Minutes 1948-09-01 t~ ~ ~
~rroyo Grande ~ eal.if .
~ugust 27, 8~1948
special meeting was calTed to take up a letter from the
Nferchant's ~ssaciation Board oF Direetors. Nfayor Fhillips
. IIpon'roll call ~ouncilmen Sehnyder~ Clark~ ~ixson~ and
Hawk reported presen~.
The purpose of` the meeting nat being possible of attairr~ -
ment the meeting was adjourned. ~.~-w,
:~TTF.~T: ' ' , ~i ~~~,,,~'~~J~''` 'j
City C s~r z ~ay t
Arroyo Grande ~ Calif .
September 1~ 1948
The Cit~r ~auncil met in regular session with Mayor H. R. FhilTips
presiding. t1`pon roll call Cauncilmen Schnyder~ Clark~ D~xson~ and
Hawk reported present.
The minutes of the previous ~neetings were read and approved as
read. C~mmunications were read and plae ed on fi le .
It was moved and seconded that J. Vard Loamis be reappointed to
serve on the Arroya Grande Planning Conemission for a term of faur (4)
A new danc e Ordinanc e was r ead f or the fi rst time by l~~r . Harri s~
the City Attorney.
BF~.SOUJTION #193 Resolution of intention to abandon a short
portion of an unnamed street lying south of Tally-Ho Road.
Passed and adopted by the f ollowing rollcall vote:
AYF~: Cauncilmen Phillips~ Sehr{yder~ ~Iark~ D~xson as2d Hawk.
NO~z None
~BSF~TT: None .
&Ir. J. Taylor read a letter from the Arroyo Grande Merichants
Councilmen Hawk reported the Polzce Commission had held a meeting
and had suggested that a few minor changes be made and he thaught in
time th ings wou ld work out .
Bi1Ts against the General Fund for $3 ~i41.9~; the Water Fund for
$3~014.15~ and the Water Deposit fund for ~8.~0 were audited~ approved~
and ordered paid.
l~r. Don 5haffer presented a letter from Chester Steele giving per~-
missior~ for a water pipe line over his property. It ~a:s suggested tha~
Mr. MeCoy and Mr. E~ri.ng measure out the distance for a Right of ~~7ay.
It was moved and seconded that A1~r. Harris and Councilman Dixson be
granted permission to leave the itate.
Nor further business appearing and upon r~otion the meeting was
~ . ,
~TT'EST: . ~('Y
C ty ~Cl~r k R~ayor . /