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Minutes 1949-01-05
~7 Arroyo Grande~ ~~Z~f. ~ =~.nuary ~ ~ 1~49 i'he Cit~- Council ~net in re~ular session v.fi.th P:7:=~~ror F. • Dixson ~resid~~_n~. T7}~on roll-call rouncilmer. _''chny:~er~ Clark? 'r:';a.iters~ -^..n.d Da.m~r~ann re:~orted rresent. ~'he ~:~.in~ztes o-~ t~~e z rev-.ous me~ti.n~ ~~iere re^d nnd ~~~roved ~s re_~d. ~ ~Tlze communic~t~ons v~~ere r~ea3 ara~ ~?iaced on Tile. Councilm~n t,chnyder :~ade a rnotian to have I~:,ror Dixson continae ~s T=T~,yor and Councilman Da~,_r.i~_r~r~ secor_deei the .~.otion. It ~^~~as un~.r~imously ~€reed thryt ?Tav~or Dixcon cor~tinlze t~? be ?'a;~ror. `ln°re ti~:Y~:s a niscussion on. the ~=~;;ament for the u~e oi tn.e car belon~;ir.~ t~ t~~e Chief al :~ol~c~~ arci Counc;.lman Clark made ~ motion~ secorca~ed t:,t~ Couricil~~n ':~~it~r,~ to r~a~~~, t~,e Chief o~" ~olice°s sa1~rY ~275.G0 ~er r~onth ar~~ no ~llo~°r~nce for t:!~~e use or ~~is ear retroactive to J°=~r~aar;~r l~ 1;4q. i,`ot~.on ~~:rried. Counc~lrl~!n D~r~r.~~r:n n::~.c.e a r:otion, ~ecorc~ed ~~y Cou_~ciir~an ':'aiters~ to rio~i.~y :~11 merc~i:~rt~ ~o ~~illc v~ryl~ '~.e x~ic~ i~nless ~uthorized by t'ne ~'urchaCyr,~ ?~ent. ~'otiar c^rried. ~"~~oli.nF bi;ks ,"ar th~ comin,~ ye~.r 1^,ere on~rLed a_rci Councilman . - ~ ~ :~~r~~m.arr~ Aaac~e ~ r.~otion, ec~ridect by ~'ouncilmar. ''ait~rs? tc~ accent t~ie I T?nion C~il Co. ~;~.u of 2C-.~ cents ~~r ~;~l~.on, +~~e~,r ~°:rill r~;=<~t the ~?rice , o~ -t'~.e other~ co~,r,ari~~ on ~;t1zyl ~r t~z~a~r 76C~0 t~~~~o3ine. i~"'B G"? Pl'i~ ~'dc`~S ~SK2t~ t,J ~1a.~T~? i..i'1@ ~@C8?".1~.~"';@T' 7'8;'OT't, Ci ~~"ie eJl1C~~','8 rea~V ~Oi t1l.P. ~~T?U?~'`~l ~.~~t'F2 T'i22t,: 7'~;. P:ayor ~ixson re~or~e~ t~~at Council:~:~.n Gl~rk had a~ked to ~e T'C-'~_lEV~~7 0`::' 'f2~ =''?','?,'?1rit1~1.47'it t,~? t}''_E? ~~~CT'~"_t;.OT'i ~`,Or'1.rii1SS10I1~ a11C~. ~i~ ~r??nOlTit2~ Cauncilr.,~:zn ~3c?~_r~y~er to x°e~,lace Co~arc~lr.i~n C2::r°l~. T'. ~:SCL?7~TIC~Y ~F1~38 s ~el ore t'r~e Ci ~~~r C'o~znc ~1 0~' ~r~e rity of ".rro~ro rrane~ ew.ol:zt ~ on _~el~ ~~ve t~ ron ~r:~ct or ^ax-Deeaea ~'ro~erty. r~.sseu ~rlu ?~~ic~pted t:~.e f~al? ~,..~:a z}~- ~•ol1--c~~~.l v~tes ~`r ~`"S ~'.Oi171:. ~.i."`,iGii ~'1s~~';p_"~-~ ryC~'T~~;r`" @~'' ~".~i.c`~2°ky ~=.1R:Il"1c~.TiTi ~I1Ci ~4`a1 1.8T'S ,'T~~ i: ?`~OYl~ - y~~ Or12. ~ '-'1.~~5 'J71 1:.'I".t~?. ±r01~~ ._:Z TZ,.zti':? f''1.2:25 1_i. "..7~~1>1.r~S ~".T°T'E' opened., ~.riC''i 1t ;"J.'3..y CiBC i,~ ~1~a. ~~'~i=~ C;~1.Ci~ 0" ~li ?,O -'2~JT'i.l~.S'y ~T'iC~ ±0 S~@ Zt' t~"i2T'E _ _ _ _ 18 k,.,,.,,_~ 'J'l~T'~ a~~;,~T ~;+~~5 i~T'Ol"i t,''~iC? '.uVE.'T't.~~2I:iE'7:~. 121 ±'1.E,' ~~.~1.:f'Ol'Ti7..? ~Uit1Vc~-t.01"'. T?TiT B ~ ; ~ :C`L, , ~ C~~T >~#1'c,s ~3e it ~~'e~ol~reel, t ~nt C. P'cCot,r ~e ~.ut~or- iL~C~. t.0 ':'_3::i~ O:.it. 'tTlr:l.~.i ~'.P'=`rJ7't.~ '~C~ ~,r~° "~:i~"i.E; ~.'OYIt,r'O~ i~'S' 1'BC~UlT'2C~. ~~T 1ect~on ~1;1 0-~' t,,~ ,"tre,^t~= ~.r~~~:': 1~~:~~~~~a.,~rs roc~e~ ~..~~ea ~y the ~"olliex~-- ura.y~ Burns :'i~lh~--7~C v Oi 1~~+'7. ~ .~~ed :~.r~ ~a.c?c~r~r,d ~~.<,r ';~~e 'c~:' ~o.°;ira~~T _caol~-c?~11 ~rote; n e r ^v^- • • - _ ~ :1., .a:-;. ~G'z;iC :.lr~~r "'1y~;0liy c:C1i2'i?Tr:E.'?' ~ ~~I`°t: ~ ";a1~°Z';~ ~'~,ri;:._ ~'~I71 ..~ai .:J. r . . r~ar~n . . C`~~~: TTone 1`~ ~ : ?~one . _ II7 ~~'Q"'IYkr ~O :~'_Ri~FT'~OT1~ S 1rA~'' ~ii ~r ~::OL ~ ~.':r? O~C ?:'e~:P.T'V01.T' ,:rld Vv~'l~ OI! i,t1e ~?111.~ ?:'f.8~' i~.SC :r,S10T7.~ ~"vL1rC~' ~:'~-,~.2^. ~C~`~..'"i~r':~.F2' ':~2~C1@ r"Ot1OT1~ ~ec~?r~~e:.~ ';.T ro~,ir~~i~.~.~r a~:,~nn~ h=a.v~ ~A~~ ~tre~t ",~~;=~rintendent t~ke C ~'.Y'@ t`~~ ':ii_~i> ~71 Qi t.il° V'~F?.L~ ~~1`'_,~'. S'~I'"."aQ\,T1.71F~ t.'_~i° 2'~SE~'VOll^• ~:iOtilOTl C ~T'I' i aC~ . r'Olti~.Cl~.:"1°21 ~~Ci'T1Jr{.''.C`~"' ::^'i.i07:g c:.°.CG7'C.@~ h~ ~01.1T1C11P_1~.71 Cl~r1., ~ to h~~~~~~ ~ ' ` ` , c.. i ~ ~ _ t':ie I~~~~rc~1_ ~nt ~*e v~~ Arec:i c~'r:~ r_ ~l~c~c or t ~e City. ~:~otiara c:?:rried. ^ , Z~"i. ':`.'a i:i_QV2?~.~ S~C.'07 ~;?C1 ~I"'s:~. C~-'~T'"iP~A v0 C~.'LOr£', U2? t.~il": c'dJ1Tl~:°~ 17~; ~.n3 ~r~d~_re th:tt r~ur~c~ ? r!~~n C1=~,r~*, /';';'~.iters ,:~.ri~. ~:.T~ . ~~::cCoy arld F~r . An- d~r;;cn s~ , r~~t n~e~.ec~ to "~~e ~aore arz~i ~-~~~r~ ~,?~~e ~rid~ e re_r_,=~.ir. ed. ~ 1. u ''.j'J `^a e; Ar-.!' . ~ C "t' ~i!7 + ~ ' ~;'r Y" yi S~^ r h ~ r I ~ t"' p '~~~€;e.,~ ti~~~.~. r1_~,. -~e ~.ti~ent~ c r ~~~~t en th p~vea ~tr°eet:-~ '~~et~:4~eFr1 tl~~ :r~o.,~°~=; o:' l;v:~ "~.il:. ~.nd r:CC as t~~.ey rIAT'e 1_T'c t?~'.° -v1'c^~Jr l,~`lE' ~'tS'~c~t ?'rIF ~ It ~~ras mav~~~?? ~L,c~n;-ie~ ~.r:c~ c~rr°~~d t~z~=:t t°,~ Street, ~u:-~erir_- , . . . ter~aerit ~a oceea ~~-=-ta. Y~:zr~r° stre<:t ~°er ~z:~~: s~es 'it. t~r- 7~t ~;"lfs C ~1. ,"}n~`-1 L~'i ~'!l C '7 '~i F :~~.~.Q. F.;~E~n l..i.l Z:P a.7._'l7ti l~ 1~11.~ _';;.i • A• ~,.~w 1'v:. ~-c,;.r' ..U. l.t.. .i. _ .t,~i ~ cnec.r .:~~icti_ '_-~F~ c~..~ ~ 1~~ ~a;.; ~:~~~r o.~~ u~ -~r~u T'.'1~ . ~7~~.rris s~.-~~_ :~e vloula do ~:~n~ t'~~e c o:.~y~x ~.r et:--~,~ ~i Lu t~i~ ~:za:tt~r . i~_F• ~:J.~. '~O~r ~,~~~,~,,~T'~:~'~' ~rJ _a..'; ~.S ',?~'.t:E'.1' ?~2..~.1~; v,t~IE' r1F?'~1 l~'Ll ? ~:~?:°i~. 1_ i,~~?:;'P_ COLi~:X 1„F; 1, ;"APt.E?I' C^C:~.'_~ ~ri ''rp ti~? l:1 .~''t7CT'E o.''ere tnE ~r, r~~ r~ 4 fiV'0 _.^.Iiil11?c: :.1°1.T'i:' O~'i ;F'~s 1,:!"!1~'~"? ~'.'OU1.C: .r-_'~ :1@ ":%0',1_i_C~ tl.?V° t,0 r_,-~3~% ~'Ox' ~.'<':"O i:'i1211.'"A:~~IllS :ir;;'-,~.c~~ :J"1@~ ='.r t:~? :"1c`~~~ ~?BP.:'i Ch?I'~'@C~ 1I1 tClE.' 7~ t"~. ~iJ lJ • r , , i .T'• :l'?. ";¢'ili7. d:'~t{°iui t,~:~F? ~!Qt~~~e=i1 ~ y~'~;'i!t. ~~~OL~t, }7~'~'12"ic` tt]~ "OU12~,r~_r'~7 '=i,Gt?S ~ ~cB~SOT~ ~:i.Cl r'v_~1.C~"~' 2'°V~`7'~ E.'C~--'1.T1. 0~11E.'T' ~,'JOT'QC! -::.:t1:~ ?.TPa:~07'i '~'li.• vr?'O'_7~1..~ r'.ul'. ~,:E: r- O"."?,~_'-` f,,.~ 0~ '~'i`i.C~{("F? :~t• ~1C2 i ~ Cd',1T1C7.1 ~:`-T'E,'~C~ ~O .i00r. t~.~":~' i.~:~~`'i,'~,E.'T' QV°T'• IL ~.•r~~ ~i~~°s_ :~st~L~ "r. ~'croy ~~Jl :->or:ie ~?~lF~ Cour~c~.l members 10~1~: OVET' l~;'.E' vtJ _=O;~~F? 0'~1 J=i ~I'CI'i Tf;. `-?72C1 ~':~`'_P_ it0'1,=°_. t. t,~?c, V';'P~1.S `d11C~. ~ 0~ ''._1`~t, 5:2.r I1E'_2i~.~G 1:1`1 :''it~=` a'Jc+.`.i O-`' T' E~:~~1I'„ . i.i:3 a~,~'.i~7~'ict.., '~,::~a (~",ni;~?:C'?~.. :"''7TC. :~02' ~~~C~I~~~.j tir1E` vE'i' n ~ ~ n ~ , ' ~ ~ _ "'i C~ ~ : + 1~ r ",a7?~i -''O7' .~}~i.1 ~;,.2 • `3 ~~~c~.~.~_ c~., ).)cl.t. "°'~121C~ $'OZ' ~1.~J .Ci~ Vd°I'E '-:.Udit" ~ 2 ~ c~7J"'T'OV2u ...=iCa Oi'::.1E:'i'F''~ i!c`',.~ r'Ci~T'iC~.~i',?~I1 '<::~1t~'1'^ ='.;I~`<"~"E?S~E?u `u~i~il, t,I.°~r i,I`'~•,/ i.'v ~~'Pt ~O~",~.'tilc'T' 121 c~r~~ r~t,' E?i.~ _;.E~ =~?"iE' ~_[:F? , C`~ CE.' T~E'T}";r'f. _~.?71t 'i]. c..n~ C.'L.1t.~~S • ~~:`?Pr'° :3 . ~~i:' ``,C'.;_~~~:4?"i9 ..'l~~'i, r'~7 ~.C ~7.C77: f. 't~'f?x1 • ! '`*0 F'ilr°~ilE?T' '~?.1Sa_TiPSS '3.~pE%-'.i'.-1T:i-`' c.T'tCl Ll'.'Orl `~Of.1Qit ~'.'1E? P'12@l.1Tl~' , [ 4'Ja c~ C.~~ G~1T'Z ~~C.1. r \ ~~y ~ ~ /1~ V nt. :~'a 1 1 LI';+.1 ~ , . 1 ~ ~ , . ~ V~.i ~'1t.~r G1GZ'~i y'pr' ~ , 'I ''•~rroyo Gr~.nde~ C-a1~:f. ~;~nu~r~~ 1C~~ i<<~~~? ~ ^ne City C'o~,~~cil r.~~F:t ~.°~it?~ r.~~.~~,i~:~. o:~ t~e ':rro~lo, rr~nc~~e ~ i Planr~ir.;~= Cor~L :isslor~ t~ ~oo~. a~,rer ~x~e ~ or 7oni.n~^~ and the ~lanning ~ ~ Corlrf,is~ion ~m,~ar~+„ed ,ner~n:is~=:ior to ~'~.~.~1 ~~.ea~ n t^ buiZc~ a Du~lex or~ tr~~e ' 1ot waest ~~f ~~~-~c ~,o~~e. ~ ~I ~ It s~~as a~rreed ta ~~eet on 4=~.nuar~r 26th ~'or the Ist he~ring I ~ on ~onin~; . ~s T'r. Conrad an~~ ?:=r. uarric ~~:~ere nat present t~!ere eoul.d ; ~e no other ad~u~t:~ent~~ ryacie ~a,~itY~out their recor~u~enc~at~.ons. ' .,.eet; r~; ~c~~; ourned. ,r'". ~ ~ ~ . { m -n ~l~ ~ r ` ; - 1 • . J' / ~ ~it,y C.lerk `1t~T~~ror _ C7-. :"-rrovo C;r~.nde ~ Calif . ~ ~ nu.=a,,,y 1~S 9 1` 49 ~~eci~.l n.~eeti:n.~ d~:~C c~lled 'or• t~~:e ~;lzrno~e o:.`' discussin~ the .~~al~.ce Depart~ient a~i~.irs~ an~ I'~';ror Dixson a~ked h:°r. F~rris to cor~uct t1i~ he~:ring. T~~on roll-call C"ounci.~rnen nixson~ ~chnyaer~ Clark~ '`:raiters ~.+.nd ~~,,~~*~anr~ re~ortP~? ~~receA~t. ~Bt'.t'.8T' 1''~'OT'.1 Cf'~ 1C E'_T' T;. .~',~].111r`).?m r~ ,~i;'c`~;~ I' @~ C~. ~.11C~ ~','_I' . Uc`3.T1'1 S ~sked ~?tficer ?:,'i12i~r:1s t~ co~~Le ~'orv.~~.rc~ ~r.d r.~~ke any st~t,~^,ent~ he ~~y~i.~he~. to rn~.~:e. C'h~e~ oi Police ~i=~ckleT~ t~ien m~.de hic report~~nd I 1 , :