Minutes 1949-03-28 t~ ~
Alvifl ant~ Loren I~Tev,~n ~~ere present to diseuss a street
they ~rished to ~ive to the C"ity. ~~s. Harris~ the ~ity ~ttorney~
~dvised them as to ho~~v they should ~roceed ~o th~t it wozzld be
=~cc eptable to the Ct~y.
I~ills a~ainst the Gener~l Fund for $762.70~ and the
'~later F`und for ~2~7.~0 ~r~ere auditecl~ ap~roved~ and ord.ered ~aid.
~~o further business ~pr..earin~ and u~on motion the me~t-
ing v~_s adj aurned.
City Clerk ~~~~or
_ p _
~rroya Gr~nde ~ C~ ~.if .
r~~areh 1~ ~ 1g49
The City Council m~et in an informal meeting v~;rith Mr.
Bahr and the Members of the ~eereat'on Commission for ~iseussion
on the ?~ecreation Project~ and the ~ouncil member~ agreed to
study the matter over before ~iving a final deeision:
/ ,
~ TT~T ~ ~
City Clerk I~~a~or
_ p _ ~
~rroyo erande ~ Ca.I.if.
~ti~arcn 28, 1949
The City f'ouncil met in ~ecial ~ession for the pur-
~ose of eatablishin~; charges far '"l~ter ~~Teter Installation~.
~~ayor Dixson presided and Councilmen Schnyder~ Cl~rk~
`Taiters~ and Dam~nn were present.
~fter discussion and inspection of the new Water Ordin-
ance passed by the City of' ~an Luis (Jbispo~ the followin.g~ Fesolution
was passed.
R~OLi7TI0N ~#206:
A Resolution of the Cit,y Council of the City of ,~rroyo
C~rande setting the followin~ service fees for ~akzn~ conneetions~
or for enlarging those alre~:dy in~ to-v~it:
~2 ~
Inside the ~ity Li~its - ~I
5/8 inch l~eter ~ervice . . . . .$30.00
3 ~4 ~ ~r . . . . . a-a . o 0
z t~ ,f ?t o 00
1~ ~ t~ 6a o0
1~..,1. rt tt tt C)0
rt r, , . . . . lOQ . 00
(Ju~side the ~ity Limits -
~/8 inch ~~eter ~ervice . . . . .$45.00
I rr rr rr Od
l~ r~ ~r n . . . . . 65.0~
z,.~. rT . . . . . 9o.ao
~ r~ r~ rr . . . . .1~0. p0
The fees for installing a 5~8?~ ~ 3f4" or ln meter e~
or enlarging meters ~lready installed where the serviee eonnec-
tion from the water main to the curb line have been provided .
for the frontin~ propert~~ shall be ~ive (~~.C~O) Dollars. These
amounts to take effect immedzately.
tTpon motion of C~uncilman D~mmann? secanded by Councii-
man Schnyder ~ the fore~a~n~ .~esolution ~ras adopted by the follow-
in~ roll call vote:
4YES: Councilmen Dixson~ ~chnyder~ Cl~rk~ ?~?aiters and
t~amrnann .
~ : ~?one
A?~~~TI': Ajone
It was moved and seconded that uater meter installa-
tior~s to property outside the City be allov~ed to proceed at the
new rates.
The C1erk ~vas ~ sked to c all ~~r . Harri ~~nd have him
look over the ~a.n Luis 4bisno ~rdinance on water.
~~.r. Alvin ~'e~vman asked to have his ~vater bill correeted
and after diseussion ~s to ho~r many houses v~Tere on the one
r~eter~ a motion was made by Councilm~n Daznmann, seconded by Cour~
eilman t:~:T~.iters~ to make the a.mount ~10.40 for five (5) minimums.
A map of the F~ir Grove Fire District, and a Iist of
those si~;nin~; to E~aithdravr fro~ the sa~ne v~+as reviewed and ~auncil-
man Sehnyc~er made a~otion~ seeonded b~ Councilrnan Dammann~
authorizing R~ayor Dixson to si~n the petitian for ~r~ith~lrawa.I far
the City of ~rroyo Grande.
Alvin and Loren T~ewman reported ~~r. Simpson v~aouTd not !
~ive the necess~ry ~round to make the street the di~cussed 50
feet and after c~uite ~ r~iscussion~ it w~s a~;reed to take the
necessary ~-round from the :~lvin hTewman property if the City
would accept the street. They were to c ontact T',r. Conrad~the
City ~gineer~ about the street ~efore it v~rould be aecepted.
~?o further ~usines~ a.~~e~ring and upon motion the
meeting was adjourned.
~~.TT~T ~
~ity Clerk ~~a or
_ ~ _
:~;rroyo ~ra_nde~ CaTif.
^~~ril 6~ 1g49
~'he City Council met in re~ular session v~ith ~,~ayar
IIixson presidin~. L{non rol~ c~.ll Council.men ,"~;chnyder~ Clark~
`-;aiters ~ and Dar~r~nn reported present.
`~'Y~ie minutes of the previous regular ~nc~ s~ecial meet-
ings were read and ~pT~roved ~ s read.
Communic~tions ~~~ere read and placed on file.
ihe Ietter from Dr. ~'~vartout in re~ard to an Or~in~tince
in rega.rds to inspection on foods ~ etc . vJas referre~. to ry~r. Harris ~
the City }'kttorney~ ~nd he ~.gre~cl to have an Ordinance prepared
for the next ~eeting.
The corununic=_tion ~'ror~ ~rank ~;lontgomery vras referred to
the Chief of Police for a report.
number c~f
~:?esa residents vJere present to protest the
site U~~ich the Cit~ ~roposed to use for a refuse dump~ and after
several had made protests ~ouncilman Clark m~.de ~ r~otion? ~econ~.ed
by Couneilrnan ~chny°der t o ta.ble the duMp Zocati on unti 1 A:"_ay 4~ 194g .
P~~otion carried.
The Chief of Police's re~?ort tv~s read and his sct~~estior~s
to have a neva stop si~n put on the corner of 11Rason and .~.11en ~treets~