Minutes 1949-06-01 I~ ~ l'~ ~rroyo Grande ~ CaI if. June 1, 1949 The City Council met in reg~ular session and ~va.s called to order . by th~ ~lerk. Upon roll call Councilmen Schnyder~ Cl~rk~ t~laiters~ and Dammann ~ reported present. ~bsent! ~ayor Dixson. Upon ~otion by Councilman ~"~iaiters~ seconded by ~ouncilman Dammann~ it was unanimously agreed that Councilman ~chnyder act as ~tayor . ~1tr. Harris~ the City ~ttorney~ discussed the Reereation 1'rojeet and the meeting whzch had been heZd~ and said if it ~ras agreeable to alI concerned he su~gested each af the schools and the City eontri- bute one-half of' the amount set ~zp in the projeet and an election be held to see if' the voters would be for the levying~ of a t~x for recreation - if it carried,t~en each or~anization would contribute the other one-half. He also wanted it clearly unde~stood that the arrangement could be dropped if the Council so wished. C'ouncilman f'lark made a motion~ seconded by Councilrnan Dammann~ to contribute the sum of ~390.0~ toward the proposed budget for the year 1949-50, and the City Attorney to proeeed with an Ordinance to put before the voters for levyin~ a tax for recreation~ and if the voters v~ere favorable the 4rdinance would then be adopted. ~ation carried. t;r. Harris su~gested the hearing and adoption of the ~onin.~~ d~ R~aster Flan be held over until the June l~th meeting; and it was moved and seconded to wait until the June l~th meeting for the he~ring. It was moved and seconded ta deny the board bills from the ian Luis Obisgo County ~heriff}s Office~ ~pril 2nd~ 1949 for $4.~~? ~ d Tv~ay 3~ z9~9 for $2.00. Iti~ation carried. A motion ~~as ~ade by Councilman elark~ seconded by Councilman ~.:Q, 9-~.,~ Dammann~ to caneel~ warrant #~430 for $4.00~ vuhich was drawm q~ il 6~ 1949~ and upon advice of the City At~torney ~aa~ held up. ~~~c~tion carried. 2`he Clerk asked about order3n~ Tax Bills~ and was told to order Tax Bills as needed. The itreet ~~aork to be done in the ~ones Tract was discussed~ , 44 ~,w,r~ ~ ~nd n~r. Conrad~ the ~ity ~ngineer~ sug~ested that the work be done from curb ta curb on Cherry .~ve. as far as curbs and gutters were ~ in~ and a 24 foot strip be ~ut in where the curbs and gutters were not in. The Couneil ~Iso agreed to do Californi~. Ave.~ a 24 foot strip. It was reported that there was a fire hazard behind ~rs. ~.o~ers place on t~he Pacific ~oast Lumber Co. groperty~ and Gour~cil- man Sehnyder agreed to speak to the a~ent and see if they would clean up the property. Li31s against the General Fund for $1512.$2~ the ~"'at~r Fund f'or $451.21~ and the ~~~ater ~eposit Fund for ~12.00~ v~ere audited~ ap~roved~ and ordered paid. hTa~ further business appearing~ and upon motion the rneeting, was ad j our~ned. r ~ i ' r` ATT~~T: ' '~lM~ Cit3T elerk Mayor