Minutes 1949-09-07
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:~rroyo Grande, Calif.
~e~t. 7, 1g~9
The City Council met in regular session vYrith Councilman
Schnyder~ r~aiters and Da~mann reporting present~ Iviayor Dix~on and
Counci]_rnan Clark arriving ~ few minutes later.
~he minutes of the previous meetin~ were read and appro~ted
as read.
~e~orts from the City Police Jud~e and Chief of Police
were read and filed.
A request from the Pacific Telephone and Telegragh Co.
for underground conduit in the Cit~T at the intersection of' Cor~ll
and Barnett ~~vas referred to the City ~.gineer ~ and ~~'ter Tooking I
it over and ~pprovir~ it a motion was mady by Councilm~n Schnyder~
seconded by Councilman Clark to ~rant their request.
~.:r. 0. C. Freohlich requested ~ reduction an a water bill ,
for his house on South ~lpine as he had not used any vaater~ and
had ne~Iedted to have it turned off. After reviewin~ the situation
Council~an ~ammann made a r~c~tion~ seconded by Councilman '~daiters~
to cancel ~I0.00 on the last 5 months ~rrhere no Lvater was used.
The Clerk ~as instructed to write the Paci~ic Gas &
Jlectric Co. and reruest them to turn on the li~ht at Gra.n~ &
Halcyon until they ~ot the fixture moved to a nev~ location.
~~r. Harris read a cammunication from lt~7r. Ho~kins~ Prin-
cipal at the f~i~h School~ in referenee to cancellation of City
Taxes on the property vahich the High ~chool purchased frorn the
~ones Far~ily. After discussion~ Councilman Clark suggested the
City ~:ttorney be authorized to c~eck further on the matter.
Bills a~~inst the General Funr~ for $2859.64~ the ~tater
Fund for $903 .36 ~ and the G~'later Deposit ~'und for ~32 .00 were ~
audited~ approved and order paid.
l~TO further busir~ess ~ppearing and upon mation the meetin~
was adjourned.
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City Gler~k l~~ or