Minutes 1949-09-21 ~
. . . . P
~rroyo Grand.e ~ ~alif .
Se~tember 21~ 1949
The City Council. met in re~ular uession v~ith r`~ayor ~ixson pre-
Upon roll call Council.rnen ~chnyder~ Clark ~nd ~ammann reported
present. Councilman ~riaiters arrivPd a little I~ter.
`rhA minutes of ty~e ~revious meeting u~Yere re~d ar~d a~r~roved as
h comrnunic~tion fr~m the ~~a:rvest r estival ~ammittee was re-
ceived anc3 discusseci~ and Counci~~en CZ.~rk and '~~aiters ~rere ap~oint- ~
ed to see about a place to store the buildin~s ~fter the Festival.
ihe v~ork on Grax~d ~ve. v~ras discussed and ~ouncilman ~chnyder
:r_ade a motian ~.uthorizin~ ~n~.erson and l;~r. ~~e~oy to check the
grades and r~ake a prelir~in~ry report to the j~i~h~~ay Departr~ent
a~ter the ~rades were set. Tkze motion ~ras seconded '~y ~ouncilman
~lark a.n~ the r~oti on carri P~..
C;o~ancilman Czark madQ ~ r~otiorl~ seconded by ~ouncilm_~n ~°~aiters~
to ask the I'aci~'ic Gas ~ ulectric Co. to irsta.ll three li~hts in
the Jones Tract; ~v~o on Va~ ley =~oad at the ~rch~rd and california
Ave. intersecti~ns ~ and the third at the Cherr~T ~.ve. and ~alifornia
`l~e L~rcn~ont Drive vJas discussed and ~~r. tin~.erson v~ac told to
see ~rrn.at could be done ~vith it.
The Council ti~rishec~ to meet cr~ith ~ir. ~eal and discuss the bud-
~et further. They felt sor~e money should ~e set up for the Plan-
nin~ Corimission on their recor~r~endation for a~eneral survey of
St,Y'82tS .
Councilrnan achnyder made a motion~ seconded ~y Louncilman
'Egaiters~ to allot;r ~~rs. ~chillin~, the ~ity ~lerk~ pa~T i'or vacatians
not taken in 1945 and 1946.
Bills a~ainst the Gneral Fur~~. ~or ~131~.3C~ vvere aud.ited~
proved and order x~aid.
l~To further business apzae~rin,~ and upon motion the ~?`~eeting vr~s
~:d j ourned . ~ '
~ ~
City Clerk ° ~1~ or ~