Minutes 1949-05-18 ~o ~ ~ Clerk that the P. G. ~'k rran could be ~resent. ~ ~ e ; ~ s 1 1.~r~ 1 i . City Clerk ' ~.'ayor ~r _p_ ~trroyo Grande ~ ~alif . ~ay 18, 19~9 '~he ei~.y ~ouncil met in regular sessian with ~a;yor I~ixson presiding. ~pQn roll call Councilmen 5chnyder~ Clark~ and Dar~mann reported present. Absent~ Councilman ~ai ter~. The minutes of the previous regular anc~ special meetin~;s were read and approved as read. The communications ~er~ read and plaeed on file. 'Mr.~ Harris had a capy of a garbage ordinance ~rhich he had prepared for Pismo Be~.eh whieh he left to have copies made and sug~es~ed a eapy be given to th~ Plannin~ Cam~nission and also one to the garba~e collector anc~ the Cit~ ~auncil to look over the ordinance so it could be discussed at the next meeting. The layin~ of new line~ to replace 2 ineh Iines and several old lines wa.s discussed. It vv~as reported there ~as about 3000 feet of 4 inch pipe on hand anc~. a shipment of 3Q00 feet would be ready in ~Tune or ~;uly. It wa.s suggested that the neeessa.ry fittings be ordered for ~ 4 inch line from Leed- ham Lane to :Allen a~,ong the F.C. F2/~'~ and a 4 inch line on Tally-Ho Road~ and a 4 in~h lirte on Grand :~ve. from Halcyon Road to ~riseo Road, It was moved and seconded that 10~0 feet of 4 inch transite pipe be ordered. P:Ar. ~a~1in~ who lives on Alder ~t. ~ south of the Fair ~aks Theatre~ appeare~. before the board to see ~bout water on the property he had recently purch~sed. The Council informed him he or the property owners th~re would have to inst~ 1 the water line before they could get water~ and it t~ould ha.ve to comply with Ci~y regulations. The men were to get measuasnents and data ready and cont~.ct the people out there, ~ C~uneilman ~ehnyder regorted the Recreatian Commission w~.shed to know mf the City Couneil intend~d to contribute ~o the ~Reer~eation Fund. A£'ter a Ien~thy discussion, A~r. H~rris ~ the City Attorney~ suggested a meeting of the ~ecreation Commission~ the Principals of the High ~chooY and Crammar ~chool~ one representa- ~ tive from the S?arvest F~stival and Counc ilman ~~aiters ~ together with hzmself for the purpose of tryin~ to come to some agreement on what was to be done. It was moved and seconded that ~~ayar Dixson be au thor- ized to sign the agreement with the County Health ~ep~:rtment. Couneilman Dammann made a motion~ seconded by Council- man Clark~ that a deed be drawn up for that portion of ~Te~aman Drive which the Iv''ev~man's ~vere deeding to the City. I~s. Conr~:d had Iooked over the street and ~~r. Newman was present and agreed to finish the grading and graveling of the street tc~ the satis- faction of the City F~ngineer after the water line was laid. The drawing of the deed ~as to be referred to the City ;~ttorney. Councilman Clark made a motion~ seeonded by ~ouncilman Dammann~ to clraw a deed for .q,lpine ~t. extension from Grand ~~~re. south. This also was to be reFerred to the City Attorney. Bills against the General Fund for ~$~8.80~ a nd the t~a.ter Fund for ~312.50 were auclited~ approved and ordered paid. ~To further business app~aring and upon motion the meetin~; ~as adjourned. , ^ C'=f~ L"~-t~ ATTEST: Ll~s'~~.ra. + .y~'.~ , ~ City Clerk ~ ~~ayor - p _ Arrayo Grande, ~alif. ~tay 27, 1g49 The ~ity ~ouncil met in sgeeial session with R~ay ar , F. Dixson presiding. I1pon roll call eouncilmen ~chnyderi t~ai ters and Da~nn rep~orted pr~sent. Councilman Clark ar°rived later and ~ouncilrnan D~mmann asked to be excused early. The meeting was callec~ for the gurgose of dis~ussing street work~ the Recreation projeet and the purcha.se of a stoe~- pile of Plant Mix.