Minutes 1949-10-05
Pirroyo Grande ~ Calif ,
~etober 5~ 1949
The City Council met in regu3ar s~ssiQn with ~ayor
I~ixson presidin~. Upon ro11 call eouncilmen ~chnyder~ ~a~ters
and Dammann reported present. Cauncilman Clark arr~ved Iater an.
The minutes of the pre~rious meeting were read and
approved as read.
Communicatians were read and plaeed on file.
~1rs. 4liviera of Cal~.fornia ~treet was present and
wished to protest the abandonment of the west end of ~herry ~ve. ~
and she was t old there would be nothing done which would interfere
with her getting in and out of her place.
'I'he letter f'rom the architects for the new high school
about c~rainage wtas t o be taken care of by ~r. ~arris.
The work on Grand ~ve. was diseuessed and a motian was
made by Councilman ~a.iters~ seeonded by ~ouneilman Clark~ author-
izing ~r. Conrad~ the City ~ngineer~ to establish grades for the
~Iestern ~ddition Area. &1~t~.on Carried.
Larehmont Drive was discussed and a motion was made by
Counc~.lman `~~aiters~ seconded by ~ouncilman Dammann~ authorizing
~r. Conrad to go ahead ~vith the ~n~ineering Plan for Zarehm~nt
Drive. ~otian carried.
Bills against the ~eneral Fund for $3~068.72~ the ~later
Fund for $614.88~ the +~ater Degosit Fund for $16.0~~ and the
Speeial Gas Tax ~treet Imgrovement Fund for ~463.5~ were audited~
ap~aroved and ardered paid.
Ge~eral Fund ~darrant #193, and ~pecial Gas Tax Street
Improvement Fund ~°~arrant #2 were held up for a~ adjustment or
No further business apr~earing and upon motion the meet-
ing was adjourn~d.
, ~
~T"~EST: ,
City Clerk ar