Minutes 1949-02-02 ~rroyo Gr~nde ~ ' ~alif . February 2~ Iq49 T~e City Council met in regular session with ~liayor G. F. ' Dixson presiding. ~l'pon roll c~ll Councilmen ~ehnyder? Clark~ ~laiters? and Dammann reported present. . The minutes of the previous meetin~ were read and approved as read. Communica.tions were read and placed on file. The Clerk wa.s ins~ructed to write the pivision of F~i~h~ys asking for any su~gestions they mi~ht have for buildin~ islands a~ the Y at I~~elson ~t. ~ and where Araneh ~treet intersects ~ri~h the 101 Nighvaay~ and also to a~k if the Nighway Dept. would make ir~st~ll~.~ion af lights in the area between the isl~nds if the City would take care of the power bills on the li~hts. Rids for painting of the inside of the house on ~raneh ~t. ~ anc~ also of the hous~ at the well ~ere read and it was ~ug~;ested to Iet the ?~raneh St. house go for the present. I~.r. Rohde~s bid for the paintin~ of the interior of the house at the well was declared to be the lower bid and he was given the job~ ~he price being $136.C~0. ~.r. Me~oy was instructed to have ~Iesauit put linoleum in the house on Branch ~t• ~lr. Vermillion ~vas present to ask when Larchmont Drive ~vas goin~ to be oiled and worked on~ and after some discussion it was suggested that ~Ar• ~nderson check on the road. i~ir. Casey appeared before the C'ouncil to ask about a job an the C.ity Poliee Dept. ~Iayor I3ixson said the Dept• of Ag~°iculture vuished to have the Gity's permission to poison squirrels upon the area inside the City~ and to have one of the City men sho~r them around. eouncilman Schnycler made a mation~ seeonded by ~ounci.lman Darrmnann givin~ them permission to poison the squirrels. The: motion carried. l~r. Paul ~turges ~sked about having some of the street names c hanged as there were several streets of the same name inside ~the City and in Fair Qaks. The ~rroyo C~rande City Planning Commission ~ere working o~ the c han~es~ and l~. Harris said he would pr epare resolutions for the nar~e char~es. House numbers for the City were discussed and it vaas decided 24 ~ ~ ~ ~r _ . r ~.,,....~r . to put house numbers on the vva.ter cards for ~ebruar~ and then eheek Ia!ter on to s~e if the correet numbers were put on ~he houses. 13ids a~;ainst the ~enerai Fun~ for ~z,937•51~ the ~~ater Fund for ~4~6p9.83~ and the ?~ater ~~~osit Fund for $2~.0~ were audit- ed~ ap~aroved~ and ordered paid. The Ietter of Deeember 2C~th ~ritten to the Postmaster in regard to mail in the City box was discussed~ and Councilman ~ehnyder made a motion~ seconded by C.ouncilman Clark to have a letter wri~ten omitting alI proper names as suggested by 1~~r. Harris. l~~otion carried. I~~o further business the meeting was adjourned. ~ ~ , , ~TT~T:~, ~2. . ~City ~Ierk Mayor