Minutes 1948-08-04
394 ~
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~ ~rro~ Grande C~~IiP. C~
Rugust 4~ 194~
. _ _ _
T'he City Couneil met in ~~gular session ~rith ~ayor A. R. _
Phillip~s presiciing. tTpon rQll call Councilmeri ~'ehr~y8er ~ Rauntre~e ~
elark and D~xson repor~ecc~ pr~sent.
~The minute~ of the previau~ me~ting ~rere read and appraved as
The Commun3.cations ~rere read and glaced on file,
T°he ~greement th~.t 1(~. Harrts h~d prepared far the City to
the Capitol Company for a Iight for the police~ r~s read and Counci3-
man Rountree made a mation~ seconded b~ Councilman 5chnyder~ to
authorize ~I~:yar Phillips to si~n the ~greement far the Cit~r.
The clvsing of the dump ~aa diseur~$ed and Geo. Iiezuirix
~sked about havin~ the fire ha2ard in back oP same oP the stor~~€
loaked inta. Mr. Ha~rri$ advised ~~re Chief Harry Aart he had th~
~.~thority to have th~ groperty cleaned up. ~he C7:erk ~vas instructed
to eall l~r. ~a~es and see if he wou2d przt an ~dvertisement in tbe
paper telling the people he would take care of garbage and rt~bbi~h
James Hartman turned ir~ his resi~n.ation ~s Poundmaster and
after some discussion Couneilman Rountree made a motion~ seeonded
by ~ouneilman ~hnyder ~o accept the re~igr3at3on.
~r. Fta.rri:s ~vas ~sk~d to prepare the notice to have a short
s~ub of stre~t to be abandoned and he agreed to have it prepar~d
by the next meetir~g.
3'he eouric il Members h~d looked over Tally~-Ha Road in reg~r~d ~o
s~:.reet ii~h~s a~d the Clerk wa~ instructed to plaee an order for
four (4) ~ights on Tally-Ho Road. -
It rr~s agreed to have ~Crs. Montgomery take care of t~e eros~-
ing on t2~e Hi~k~~vay at ~illen St~ until schaol starts~ and to pay her
~;50.d0 per month.
It wais aIso agr~ed to have Ii~r. Desl ~ttend a meeting in ~La
Barbara on ~u~~c 6 for the instruetions on the reportirag of the
linnual Street Rep~rt ~o the Stat~ ~ontroller. -
Councilman ~hnyder made a motion~ seconded by Councf lman Cl~u*k
to r~ie~+~ the ~dlice ~f"ficers to ~275.00 per month. Councilman Dixson,
Rountree and F3iillips voted against the motion and it was defeated.
Bills ainst the General F'und ~'or $24fi4.46~ the l~ater Fund
for $3a57~~~a ~d the ~ater Deposit Fund for $40.00 were audited~
~ppro~ed and ordered pa.id.
The mee~ing ~as ad~ourned to l~onday ~ugust 8 ~ at 8 F.l~.
~ ~
A.ttest s ~`s . Y '
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