Minutes 1949-03-18 t•~ ~ Alvir~ and Loren I~?ewm~n ~rere t~resent to di~euss a street ; i they v~ished to give to the City. ~~s. Harris~ the City ~ttorney~ ~.dvisea them a,s to hotiv they shouZd ~roceed ~o th~t it ~r~ould be ~ece~tahle tc~ the Ct~y. ~ills a~ainst the General Fund for ~762.~0~ and the t"~later Fund for ~2~7.~'~ ~raere audited? ap~roved~ and ordered paid. ~jo further business ~prearin~ and u~on motion the meet- ing ~ s adj ourned. , . ?~TT aT City Clerk P~~~or _ p _ :~rrayo Grande ~ lif . r~arch 1~ ~ Iq49 The City Council m~e~ in an informal meeting ~rith IuIr. Bahr and tYie Members of the ~?eereat-' on Commission for di scussion on the ?~eereation Frojeet~ and the Gouncil members a~reed to study the matter over before ~;ivin~ a final deeisi:on:.: TT~T /~v~o~~~:~ ~ eity C,lerk ~~a~or _ p _ ~ .~rroyo erande ~ Ca.lif. ~t~rch 28, 194g The City Council met in ~eci~l ~ession for the pur- ~ose of e~tablishin~; char~e~ -~'or ~f~~ter ~~eter Install~tions. Mayor Dixson presided and Councilmen Schnyde~~ Clark~ ',aiters ~ and T7amm~nn were present. ~;fter discussion and inspection of the new ~ater Ordirr- ance passed by the City of ~an Luis Obicgo~ the followin~ Resolution was passed. ~'~.~SOLL7TIC?~T #~206: A Resolution of the City Council of the City af Arroyo Grande setting the folTov~ain~ service fees for making conneetions~ or for enlar~irig those al.ready in~ to-vrit: