Minutes 1948-08-27 J 1 '
Arroyo Grande~ ~alif.
~u~ust 27, 8~t1948
4 special meeting was calTed to take up a letter from the
Merchant's ~issociation Board of Directors. Mayor Fhillips
. IIpon roll ca11 Councilmen ,ehnyder~ Clark, Dixson~ and
Hawk reported presen~.
The purpose af the meeting not b eing possible of attair~ -
ment th~ meeting ~ras adjourned.
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~ ~~11~1 i ''J~,~y- ~
City C r c ~day y r
Arroyo Grande ~ Calif .
September 1~ 1948
The Cit~r ~ouncil met in regular session with I~ayor H. R. PhilZips
presiding. Upan roll call C~uneilmen Sehnyder~ Clark~ Dixson~ and
Hawk reported present.
The minutes of the pr~vious ~eetings were r ead and approved as
read. Com~nications were read and placed on file.
Tt was maved and seconded that J. Vard Lo~~is be reappointea to
serve on the Arroyo Grande Planning Conamission for a term of four (4)
~ new danc e Ordinanc e wa~ r ead f or the fi r st time by I~~r . Harri s~
the City Attorney.
?~F~OUJTION #193 Resolution of intention to abandon a short
porti on of an unnamed street lyirig south of Tally-Ho Road.
Passed and adopted by the following rollcall vote:
AYk~: Councilmen Phillips~ S~hnyder~ Clark~ D~xson arid Hawk.
NOES: None
~.B~ENT: None .
Rlirr. J. W. Ta,ylor read a letter from the Arroyo Grande b~erchan~ts
Assoeiation.~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Councilmen Hawk reported the Police Commission had held a meeting
and had suggested that a few minor changes be made and he thaught in
time things would work out.
Bi1Ts against the General Fund for $3 6~1.93; the Water Fund for
$3~~14.15~ and the Water Deposit fund for ~8.~~ were audited~ approved~
and ordered paid.
~Sr. Don Shaffer presented a letter from Chester Steele giving per--
missio~ for a water pipe Iine ov er his property. It was suggested that
Mr. MeCoy and Mr. Ewing measure ont the distance for a Right of ~~lay,
It was moved and seconded that Mr. Harris and Councilman Dixson be
granted permission tc~ leave the ~tate.
Nor further business appearing and upon ~otion the meeting was
adjourned. '
~ . ~
~kTTEST: , ~
C ty ,C1eT k ~ayor . /