther business appearing and upan motion the meetffing was a~d j ourned. 1 ~ Attest s ~D ~ ~ ' ~ ty C er ~ ayor