Minutes 1949-02-16
~rroyo Grande~ ~alif.
Februa.~y 16~ 194g
The City Council met ?n regular se~sion with ~I~yor G. F'.
Dixson presiding. Upon r+~ll call Councilmen ~chnyder~ Clark~ 'C:ai~ers
and DaYnmanri reported present.
The minutes of the pI'~V10US meetin~- ~y~ere read and ap~roved
as read.
Communications v~ere read an~. placed d~n file.
The request for an extension of the water line on ~lder
Street from I~Aaple to C~rand ~ve. ~;as discussed~ and it was a~reed to
Iay the matter over until the next meetin~ ~~hen the v+r~ter carr~nittee
would have a ne~u ordinance for water outlined.
John Ba_xter v~ras present ano. said he had a IO inch water
well vrhich he had perforated about a month a~;a~ and he would give
the well to the City if the City v~~ould furnish him vvith water for
his own use. It ~r~ras su~gested the «later Gommittee 2ook into the
well.~ and if found favorable to have the well tested out tharou~hly.
~~r. ~:eElhaney ~ppeared bef°ore the Council for the purpose
of giving information about a motor grader which the Hanson ~uip-
ment Co. had for sale for ~2~~~.0~. :~ttorney Harris said the City
would have ta advertise fo~ bids for equipment of this type~ and
give all bids consideration. The matter was discussed and it was
decided to let the matter ride at this time.
In reply to one of the sug~estions rr~:de by NIr. Anderson~
TA~ ter Supt.~ the Council unanimously agreed it would be the policy
of the City to install 4 inch transite pipe ~jhereve~ 2 ineh pipe
lines are t~ken np~ or wherever new lines are to be laid.
R~QIb'TIa~T #20Is
A Resolution changing the n~me of ~~,talnut Avenue in Jones
Tract ta California Avenue; ~~alnut Avenue in the Gy'estern ~,d~ition
ta Bennett .4venue; Qak ~treet along' ~Y~ineau-Loamis Adr~ition to ~`air
Oaks _4venue.
Fassed and adopted by the f ollowin~ roll call vote:
Couneilmen Di~son~ Clark~ ~chnyder~ ~~daiters and
nTO~: None
~BS II~~T: IvTone
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. . ~ . . . . . . . . ~ t...~J.,.,j
Mayor 13ixson asked for a report from the Police Cvmmitteey
and Councilman ~1~aiters sug~ested the me~etin~ be adjourned until
Friday ~ F'ebrEZary 18 ~ 1949 at 7; 3~ PM for a c omplete report from -~he
Cammittee on police investi~ation.
~nnauncemer~t was made of the second hearin~ upon the
Zonin~; Ordina~ce~ which vw~as to be held February 23~ 194g. ~
~ Rills against the General Fund for ~795.9~~ and the L~;~ater
Fund for ~287.5~ ~ere au~.ited~ approved "and ordered paid.
No further ~usiness appea~in~ and upon motian the meeting
v~.s adjourned ta ~riday ni~ht, February l~~ Z94q at 7:30 FM.
I~TT~: T: ~
~ ~ ,
Gity eler ~lia:yar I
~rroyo Grande~ Calif.
February 18~ 1949
The City Council met in an adjourned sessioni Mayar ~ixson
presidir~g. tTpon roll call Couneilmen Schnyder~ C'lark~ ~Taiters~ and
Dammann reported present.
I~~~.yor ~ixson said the purpose of the meetin~ vaas to hear
the report of the Committee on Police investigatian~ and Councilman
~laiters and J. Vard L,oamis read the report. ~fter the reading and
diseussion~ a motion cvas made by Councilman Dammann to accept the
report with the exeeption that a new Chief of Police be on probatian
for from thr°ee to six months. This motion uuas seconded by Council-
~n ~laiters~ and upon roll call the vote wa:s ~s follows:
AY~s ~Iayor Dixson~ Councilmen ~°laiters and Dammann
NOFJS: Councilman ~chnyder
Councilman Clark declined to vote
~.B~II~T: None.
It was ~.greed the report should be published in the paper.
I~ayor Dixson then declared from now an there would be only
one member of the Police Commissian~ and ap~ointed Councilman ~~:~.iters
to take over the Police Commission and to be :?~cting ~'hief of Police
until a new Chief was hired~ and to act wi~h no interferenee.
Cauncilma.n D~mmann made a motion~ seconded by Councilman