Minutes 1949-04-22
~l ~
~br. ti'1`. ~outz~.hn and ~.rs .~~r1~11 were present to protest
the payin~ of a~usiness License for Insurance ~alesmen or .~gency~
and to see if they could have the money rr~hich ~.hey had paid re-
funded. A:~r. Harris a~repd to look the m~tter up and re~ort at
the next re~ul~r meetin~.
Councilman ~chnyder made a motion~ seconded by Council-
man Damm~nn~ to have ~ new top put on the cistern at the ~roperty
on ?~ranch ~treet.
Gerry Uana asked ~.bout using~ the building at the City
Park for ~ p1C~ce for the Boy~s Glub to mee~. Gounczlman Damm~nn
~gre~~d to see wh~t he could do about gettin~ permission for the
boys to meet at the ~eout 3uilding at the Park.
The laying~ of ~ w~ter Iine in ~`yestern ~ddition wras dis-
cussed and laid over until more study vras made on the laying of
w~ter lines.
Bills a~ainst the ~eneral Fund for ~815.24; the S'~.ter
Fund for ~287.~0~ ~r~ere audited~ ap~roved ar_c~ ordered paid.
I`To further business ~ppearing and u~ion r.~oti~on the meet-
ing was adjourned. ~
, ~ ~
TT.~".~ T ~ , ~
City Clerk ' I~~ayor w
_ p _
t~rroyo Grande ~ Calif .
~.pri 1 22 ~ 194g
`~neci~.l meetin~ w~.s called to take up the matter of
allowing P~~r. ~dvuards to move his office to Branch ~t. ~12 ,
Councilmen were present except Councilman Dammann.
~fter discussion it ,~aas ~.g;reed to ~r~.nt ~.~r. ~'dwards
per~iission to r~ove the builc~ing onto the lot ~etween Aorotha
Hardi~ and the ~uality Cleaners.
ATo ~'urther business ~ppearing and upon rriotion the
meetin~ ~.ras adjourned.
ATT~T ~ ~ ,
City C~erk ~~a or