Minutes 1948-11-03 ~ .
There was no further aiscussion~ an~ Councilman Dixson
moved that t..he meetin~ be adjourned~ seconded by Councilman Clark.
The motion vaas carried by ~ unanimous/ of the remainin~ Council
"'emb ers ~
. , , ,
!~T'~E..~T: n "
~ - ~
;~etin_, . ecret~.ry ~ ~
:4rroyo Grande ~ Calif .
~~Tovember 3 ~ 1948
I'he City Council met in re~ular session and was called
to order ~y the Clerk.
Upan roll call Councilmen ~chnyder~ Clark an~ Dixson
reported present; absent, ~Tayor Phillips and Councilman Hawk.
motion by Councilman Clark~ seconded by Couneilmen
~chnyder to appoint Councilr~an Dixson as actin~ ?~ayor for the
evening was ma~.e and carried.
The minutes of the previous regular and special meeting~
were read and approved as r ead.
~'he corimunicat ~ ons were read~ c?iscussed and r~l~.ced on
Councilman ~chnyder made ~~.otion~ seconded by Councilman
Clark to acce~t the resi~n~tion of ~-"a~;or Phil.li~s.
Councilman ;chnyder made a motion~ seconded by Clark to
accept the resi~nation of Councilman Ha~njk.
Councilman Clark ~ade a m~otion, seconded by Cauncil.~an
Schnyder to nor~inate A.~artin Damma.nn to fill the vacancy left by
the resignation of r~~atror Phillips~ and h:artin Da.mmann vras ur~ni-
mously appointed.
Councilman 5chnyder made a motion~ seconded by Coun.cilman
Clark to apnoint Deril P. '~aiters to fill the vacancy left b~ the
resignation of Councilman Ha~rrk~ ancl Deril P. rl,Taiters v:~as un~:nimously
~t this ti_~e ~'~art~n Damrnann and ~eril P, ;'Jaiters were
admini~~ered the t~ath of Office by the City Glerk.
Acti on ~~as takcn on the ~ ol.lo ~rrin~ comrlunicata ons : ~
I~?o. 1. .~ttorney Harris agreed to prepare an Ordinance in
~ ~~cr~ .
reply to the letter~from. Dr. Swartaut of the 5a.n Lais Obispo Coun~y
Health Depart~:~.ent .
I~to. 2. In reply to the letter from the Division of High-
ways in r egard t~ si~ns~ Councilman Clark made a r~otion~ seconded by
Counc? lman Schnyder aut~orizin~ t~ttorney ~-larris t~ write a letter to
Lester H. Gibson~ ~gineer of the Division of ~~i~hways~ in regard to
traffic regul~tion si~ns.
There was a discussion about the purchase of a second hand
street sweeper ~r~hich the Cit~ of ~an Luis Obispo had to sell and
Councilmen Clark and Dixson~ to~ether with P~~r. Anderson~ had looked
at and reported to be in ~;ood shape. Councilman ":~aiters made a
motion~ seconded by C~oune~lman D~.nn rec,uestin~ ~.avor Dixson to~ ~
aapoint two Counca.~men to negotiate for ~urchase of the svreeper.
A~~yor Dixson ap~ointed rouncilmen Clark~ ~laiters and Da.mmann.
It was reported th~t it ~vould cost in the neighborhood of
$75:a0 or ~100.00 to purchase 2 clocks and install them on the
pumps to make the system autoriatic~ and Gouncilman Clark made a
motion~ seconded by Councilma.n ~chny~er~ authorizin~ ~~r. I~eCoy~
the purehasing a~ent~ to have the clocks in~talled,
~i-monthly payment of em~loyees vras discussed ar,d r~~s.
Harris agreed to look into the 4rdinanc es to see ho<<,T it should be
discussion on a dump followred, and it ~rras a~reed to dis- '
cuss the matter further at the a~~ j ourned meetin.g l~~ovember 8th.
h~r. J. W. Taylor asked the approval of the Council to
have holes in the sidewal~ made for Xmas trees as there vrere five
business houses that didnit have therrr-~one each at ~rande Ice Cream~
~enison and Hopkins~ UQrotha Harding~ An~ela ~~Zarsalek~ and 4rrpyo
T ectric Co. Councilman Clark ma.de motion~ seeonded by Council-
man Schnyder to have the City take care a~' them.
~`ouncilman Schnyder made a:r_otion~ seeonded bv Councilman
Dammann to a~prov~ the ~~ap of Tract #49, Garrett 5ubdivision. I~".,otzon
Councilman Dammann made a motion~ seconded b~T Cauncilman
~chnyder to a~~rove the i~ap of '~'ract #50~ l~~?athes Subdivision. ~ROtion
~ .
4ttorney Harris reported that he had finally got word from
the A. Rell ~o. a~reein~ to vell the P.C. ~i/~l from 101 ~?i~hway to
the west end of the vones Tr~ct to ~ he City for ~25~.00, ~ncl it was
agreed he sr~ould ~roceed ~vith the a~reement.
Bills a~*ainst the General Fund for $~~084.68~ the ~P~ater Fund
for $4~59'7.14~ and the ~{,rater ~Je~osit ~und for $24.OC were audited~
. approved and ordered paid.
No further business appearin~ and upon a motion by Council-
man Schnyder~ seconded b,y Councilman Clark it was agreed ta adjourn
the meeting to ~:30 P.~~. , I!:~onday, I~Tovember 8~ 1948.
~I ~
~TT~sT: ~ rk.~ ~
City Clerk P. yor
Arroyo c~rande ~ Cal if .
?~?ovember 8 ~ 1948
The City Council met in an adjourned meeting and ~ras ealled
to order by the Clerk. Couneilmen ~chnyder~ f.'lax~k~ I~ixson~ 'Dammann~ ~
and '.}'laiters reported present. '
Councilm~n Clark made a motion~ seconded by Councilman I
Dammann to nominate Counci3m~n Dixson as ~?ayor, and upon vote Council- I
man Dixson was unanimously elected t_'ayor. '
P.~ayor Dixson tnen appointed Councilman ~~~aiters to serve on
the 4rroyo Gr~.nde Plannin~; Commission as the representative from the !
City Counc i1. ,
Councilman Clark made a motion~ seconded by Cour~ ilman ',~?aiters ~
to purchase the used street ~weeper from the City of ~an Luis Obispo for I
~750.00. '
The paintin~ of the ~weeper was discussed and Councilman
~chnyder made a r~otion seconded b,y Councilman Cl~.rk authorizing ~Fr. P;~cCoy~
the purchasir~ a~ent~ to h~ve the sdveeper painted. ,
. ~umpsite ~v~s discussed and P~r. Conrad reported he and Pt~r.
r".cCoy had looked at s everal sites, anc~ one n~ar the Cak Park School
looked fa~~ora~le *or ~ dump~ ~n~ also he thou~ht road material could be '
had from the same place. ~F~ayor ~ixson apr~ointed Councilmen "daiters and '
Dammann to look at the site and also to represent the City at the ~
meetin~ to be h~~ld tTovez~ber 16~ 1948 at Pismo~ and to inform them the
, ~