Minutes 1949-10-19
6V ~
:~rroyo Gr~nde i ~a.I ~.f .
actober 19, T9~-9
The City Couneil met in regular session with ~~ayar
~ixson presiding. Upon roll call eouncilman ~ehnyd.er~ Clark?
~nd ~aitersre~orted present. ~bsent~ eouncilman Dammann.
The minutes of the ~reviaus meetin~ v~~ere read and ap-
proved as read.
Councilman Waiters made a motion~ seconded by ~auncil-
man Clark to give Councilr~an Damma.nn perrr~ission to leave the
~t~te for 3(~ days or more.
ihe followin~ communic~tions were diseussed and filed
cLS fO1~.OtNS ~ ~
1. I'he ~jerchant`s ~ssociation - ~-eg~rding ~hristr~.as
~ecorations and ~~rty. ~ rnotion was made by ~auncilman ~~~iters~
seconded by Couneilman C1ark~ instructing the Clerk ta write th~
Assoeiation informing ther~ the eouncil was willin~; to cooperate
in any way except £inancially. `i'hey agreed to help with the
decorations and someone asked if the City M~ght furnish the elee-
tricity to Ii~ht up the tree. `~here was no action taken.
2, The Ietter from the ~eereation ~ommission was dis-
cussed~ and after c~uite a discussion ~ir. Harris~ the Attarney~
said he waul.d like to h~ve time to ~ook into it further~ and
~~;reed toxeport ~.t the next meetin~.
3. 3'he Te~ter rom the ~rroyo Cxrande ~'l~nning ~arrr-
mission about the meeting to be held in ~isma Beach on ~et.
25th in regards to se~uring an a~buTanEe and hosgital facilities
for this area was c~iscussed~ and ~ouncilman ~~aiters agreed to
attend the meeting.
4. `~'"he notice a f the harvest r'estival ~eding was read
and ~ayor Di$son and Councilman C:lark a~reed to attend the meet-
`~'he work on Grancl ~ve. ~vas dise~ssed~ and after discus-
sion Couneilman Clark made a Motion~ seconded by Cvuncilman
Waiters~ authorizing the. Clerk to advertise for bids on the work~ ~
and reservin~ the ri~ht to reject any or ~11 bids or any portion
thereof. The motion earried.
The bud~et~ which had been prepared by ~~r. D~aI~ the
_ ~i ~ '
auditor~ was discussed and ~auncilman =~ai~ers made a motion~
seconded by Councilman Schnyder~ to adopt the bud~et and have
it published in t2~e Ioeal paper. ~lI ~c~uncilmen present voted
"~ye"~ Councilman Dam.~ann being ab~ent.
Councilm~n Schnyder made a motion~ seeonded by Couneil-
man ~~aiters~ to pay ~r. Deal ~20.0~ per manth ~'or the Auditor
Bills against the General Fund for ~1360.10~ the ~~ter
Fund for $?7.~p vrere audited~ ap~roved and ordered paid.
r~o f'urther business appearing and upon motion the meetir~
was adjourned.
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~rroyo Grande~ C~lif.
, 1~rovember 1g49 ;
The eity Council met in re~ular sessian with ~~ayor ~ixson
presiding. Upon roll ca1l ~ouneilmen ~chnyder~ ~Iark and ~~aiters
rer~orted present. Absent~ ~ouncilm~n Dammann. ~
7'he minutes of t~e previous meetin~ were read and approved {
a5 read. ~
The re~orts from the Cit~.~ ~olice ~%udge and the Ehief of
~'olice were read ~nd ordered filed.
Couneilm~n ~+ait~rs reported on the ~ctober 25th meeting ~
a~d said that ~r. Janes of ~an ~t.iis ~bispo had agreed to place an ~
am~iulance in the southern part of the ~ounty~ and that at that
tirne the different representatiues would have loc~ted a place to
house it arid s~veral responsible parties to handle the ambulance. i
AlI Dr~~: in this area were asked to be present at ~he Nov. 9th ~
meetin~ for the purpose of discussing the possibility of an emerg- ~
eney hos~ital in the southern area~ a~so.
Councilman CZ~~ reported from the ~rvest ~~'estival
meeting that someone would have to be secure~ to head the restival
fa:r the next year.
Councilman Clark made a motis?n,~ seconded by ~auncilman