Minutes 1948-12-15 _ ~ 4 ~ r~. ~:~a~ ~ ~p, ~ ~rro~a ^r.~nde ~ C? lif . uecernber ~f ~ I~~B ~he City ~ouncil m~t in re~ular session ~~ritn ~i~yor C. F. Dixson i~~residin€~. f~~or~ roll c~.11 Cotancilr~ien ;sehnyuer~ C"l~.rk~ ','aiters and D~_mmann renorted ~re~>pr~t. `ihe ~~.int.ztES o~' the pr~vious r~eetir~~ va~ere read and ~pproved as re~d. Gor.~lznications ~a~~re read ~~n~ ~l~.ced on file. C'ouncilm~n Da~mann m~de rlation~ seconded by Councilm~n Sehnyder aut'norizing T.rr. T~:?cCoy to ~urcnase a ne~r~ top for the Jeep. It .~~~.s rtiported the fi.rro,yo ~-,ran~.e ~?lannir.~ Cor.~rris~ion v;ould have the ?oning Ordinance rea;~Jr for the fi.rGt %Ze~rirt€ or. tl~e 2bth of ~ a nuary ~ I~4g . T.:r. Harri~ r•e~c~ ~n Inter~.m Ordinance and Gouncilr~an I3~rir ~ mann mad~ a r~oti on seconded bJ Caun.cilman '=c~_nyder ~ th~.t t~is be considered t~~e fir~t re~dir~ o~ the C~rdin~nce. ~`ouncilr:~r rc~r;yder made ~ moti on, ~ econded b~,T Co~~nc ilriar~ Dar~rn~nn to h~.ve ~n ~~.j ourned meetir~~~ D~cember ~l~t for~ th~ 2nd re:~c~~r~ o`' the C'rdin.ance. Co~ancil!~ian ~=~~.iter~ r:ade the s~z~r~;etiti~r, to have the Plan-° ning Com-~~is~ion hel~ TJ~~th settin~ up a b~ad~et f'or t~.Q b:~l~{nce of the fi~cal ye~.r; and, alilo ta rinlp ~;::ith t~l~ ~d~u;~tment on strept names •.~4her2 there ar~ severa~ str~~ts oi t~e ~:ame n~~r_~:e. ~•~`r. L~nstr~_zr_? r^~: orter~ the Titl~ Company ha.d reported ~they ~°,ere readv to cleax° u;~ tr.e :^scrovr on tne ~iece of rroperty "or the exter~sion o~' Crar~d ;^~v~nue~ an~ Cour:cilm~n1 4c~der made a. r_iotion~ seconded 'oy Cotzneil~an !~~,`aiters instrizctin~ the f"lerk to drac~r a T:~T~rr~nt for tt~e ~T~~OG.GC~ to the ~:ecurity ~i.tle Ir~curance F~ r~uaran- ' tee Gom~~ny ~ and th~ s vti~~rr~il~t to ~~e helcl until authorizatiar~ ~y t,he City "ttorney ~'os~ t=~e payr~E.nt tc~ the ~;PCUrity T~tle Insur~nce & ruar~n~ee Co. Lorer_ and A:lvin r'eTf~m~n yy~erE nre,ert t^} ask abaut the City ~cc eptin~~; a ti tri,,: of 1,~~_xid ti~r~ou~rn~ t'r~eir i ro~erty fc~r a etreet ~ and t~e~r v~rere told it ~~,ould be re~f erre~: t~ t~~ie ~'~l~.nr~in~ Comr~iis~ion. F~i1~! s a~ainst tr~~e ~'er~eral ~'ur.d f'or ~032.a0~ and the ";~ter Fund for ~327.~G{ v~ere au~ited~ aY,proved ~.nd order~d ~~aid. ~.To further ;.~L~~ir_e,s a LL~e~rins~ anc3. ~:~~en motion tr_~e meet- in~~ v.°a, ad~ol.zrnea unt,il Decen.~er 21? l~?48 ~t '7:~~ P.~?. ~ <=-7 i ; . ~,'.~7trn.C~T. / ' ,r". V ~ . ~ ~ . Citv Clerk r'~vor ~ ~ ~ ?