Minutes 1949-07-13 5(~ ~ kr~ k~G.n+~^" 4..:,...~,,..~=. ing was adjc~urned. 9 ~ r , ' / ATTFST:~~~ ~tit'`..~%~ , , City Clerk ~~ayor ~ ` _ p _ ~,rroyo Grande ~ Cali~' JulY ~3 ~ ~g4g The City Council met in S~ecial ~ession to c~iscuss street ~~ork. ~~ayor Dixson presidin~ . tTpan rall call Council-- men;:~chnyder~ ~~;~~iters and Dammann reparted present. Couneilman Clark arrived later, ~ir. ~naerson reported ~~r. Doko had ~iven him rental char~es for equipment a~ follou~s: ~~ator ~rader~ $10.C0 per haur~ and $8.~0 ~er hour for a rotor mixer or the machine v~ahich pul- verizes and tears up the surface. Councilman Dammanri su~~ested that ~~"s. 3~3risco be con- tacted for prices also and after sone discussion Councilman ~~daite~s called ~Tr. Erisco and he came ~.own and discussed the prices and the equiprnent he ha~. After more discussion on the ~rork Councilma:n ~chnyder made a r~a ti on ~ s ec onded by C ounc i lman Clark to turr~ the ~ror k over to ~~r. Andersor~ to ~et the necessary eauipment ~nd do the v~rork on Cherry and California Avenues~ and see how the cost `~ould c ome out . ~Qo~ion ~ carri ed. Th~ Clerk yvas instructed to call ~+Tr . Dolliver and change the preliminary re~ort from Plant ~'ix to ~oad l~ix also order signs made to put on the car so the Council could ride in the Farade in ~anta ~~aria~ July 20th, nTo further business appearin~ and upon rnotian the , meeting was adjourn~d. ~ , , : f ~ . ~ ~y j , ~ , ~,~,,1 TT~S T : i~~, /~n, ~~;~°r.~%~~„c,,~~~~~ . ~ Cit Clerk * y ~ ~ayor ~