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Minutes 1949-01-10
~ Co~zncil -~•re~c~ ~o ~o~t> t~~e ~:~~t~t:.~,r° c~v~x~. Iti ~wr~~ .i=:°r.~~.te~'~ ""r. ~'cC~~ ~ri~ci :.,or;:le ~f ~~~~e Cour.cil m~mbers lo~k ovez= C~ty _:cu~e on ~=~a:rcc~ ~t. ~r.cl ~~;e ~cut~ ?t t:le U;~ells and see T~-1~t t-:2.~, nee~.~c' in ~z~~: va~. w c,:" rF:~~~ y~;;. . ~.y~ n~t~ ~t, ~~a~ r~-~„ nx~=~l r.c: _'or ~ r,`;1. ~ Yie ter ~'und 'or ~2.u2~ ~.~~c~ tre ',t~~ ~er D~~~~aci t ~'ur.d :~cr ~16.C~ vr~re ~<uai.t- ed~ a~_~~ro~~~~ o~~::~E~~~~:~. ~a~~. ~`Cunc1~:'?c3r:1 r^,1„~;,Pr^. ,',~~"''f"f:St:~E'ia ,:,'_`i~ i~ ti.E?~r tl''V tC ~='E?t to~"°ti2Er c: . . 111 ~'O._.F ~ . . ~,r.a~;~ ~.O :3P~.f"~E? =~L;;c~ '~~'!f~ ;`C.~;.C~,' :~f.';~f;I'~.1.~Q.~?~. ~.~i1_ii1C'.~21f.iE'.S. Lti:PI^~ '':a.. ~?0~7E: ~~i.' ~!C'_a.c~;0?'i9 "`1h~i. "~:7 ?.C' ~1OT't t,'ti'.E?Il . ~''~'J "f'1.zT'tilf?Z' '~LlCa_71~'SS r3.ArpE`?T'1T'f." 2.T'tCl U;r?OYl i.~.Ot10it t~1P. I:^,Be1,127Yr VTa S^ ti`; O:_li 7~:8G. • ~ ~ ~ J k , , n, T,l ~ " ~ ' Cit~r Gl~x'k °.~.yOr ~ ~~~~rroyo Gr~nde' C^~1; f . L anuart~ 1C~ ~ 1c;~ a . `A'17~ ~'I.t.~T ~;QUiiClZ ri:E~, u`::Lt.~l !':~'i1:~f'.t'~- rJ:1 t,"lE' 'fJY'x'O~~O, ~-',r.'-X71C~s@ Planr~ir,~~ Cor~,.:~:is~~orl I~c~~. ov~r ~~~e T"a~ ~or 7onin~~ and t'r.e i~lannin~ Cor.lr~ission ~rn°~r~ted per~r:~s~ior t~ P~ul '~'earn t^ ~uilc~ a Duplex on t~~e lot v~est of s ~~oa~e. It b~~a ~ a~reed !~~eet on G ar~u~ry 26th ~'or the lst he~rin~ on 2onin~. :"~s I'r. Conr°ad an~~, Y'r. ~~rri= L~~ere not preSent t~ere could be no oth2r ad~'u~t~!~rt:~ r.~~de ~d;Tithotzt their recor~rnendat~ or~s. ( ~ ~ . ~i:eet; r.g adjourned. , ro: m m n e (~'C~6.x ~ ~ . . ~ ' ~ • i it~r C.lerk ~ ' TtT~.,:-or ~ ~ U ~ , :^-rrova ~z°~.nde~ Calii . ~ ~nu=~y°y I~ ~ 1~49 ~`pec~.a_1 n;`_c~e~.in~ a^;~c c:~lleci ~'or t~-.e ~urno~e o~' discussin~° the .~~olice ~ej~artment a~l~.irs~ ~r~d I~"ry~,ror Dix.~en a~;kea. 1!:"r. H~.rris to cor_~~act tl~e he~.»i.ng. T_~~on ro11-call C'ounc~ lrnen Dixsoxl, ~chnyaer~ Cl~rk~ T`:'~it~r5 f=.nd ~~=~r:zm~nn re?~ort~f' '~re~:ent. letter fror~ Of~icer L. r. "Iiilian?;~ ik~~as re~d ~.nd P.'r. ?-?arris ~s'_~ed Ofs'icer !`7ilZiar:ls t~ co,~:e ~'orv.•~.rd ~r:d :;~ke any state~~ents he ~,~i.shea to r.:~=~~~e. C~?~e ~ o~ P~lice :Aackler trien m~.de his report~ ~.nd a