Minutes 1948-08-18 396 ~ . ~ ~rroyo Grand~~ ~aTi~. ~ugust 18, 1948 ~ The City Council met i n regular s ession with ~'ayor H. R. PhilTips presiding. LTpon roll call Coundilmen Schnyder & Di~n reported present. Councilman c`lark arrived Iater in the meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were re~d and approv~d as read. The communications were read ar~i placed on file. Couneilman Se~nyder made a motion~ seconded by Councilman Dixson~ that Aubrey P. Hawk be appointed to fill the uacant of'Pice of Councilman~ caused by the death of our,~steamed ffiember Rober~ F. Rountree. Passed and adapted by the fo~lowi~ votes AY~s Cauncilmen Phillips~ Schnyder, and Dixson ~OES s l~one ABSENTr Councilman Clark. ~t this time ~ubrey Hav~k tovk th~ path aP Ol~ice ~nd ~vas sworn i~ as Couneilman. Mayor Phillips then appointed Councilman Hawk to serve on the Planning Commission as the member from the Council; and appointr ed S~ Couneilman Clark to ff 11 the vacancy on the Recreat3on Commission. Couneilman Dixson suggested that S. ~l. Denison be asked to serve on t he PTanning Commission in the place formerly held by Caunci lman Hawk. Mr. Ewing asked about some work on the alley in Jones Tr~et south of Cherry ;t. ~ and it ~vas suggested the alley be graded and grave7.ed. It ~ra.s also recommended that those property owners on Corri-- wall t~ve. ~~?ho had not hooked up to the sewer be notified to do - so ~s soon ~s possibl~. The aedoption of Plumb3.ng & Electrical Codes was discussed~ and more c onsi deration w€~s to b e gi ven and the sub j eet~t taken up at the next meetir~. The Chief c~f Police was i nstructed to deputize twQ (2) Police Matron~ and the fees to be paid was set at ~5.00 ger t~p to San L~is Obis po. No further business appearing and upon mot~on the meeting was ad j ourned . _ , , ~ f~, ,~i'._ .I~'' ,t Attest: ! _ City ~Cler Ma or ~ Y 3 . , ~ _ r . ; . .