Minutes 1949-02-18 2~ ~ ~~e ~ . . . . . . ~ t.....,„j 1Vlayor Dixson asked for a report from the Palice Co~nittee~ and Councilman ~laiters su~~ested the meetin~ be a.djourned until Friday ~ February 18 ~ 1949 at 7; 30 PM for a c ompl.ete report from the Committee on Police inveutig~t~ion. ~nnouncemer~t w:~s made of the second hearin~ upon the ~onin.g Ordinanee~ which vti~as to be held F"ebruary 23~ 194~. Pills against the General Fund for ~795.Q0~ and the ~"later ~ Fund f'or ~287.54 ~ere audited~ approved and ordered paid. No further ~iusiness appea~in~ and upon moticrn the meeting w~:s adjourned to Frid~y ni~ht~ ~ebruary 18! 194q at 7:30 PM. • ' ~ lA 1 1.Jt.,.YT 1 ~ I ~ City eler B1k.yc7r' ~rroyo Grande~ Calif. February 18~ z9~g The City Council met in an adjourned sessionr Mayor i~ixson presidir~g. LTpon roll call. Councilmen Schnyder~ CSark~ F~laiter~ ~ and Dammann reported present. l~~~yar Dixson said the purpose of tr~e meetin~ v~:s to he~r the report of the Committee on Police investiga.tian~ and Councilman ~~~iters and J. Vard Loomis read the report. After the reading and discussion~ a motion cv~as made by Councilman Dammann to accept the report with the exeeption that a new Chief of Folice be on prob~tion for from thr~ee to six manths. This motion vaas seconded by Gouncil- man ?~laiters ~ and upon roll call the vote was ~s follows : AYESs Mayor I7ixson~ Councilmen ~daiters and Dammann NO~: Councilman ~chnyder Councilman Clark declined to vote _~B~ENT: NOrie . It was ~.greed the report should be published in the paper. May ar Dixson then deelared from now on there wou~d be only one member oi the PoZice Commiasion~ and ap~ointed Councilman ~~iters to take over the Police Commission and to be ?Acting Chief of Police until a new Chief was hired~ and to act with no interference. Caunci7.m„~n D~amann made a motion~ seconded by Gouncilman f, ~ ~ _ Clark~ to aecept the ~ppointment of Councilman G~laiters by P~[ayor Dixson. II~on roll call vote all members voted 'fYes~'. ~~ra:rrant ag~ainst the ~eneral Fund for $2~0.4p was audited~ approved~ and ardered paid. l~o further business appearing and upan motion the meeting ~as adjourned. ~ , t~T'I'~'ST: , , ~j~'' ~ City Clerk ' R.ayor _ p _ ~rroyo Grande ~ Cal if . 14?arch 2 ~ 194~ The City Council met in regular session .r.=ith r~~~yor Dix- son presiding. ~pon ro11 call Councilmen ~chnyder~ Clark~ ~','~.iters and Damrn~nn reported present. The minutes of the previous regular and adjourned meet ings were read and approved a.s read. The Communic~tions were read and plaeed on file. R~'OLUTION ~#202: Be It Resolved~ that the names of the followin~ streets be chan~ed as follows: ~"Jalnut Avenue ifl Jones Tract to be changed to Galifornia :~ve. ~"Jalnut ,fi.venue in the T~Jestern Addition to be chan~ed to Benne~~:' Av~~ttze. O~k ~treet alon~ r.Tineau-Loomis ~d~ition to be chan~ed to Fair Qaks ~venue. Passed and adopted by the follovring roll call vote: , AY.Ya : Councilmen Dixson~ Clark~ ~chnyder~ ,'3aiters and Dammann ~.TOES : rTone .AB~.~1!?T: TTone. r~~ayor Dixson asked ~~~.r. Harris~ the City Attorney~ ~bout the annexation of the ~~Dell iraperty v~.rhere a roadv~ay lay between the pronerty and the City line. Ke ~.greed to look into the matter. Councilman '~"?aiters made motion~ seeonded by Counci lman Dammann atzthorizin~ the surveyin~ of the pro~erty recently obtained