Minutes 1949-03-16 ~ e~ Fund for ~441.69, and the ERTater Deposit F`und for $1~.~~ rrrere audited~ approved and ordered paid. I~=o further bus~ness ~p~?earin~ and upon motion the meet- ing vras ad j ourned. ~ ~ ~ ATT.~' T : City Clerk ;~ayor _ p _ ~rroyo Grande~ Calif. ~arch 4~ 1949 ~II Council members were resent at an informal meetin~ ~ to interview the balance of the applicants for the Chief of Police position? and a~ter interviewin~ the three ~r~ho ~~ere present the Council discussed the applicants~ and it v~ras unanimously a~reed to hire ~'.r. ;'~m. P.+~. ~tonsifer for Chief of ~'olic ) , ~ ATT~T: r ~ , City Clerk ~~ayor - 0- ~ ~rroyo Grande ~ C~1. if . ~~~rch 16 ~ 1.949 The City Council met in re~ular ~ession ~vith ~~ayor G. ' Dixson presidin~. Upon roll c~ll Councilr~en Schnyder~ Cl~.rk~ 5"laiters and Damm~nn reported t~resent. I The minutes of the ~reviot:s rreetiz~ were re~d ~.nd ap- , ~roved as read. The c ommunications ~vere re~d anc~ ~lac ec~ on file . RESC?LUTIOI~? ~#2f14s ' Resolution of the Git~r Co~ancil of the City of ~rroyo Grande~ authorizin~ aceeptance oF ~eed to Real Fstate. , P~ssed and adopted by the followir~~ roll call vote: ~YF,,,S: Councilmen I~ix~on~ 5chnyder~ Clark~ ;,;1a,iters~ ~.nd D~~unann ~TO~': T~Tane :=~B~?~`TT. l~~one. The ~,ecr~~tion Project wa~ di.scussed and~a_11 CounciZmen ' vaere of the oninion ~vhen the Council a~reed to e~on~te the $28~.00 ; ~ ~ ' ; ~o ~ ~ . ~ ~ a ye~r a~o so the prajeet eould ~et st~rted that t~e ~oney raised by the ~?arvest ~ estiv~.l v~~as to take ca:re of it from then on. After discussion it was decided to ask ~e~r. B~.hr tc~ ~!eet v~~ith the Council- members and members of the ~~,ecreat~.on Commiss~.on for the purpose Qf ~etting ~.t ~1T the f~ets. Councilman 5chnyder was to ~et in tauch ' ~~~ith ~:r. ~ahr ac to ~arhen he cauld be present. It v~~.s moved and seconded th~t the In~urance Policy for Public Liability a.nd Property Aam~g~ ~e acce~ted ~t the sti~ulated rates~ ~nd th~t the amoun~ of insurance on the CitSr ~all be ch~n~ed from $6~0.~0 to <~1200.~~~ the contents af the ~all from ~400.00 to $800.00~ and the ~mount on the ~ire house to rem~.in ~.t $~00.00. Councilm~_n L~1~iter~ ~ade ? r~otion~ seconcled by Courcilman D~mrn~nn~ recomr~endin~ that ~n~t. lt". ~tonesifer be hired ~s Chief of Poliee retroa~t~ve to ~~iarch 5~ 194g~ the salary to be ~~27~.C0 per month. r~~C~LUTIO~T #~20~: R~~olution ~sking that Cherry~ Orchard~ and Califorz~ia ~venues t~e included in the ~~~ajor City ~treets't. Passed and ado~ted by the follow~in~ roll call vote: "~YE~ z ~ouncilmen Dixsan ~ Sch~ayder 9 Clark ~~"'ai ters and Damm~:nn . . '`TOT~ : nrone ~1B~~TTr l~Tone Councilm~n Schnyder made ~ motion~ ~econded by Council- man Dammann' to di~~en~e ~rith trle Police Comr:~ission and the ~hief of Police to have full control of the police force~ and he was to t~ke matters before the City Council as ~ whole, Councilr~~n Glark m~de rr.otion~ seconded by Councilman D~~rnm~nn~ that no rr~ore ~a~ter cor~nections be made to property out side the City lir?'ts until the water situation could ~e reviev~ed. ~ ?.'~Tater Conservation v~~as discussed~ and it was su~~*ested that ~enator `esperson and ~:ssemblyman Sillir~an be contacted~ and also see if Pismo Reach vrould be interested in sor~e future project . on water eonserv~.taon. t~ ~ ~ Alvir~ and Loren ~Tewman ~aere present to discuss a street the~ v~aished to ~ive to the City. B~s. Harris ~ the City ~ttorney~ advised them as to how the~T should proceed so that it ~sotzld be acceptable to the Ct~y. Bills a~ainst the ~eneral Fund for ~762.70~ and the ~"later Fund for ~2~~.50 ~rrere auditecl~ apnroved~ and ordered iaaid. R~o further business apnearin~; and u~on motion the meet- ing ~ s ad j ourned. , , ~TT~,T City Clerk PR~~or _ p _ :~rroya Grande ~ C~ ~if. ~a~~rch 18 ~ I~49 The City Cauncil mlet in an informal meetin~ v~rith Mr. Bahr anc~ the Members of the ~?e~reat' on Commission for c'i scussion on the Recreation Project~ and the Council members a~xeed to study the mat~ter over before ~;iving~ a final deeis~~n. f , ~ TT~T , City Clerk ~Ra~or _ Q _ ~ .~rroyo C~r~nde~ Ca_lif. M~rch 28~ 1949 The City C'auncil met in ~eei~I ~essian for the pur- z~ose of establi~hin.~; charges for e~~~ter ~Teter Install~tions. ~~ayor Dixson presided and Councilmen Schnyder~ Cl~rk~ ';aiters ~ and Damr_n~inn were present. ~;fter discusszon and inspection of' the new t~ater Ordirr ance passed by the City of ~an Luis Obi~po~ the follow~in~ Resolution was passed. ~~OLIJTIQAt ~#206: A Resolution of the Cit,y Council of the City of Arroya Gra.nde settin~ the folTowing~ service fees for making conneetions~ or for enlarging those already in~ to-vrit: