Minutes 1948-10-26 ~ ~ ~e,.>,,~ made a motion, seconc~ed ry Councilman ~~awk that the City Attorney be authorized to ~et liti~-ation report prepar~tory to st~rting concierrr nation proceedings~ and also to prepare a resolution for the s~ne. Councilman Hawk reeomriended th~t the salary of the City Clerk and L. G. ~~lilliams be acted upon at the next meetin~. ,~treet ~vork ~~~s discussed and Councilman l~awk made a motion~ seconded by Councilman Cl~rk that Cherry Ave. in ~ones Tract~ and Grand Ave. in ~`lestern Add~tition be resurfaced. On roll call aIl members voted"Ayer'. 1'he subject of payin~ employee~s salaries twice a month was diseussed ~n~~ pttorney Ha.rris a~reed to ~.ook the matter un. ~ garkin~r ~one for a taxi stand was discussed~ and the CitJ 4ttorney was ~sked to prepare a resolution for the establishment of 15 minute parking on either side o~' the crossvTalk in front o~' the Post Office~ also to have 15 minute Par king on Branch ~t. at the ~.E. corner of Bric3~e~ and one on ??rid~;e ~t. at the corner c~' Branch ~t. It was also a~reed to continue vTith the markin~ of cars for 1 hour parki n~ . T~Tr. ;~~.rris discussed Propositions ~'os. 13 and 18 for the benefit of ~11 x~resent. ~Tu~berous other subjects v~aere discussed by those present but ro furtner action taken. ?~?o other business ~ppearin~ and uz~on motion the r~eeting was ad j ourned . . AT`L ~T: ~ ~ ~ ; City Clerk P~.ayor _r~ A~.rroyo C~rande~ ealif. October 25~ 1g48 A SpPCia~ ~?eetin~- to r~~scuss the resir~nation of R2ayor Philli~s da~s called to order by P4~avor Phillips ~~r~ith Counc ilmen Nawk, nixson~ ~chnyder~ and Clark present. lt~ayor Phillips asked the secretary to rea' a copy ofl the letter ~rhich h~d been delivered to the Council I~tembers calling ~'or this mPetin~. Trhe T<Tayor then ex~Iained h~s reasons ~or resignin~ from his office~ and asked Attorney Narris to re~d Far~graph 2 of ~ection 8~8 of - the P~unicipal Gorporatzons Act. ~?f'ter a short c~ iscussion cvith Council- man Schnyder ~ I!~:ayor Phillips Ieft the Counc il Ch~~ mber . ~ ~ . There was no furth~r niscussion~ and Councilman ~ixson ' moved that the meetin~ be adjourned~ secon~.ed by Councilman Clark. vote The motion vaas carried by ~x unanimou~/ of the remainin~ Council l~.embers ~ : ; - ~r ~ , i ~-,~ST ~ , ~ ~ „ j ~ T ~ : ~ t~ - ~ctin ; ecretar 'G , ~ Y :4rroyo Grande ~ Gal if . ~~lovember 3 ~ 1948 The City Council met in regular session and was called to order by the Clerk. LTpon roll call Councilmen ~chnyder~ Clark an~ Dixson reported present; absent, Tt~ayor Phillips and Councilman Hawk. A motion by Counezlman Clark? seconded by Councilmen ~chnyder to appoint Councilr~an Dixson as actin~ ~:~ayor for the evening was ma~e and carried. The rninutes o~' the previous re~ular and special meetin~s were read and approved as read. '~'he cor~r:~unicat'ons vrere read~ discussed and nlaeed on file. Councilman ~chnyder made ~ motion~ seeonded by eouncilman Clark to acce~t the resi~n~tion o° ~-~ayor Philli~s. Councilman 7chnyder made a motion~ seconded by Clark to accept the resignation of Councilman hawk. Councilman Clark r~ade a m~otion, seconded by Councilman 5chnyder to nominate It~as~tin Dammann to fill the v~:caney left by the resignation of lt~a~ror rhillips~ and I~~artin Damm~nn vras ur~ani- mously appointed. Couneilman Schnyder made a.motion~ seconded b~r Councilman Clark to apnoint Deril P. '#~aiters to ~'ill the vacancy left by the resi~nat~on of Councilman Hawk~ and Deril P. ;r,'aiters ~:~~s unanimously ap~ointed. ~it thi5 ti;~e A"artin Damr.l~nn and Deril P. ;"~aiters were a~minis~ered the C?ath of Office by the City Glerk. Acti on w~:s taken on th~ ~ ollo ~rin~ c ommunicati ons : ~ I~To. 1. ?~ttorney Harris a~reed to ~repare an Ordinance in