Minutes 1948-11-08 ~ ~ 4ttorney Harris reported that he had finally got word from ' the ~4. Rell Co. a~reeing to sell the F.C. R/W from 1~1 ~?i~hway to the west end of the ~ones Tr~ct to ~ he City for ~250.00, and it ~vas , agreed he should proceed with the a~reement. ~i lls a~*ainst the General und f or $3 ? 084.68 ~ the ~~'ater Fund ' for $4 ~ 59'7 .14 ~ and the ~:ater ~eposit N und for $24 . QC were audited ~ . approved and ordered paid. I~o further business appearin~ and upon a motion by Council- man 5chnyder~ seconded by Councilman Clark it w~s agreed to adjourn the meeting to 7:3~ P.A~~. ~~:~onday ~~Tovember 8~ 1948. r ~ ~ ~f ~TT~S'T: / ; (k~ City Clerk yor A.rroyo Grande~ Cal if. ?~?ov emb er 8 ~ 194R The City ~ouncil met in ~n adjourned meeting and was ealled to order b,y the Clerk. Councilmen ~ehnyder~ Clark~ ~ixson~ Dammann~ and `~~~aiters reported present. Councilman Clark made a motion~ seconded by Councilman Dammann to nominate Councilm~n Di~son as It~ayor, and upon vote Council- man Dixson was unanimously elected t?ayor. P~ayor Dixson then appointed Councilman ~~Jaiters to serve on the Arroyo xrande Planrin~; Commission as the representative from the City Council. Councilman Clark made a motion, seconded by Cour~ ilman '~laiters to purchase the used street sweeper from the City of ~an Luzs Obisgo for ~750.00. The paintin~ of the sweeper was discussed ar_d Counc~ilman ~chnyder made a motion Ceconded bv Councilman Clark authorizin~ ?~~r. P:~eCoy~ the purchasin~ a~ent~ to have the sweeper painted. ~ dumpsite ~v~s discussed and ~?r. Conrad reported he and A~r. r~~cCoy had looked ~t s everal sites, and one near the Gak Park ~chool looked favorable *'or ~ c3ump, an~ also he thou~ht road material c ould be had from the same place. ~t~ayor ~ixson apr~ointed Councilmsn ',~aiters and Dammann to look at the site and also to represent the City at the meetin~ to be h<;~d ~Tover~ber 16, 1948 at Pisr~o~ and to inform them the A~ ~ ~ ~ ~ City of .?~rroyo ~rande was not ~ nterested in the form~tion of a Dis- trict. The Council a~re~d if ~ aum;~ ~ite could be obtained they v~ould prefer to operate a dum~ and refuse dis~aosal by ourselve~ or in connection v~rith Pismo Beach? t:1; s tc~ be operated ~vith a franchise or by the Cities themselves. A motion to this eflect v~as made by Councilman Dammann~ seconded by Counc:~lman Schnyc~er. ~ Trext a discussion on the Linstrum and 5aruwatari proper- ties, and it was reportpd R`r. Linstrum a~-reed tc~ sell a strip 80 ft. by 400 ft. for ~1400.0~~ ~n.d the ~aru~vat~ri ~?ros. had a~reed to take ~3750.00 for an 8C ft. strip throug~h their property. 4fter the dis- cussion~ a moti.on ~ras made by Councilman t~'aiters, seconded by Council- man Dar~mann to purchase th~ ~ro~erty. It~otion carr:~.ed. ~^S~I~t?I'I~1'? #197z ~esolut~.on of the Citf Council ~f the City of :~rrovo rranc~e to ~?urchase from Clarence Lznstrum an 80 foot ~trip of land ~or ~1a0~.00~ and from ~tone an~~. ~.kir~ ~~.rutiryatari an, ~?0 ~'oot striP ~'aj' ~3750•~0• Passed and ac~.opted by the f. ollovain~ roll call vote: .~YES: Councz lrnen ~ixson~ ~chny~er ~ Clark, ~Waiters and Dammann T~IOES: None ~ ~P^~'~TT: ~,~one . CouncilMan ~.°,r~iters su~~rested the Couneil ~~"embers meet some time and ~o over the fin-~nces o~' the City. There were c~iscus- s`'- sions of various subjects~ but no defir~ite action taken. h7a~or Dixson appointed t~e folloy~wTir~~ Cor.~u::ittees: Police and Fire - Councilm~~n ~"lark~ ~chnyc~er and Dammann ;treets an~ To~r~n -~ounci lr~en ':~Taiters ~ Schnyder and CI~ rk ~`inance - Gouncilmen ;chnycler ~nd `,',r~ iters '"'ater Dept. - Cour_cilmen ~Fa.iters ~ Dar:unann anc? Clark. 'I'he Counc~.l a~reed to study the ~ inances in re~ards to some raise in pay for employe~s ~nd ~~tiscuss the matter ~t the next ~neetint~. 2?o Lurther business apE_ earin~- and upon motion the meetin~ was adjourned. ~ j...., . .»f'~ ~ ~ ` ~ i . !~'I'T ~'S T : , _ City Clerk P~~ayo