Minutes 1949-01-19 ~ ~ II
- ~trroyo Grandes Calif.
~"anuary 19, 1g49 '
'IKhe ~ity Cc~uncil met in regular session with ~fayar G. F.
Dixson pr~siding.
Upor~ r~ll e~:ll ~ouncilmen Schnyder~ Clark~ t~~'aiters and
Dammann reported present.
Th:e minutes of the regular ~nd special meetings were read
and ap~roved as read.
The bids on gaso~ine were diseuss~d and ~Sr. M~~oy reported
the Union Oil-Co.'s bid on 7b00 gasoline was $.219 per gal.,and
after discussion C'ouncilman ~chnyder m~de ~ motian~ seconded by
Councilman Dammgnn to accept the Union Oil bid for 76 ~asoline at
$.194 per gai.~ and to see if arrangements could be made to get
Ethyl gas by the month fram the ~erviee Statian~ at a rate. ~ltotion
Mr. Anderson reported that C. C. ~harps would regair the
sr~inging bridge for ~49~.0~. ~lso~ that the Fo1t ~fator was sold for
It ~vas brou~ht up about the 1: Of3 a.m. to 6:0~ a.m. parking
3nd it was ~greed to enforce the parking restric~ions from 4;00 a.m,
to 6:00 a.m.
Nfr. Harris reported th~t the hearing on zoning would pro-
bably be on ~ebruary gth instead of January 26th, as it h~cd been
impossible to ~et the natice in the Herald-Recorder in time.
Couneilman D~nn reported he had heard they were planning
to open up I2th and I.6th Streets from Crand ~ve. to 14I Highw~y~ and
suggested the City Planning CQmmission Iook into the matter.
R~OLTJTIO~T ##20fJ: A r~solution designatin~ the Bank af
~imerica~ ;~rroyo Grande Branch~ as the bank in which aII City monies
be deposited.
Passed and adapted by the following roll call vote:
AY~: Councilmen I7ixson~ Schnyder~ Glark~ ~aiters~ and
~I~~ : It~one
:~BSEI~TT`: I~ane .
~ouncil.man ~lark made a motion tha:t the Mayor appoint two
me~bers of the Council and ane from the Flannin~ Commission as a fact
~2 ~~:1
_ ~~t.y~
b: a
finding board to look into the afPairs of the Police Department~
and ma.ke recommendations to the City Cauncil. Councilman T)ammann
seeonded the motian. Mation carrie:d. 16~ayor Dixson ap~ointed
Gounc i lman ~d~l~i t ers ~ nd C ounc i lman ~ehnyd er and Va~. Lo Qmi s from
the Flanning ~omrnissia~ an the Committee~ and they ~vere asked to
make their report ~t the ne~t Council meetin~.
l~s. ~inderson said Ntr. Geor~e ~riner wished a right-of-way
over the northerly edge of the City's 40 acre tract to run a priv~..te
water line~ and ~~r. Harris agreed to write up the agreement.
Bills against the General Fund for ~?94.10 and the t~'ater
F'und for $28~.50 were audited~appr~oved and ordered paid.
. _
~'o further business ~pgearin~ and upon motion the meet-
ir~g ~vas ad j ourned.
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~ity elerk ~ b7ayor