Minutes 1949-07-20 Arroya Grande ~ Ca lif . JuZy 20, 19~9 The City Council met in ~egul~r session vrith 1~~~~yor G. F'. Dixson ~residing. U~on ro11 eall Gouncilmen ~chnyder~ Damrr~ann and t,~lait.ers reported present. Couneilm~.n Clark arrived a little l~~ter . ~he minutes of -the ~revious meetin~ v~ere read ~.nd approved as read. ~ommunieations v~~ere read and plac~~. o~ file. Ta~~.yor Dixsor~ a~ked permissian to leave the ~tate~ ~nd a motion d~as made by Councilman ~chnyc~er~ s~concled by eouncilrnan D2~mmann ~rantin~ his rec~uest. The ~ubjeet of caneellation of' tax~s on the High ~chool property purch~:sed from ~ ones v~as discussed~ and it was reported the school ~vould not be building for so~e time ~nd the land was rented out and D~,r. Harris said in th~.t case he was of the opinion the taxes should be collected and he a.~reed to look the matter up ~nd ~ive us the answer. Harry H~rt~ Fire Chief~ and Chief of Folice ~tonesifer rerorted th~.t a man ~'rom the ~tate Fire ~b~~rshall's office had been in and inspeeted the Grande The~tre~ and found it in the v~~orst to shape of a.nythin~ he had seen and he had calZed/~r. Charnberlain's attentian a number of thin~;s which `^rotzld h~ve to be done and he I said the theatre and the Fire Chief ~vou~.d get a copy of a letter , fror~ the head office with the recam~endations in the near future. ' The matter ~aas discussed and P:?r. Harris sug~est~d writin~ ~ letter ' ~ to the theatre callin~r attention to the fact no Iicense payment ~ had been received to date~ and ealling their attention to the sug- gestions relative to the safety ~rovisions vrhich will have to be made to meet the requirernents c~f the ~tate Fire I~arshal.l~ and any license will have to be revoked unless the necessary work has been complzed vvith. ~~r. ~'J. F~er~ reported the ~roperty owners h~.d ~i~;ned up for curbs and ~utt~rs vr2th the exception of ~,:r. ~~orefield~ who vras in ~~land ~nd an airmail le~tter v:~.s bein~ sent to him as he had written for m~ore particular~. 1~k2r. ~?er~ asked to have at Ieast three s~reet lig~hts in- , 52 ~ ~ ~ ~t~.Iled in that area ~nd it ~ya~ su~ge~ted the subject of better street Ii~htin~ be turned over to the City Flannin~ Com.~ission for further study and su~~estians. It was reported the P~cific Gas & Ele~tric Co. were to st~rt immediately on the installation of new fixtures and incre~s-- in.~ the size of the li~hts. ~s~r. ~:~iller from So. Alpine asked about vvork on their street ~.nd se~raers ~ ete . for that area ~ and v~as told the City had not accepted the Grant Deed to the ~treet as there vrere stumps ~:nd trees in the street v~hich might take cansider3ble ex}~ense to remove. The estaialishment of ~rades and ~olicy c~n acce~tance of streets was d.iscussed and it ~ras su~gested to refer to the Cf,ty Planning ~ornmission the matter of est~:bli~hment of ~;rades for the entire City ~nd also policies on uvhat requirement wi11 have to be met before acc~ptance of streets by the City. The I~~evasom ~~rin~s drai~age ~~as discussed~ and ~~r. Harris reported ~~r. Dohi h~d v~rritten in ~ut he v~~as waitin~ to come dot~m anc~ ~o over the ground to s~e for himself before taking the matter up v~ith the pro~ert;r ov~~ners. The Council saic~_ to refer the ~,Tewsom ~prin~s c~rain~.~e to the Planning Co~issian in their letter for their study. ~n Ordinance reauir~.n~ . Chest X-Raya for food handl,ers was read f or the first time by I~~r. ~arris . RESQLUTI02? #215 Resolut~.on adoptin~ the ~.rroyo Gr~nde Planning Commis- sion~ s recommendatians ~:s to requirements for con~.itioning of' streets before the City would accept any Ri~ht of VTay int.o City ~treet System. Councilman Cla.rk made a r~otion~ seeonded by Couneilman Dammann to accept the fore~oing Resolution. 4Y~: Councilmen Dixson~ Clark~ Sehnyder~ ~°z~.iters and D a~nmann . P''0~ : None :~BS~+~9"I`« l~'c~ne Upon investigatian Iater it ~ras found the only recom- mendation by the F~l~nnin~ Commission had been the 50 ft. width of streets so f~:r. . . ,.i`X:...~. . . . It ~~jas su~gested: a letter be written to ~~rs. ~?erneda ~~ontgomery thankin~; her for her faithful and effecient services as the school cr..ossing gu~.rd. ~ills agaznst the G~~eral Fund for $1035.6~~ and the ~'v~;ter Fund for $312.50 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. I~To further business and upon motion the meeting was adjourned, ATTEST: _ G C~~uJ ~ Ci ty C 1 erk G~~~ ar _p~._ Arroyo Grande~ Calif. Au~ast 3~ 1949 The City Council met in regular session an~ was called to order by the Clerk. Upon roll call Councilmen ~chnyder~ ~~aiters and 17ammann reported present. Councilm~n Cl~rk arrived later. ~ia;,ror Dixson ti-Uas abser~t. It ~vas moved~ seeonded and unanimously carried that Councilman Schnyder act as ~~ayor. The minutes of tre previous r~eetin~ ti°~ere read and appraved as read. Communications were as follo`~vs: 1, Letter Sram the Diviszon of Hi~h~~ays a~provin~ the preliminary report for the ir_~~rovement of ~herry Avenue from Calif- orni~ Avenue to ?7. S. l0I Highway. Ordere~ filed. 2. Copy of letter from ~tate Fire ~Tarshal to &"•r. A.C.H. Chamberlin ~vith recommendations for changes to be made ix~ Grande ! Theatre read and t~~e Clerk instrtzcted to v~rite the Fire Pti=Iarshal asking if zt was necessary for the City tot~ke any action. 3. The minutes of the City Planning Corzmission ~~ere read and ordered filed. 4. The re~ort of the Chief of Police vaas read and ordered filed. 4rdinance ~g6 ~aas read for the second ti.rne and Councilman Clark made a motion seconded by Councilman p'~aiters to adopt the Ordinance.