Minutes 1949-04-06
man 5ehnyc~er made a~!otion~ seeonded by Couneilrnan Dammann~
authorizin~ ~ti~ayor Dixson to si~n the ~etition for ~~th~rawal far
the City of` ~rroyo Crande.
Alvin and Loren Newman reported It~;r. Simpson ~~ould not
~;ive the necess~ry ~round to make the street the discussed 5~
feet and after auite ~ discussion~ it w~.s a~reed tn take the
necessary ~;round from the ~lvin 1~?ev~:an property if the City
wo~zld ~:ccept the street. They were to contact R',r. Conrad~the
City ~gineer~ about the street ~efore it v~ouZd be accepted.
~?o further ~usiness ~.t~~e~ring ~nd upon motion the
meeting w~.s ad j ourned.
~.'~T~T ~
City Clerk ~~a or
_ p _
;!~rroyo Gra.nde ~ CaTif .
"~pril 6 ~ 1g49
The City Coancil met in re~,ular session vrith ~.!~ayor
Dixson presidin~. L~pon rol~ c~11 Councilmen ;"chnyder~ Clark~
"'ait ers ~ an3 D~r:lann reported pr esent .
mhe minutes of the previous re~zlar ~nd s~ecial meet-
ings v~rere read ~nd ap~~rot~ed as read. '
Communic~tions ~~;ere read a~d placed on file. I~
ihe letter from Dr. r~vartout in regard to an Or~.in~nce
in reg~.rds to inspection on foods~ etc. vY~s referre~. to ~~r. Harris~ ,
tne City ~~,ttorney~ ~nd he agre~d to have ~n Ordinance prepared '
for the next Mee ~ing.
The communic~_tion ~'rom rrank Alont~omery vras referred to
the Chief of' Police for a report.
number esf P~.~esa residents vJere present to protest the
site v~yhich the City ~roposed t~ izse for a refuse dump~ and after
several had made ~rotests Councilr~an Clark made ~ r~otion, ~Peonced
by Councilman ~chnyder to table the duMp loc~tion until P"ay 4~ 1g49•
P~Fotion carried.
The Chief of Palice's rerort z~s read and his s~sggestior~s
to have a neVa stop ~i~n put on the corner of 1t7ason and =T~llen ~treets ~ '
34 ~ ~ ~
and to h~ve the cross~r~~lks re~ainted were ~~iven a~~~roval by the ~
C ounc i I .
The Council also ~r~.r_ted the req~aest to h~.ve ~ parade
b~r sc:~oal shildren on ~pril 30th. ~
~fayor Dixson ~.ppo~.nted the Cor~.r~i.ttee on ~Ios~ital and
Qmbulanc e to work on v~ra ter c on~ erva.ti on ~lan.
lhe new w~ter C~rdiranc e~,~ s to be given further study
and discussed further at the next meeting. It was alsa referred
to the Plannin~ C'ornr~ission f'or recom.mend~tions.
P;~r. ~lvaards~rec±u~st to move his '?eal ~state office
onto the lot on ?~ranch ~;treet betvreen ~oroth~ ~-~~.rd~r~ and the
Cleaners ~r:~:s referred to the Pl~.nr~ing; Comrrtission.
Councilr.~an C'lar~~ made a rzot~.on~ seconded by Council-
man ;~chnycler~ authorizin~ P~au~or Dixson to ~i~;n the ~~reement
v4rith 1!xr. Criner.
Clean-up ~'leek ~~ras discussed ~nd it ~,as a~reed to h~.ve
the ~~Veek commencin~ v~ritfi ~_~ril 2~'th for Cle~rr-cip ',~leek.
?~^~^ZT'i IOI`T ~#2C'7 t
~esol.utian to Publish notice ~'or ? Public F~eari_x.~
on the ~onin~ Plan..
i~assed anc adopted by the folloti5rin~ ro1T call vote:
~~'.y"~s Counc ilm~n Dixs or. ~ ~cnnyczer ~ Clark, ~~`l~iters ~
and Dar~_mann.
~ ~ Tvone
A?~`'~;TTT: l~Tone
Council.man t;~7aiters rnade motion~ seconded by C,'ouncil-
r~an ^chnyder authorizin~ the repair cz" the front steps to the
City ?~~I1.
There v~a~ a lengthy cti scussi. on a k~out wells ~ Fumps ~
etc.~ and ~ouncilman ~'chnyder mad.e a motion~ secor~ed ~y C'ouncil-
man Clark to advertise for bids on pur~~s ard motors and for
drillirlt~~ of a 12 or I4 inch v~~ell.
It w~s a.~reed to cancel tr.e order for 4 inch tr~:nsite
pige ~~r~iich wa~ reac?tyr or shipment.
~ .
, ~ ~
Rills a~rainst the General ~'und ~'or $257~.31~ the ?'~ater
Fund ~'or $870.;?3~ an~a the ~~r~ter Depo~it ~'und for ~1b.OQ ~~vere
audited~ ~pproved and ordered paia.
~?o further business ~ppe~rin~ by motion the meeting ~^4~as
~ -
;TT~.~T: . ~
City Clerk ~~T~yor ,
_ p _
Arroyo Crande~ Calif.
~pril 20~ 194g
The City Council met in re~ul~r session with Mayor Di:xson
nresiding. LTpan roll call Councilmen ;chnyder~ Clark~ ~~aiters and
Dammann re~orted present.
The minutes of the previous meetin~ v~ere read and ap~roved
as read.
The communic~tions were read an~ placed on file.
f~ri C~rdinance amending sect~ons of
Ordinance #~8~ w~.s read
for the first time.
Harr~v Hart~ ~'ire Chief~ reported there was to be a trairr-
in~ school for firemen at Pismo Beach and the Council a~reed to
furnish some transportation for some of the fire~en ta attend.
~ESOLI7TIC?N #~`2~8
In the matter of the condemnation of the Pacific ~oast
Rai lvJay ~i~ht of ~,'T~y .
Passed and adopted by the followin~ roll call vote:
~Y~S: Councilmen Dixson~ Schnyder~ Clark~ r~~aiters and
Dammann ~
nTOFS: r?one
~.~,.5~?T: ATone
~'r. Harais re~orted the papers for the ~aruwatari property
wer e near ly r eady.
L. E. Fernambur~ an~ I~Tr. Gassen~erger re~orted they were
bein~ annoyed b~T dogs and ~rrished ta know ii somethir~ could be done.
The Chief of police in~ormed them there vv~s nothin~ that could be
done about the barkin~ o~ do~s unless they would sign a complaint.