Minutes 1949-11-02 ti
auditor! wa~ discussed and Cauncilman ~~aiters made a motion~
seconded by Co~ncilman Schnyder~ to adopt the budget and have
it published in t~~e Iocal paper. ~1T ~%ouncilmen present voted
"~~e"~ Councilman Damr~ann being ab~ent.
Councilm~.n Schnyder made a motion~ seeonded by Council-
man ~~Vaiters ~ to Fay ~r .~eal ~20. QO per month ~'or the Auditor
Bills a~ainst the General Fund for $1360,10~ the ~~.ter
Fund f or ~p ~aere audi ted ~ ap~roved and ordered paicl .
No furth~r business appearin~ and upan motion the meetir~
was adjourned.
. . ~
' , ~
~rroyo Grande~ ~~Iif.
. November 1q49
The eity Council met in re~ular session v~~ith ~iayor ~ixsc~n
presiding. Upon roll call Council.men ~chnyder~ Clark and ~~aiters
renorted present. Absent~ Councilman ~ammann. ~
'I'he minutes of tk~e previous meeting were read and approved
as read.
The reports from the ~itt- ~olice ~udge and the ~hief of
Police were read ar~i ordered filed.
Couneilm~n .v~ait~rs reported on the ~ctober ~~th meeting
a~d said that ~r. ~ones of San ~ui~ ~bispo had agr eed to place an ~
amY~ulanee in the southern p~t of t~e eounty~ and that at that '
time the diff erent representatives would have loc~ted ~ place to ,
house it and s~vers~l responsible parties to handle the ambulance.
All Dr~~f in thi~ area vaere asked to be present at the ~ov. 9th
meetin~ for the purpose of discussing the possibility of an emerg-
ency hos~ital in the southern area~ a~.so.
Counc ilman Clark renorted from the ~rvest Festival
me~ting that someone would haue to be secure~ to head the r~'estival
fvr the next year.
Couneilman Clark made a mot%¢??,~ seconded by ~ouncilman
62 ~
~aaiters, that the li~hts for the ~hristmas tree be furnished
by t~e ~ity.
~ motion ~~ras made ~,y ~ouncilman y:~iters that the
probationary period of ~~m. ~~tonesifer be terminated and ~+m.
Stonesifer now be hired as ~hief` af ~'olice to hold office ~t
the pleasure of the City cauncil. '~'he motion was seconded by
Councilman Clark~ and all ~ouneilmen present voted "Aye". *
-I'I~e ~lerk was ~sked to contact ~r. Deal and a~k him
to have a report for the lst meeting of each month.
Bi1Zs a~ainst the ~eneral ~~und for~~f~~ the ~~ater
Fund for ~421.~2~ the 4~ater ~~posit ~`und for ~I2.00~ and the
~peeial Gas Tax ~Street Improvement ~und for ~289,OE?~ were aud-
ited~ arproved and upan mation of CounciTma.n ~lark~ ss~~
' ~ seconded by ~ouncilman ~ehnyder~ the bills
were orderec~ paid. ~
~'rices of
filin~ cat~inets ~'or the m_aps oP the ~=ity
were discussed and upon motion of ~ouneilman ~ehnyder~ s~conded
by Cauneilman ~`~aiters~ it ~~as recommended a~ drawer steel file
unit 30~~ x 42"and fixtnres be ordered.
`i'he following bids for the wark on Grand ~ve. ~ere
opened~ A. ~i. Diani? ~6~883.25; ~alley ~'avin~ & Construetion
Co. ~$~~941.OQ; and A. ~3risco? ~3~4~8.0C7~ and after diseus- '
sion the followin~ ~-~esolution w~s passed~
Be It Besolved that the bid of L. A. ~risco for ~3~4~8.0~
be accepted for the vrork on ~ra.nt~ ~ve. ~ and th~:t ~~yor ~ixson
be authorized to si~n the agreement in behalf of the ~ity.
F~ssed and adopted by t he follov~in~ roll c~.ll vote=
~Yr.S: C~ncilmen ~ixson~ ~chnyder~ C1ark and ~aiters
idOF~: Nane
~ESENT: Councilman Dammann.
It wa~ decided to make tzp some oil mix for patching
st.reets on the ~ity praperty near the old dunp site~ ana ~ouneil-
man Schnyder made a r~otion~ seconded by Councilm~n ~~~aiters~ to
get the r:iaterials and test it out.
~ ~ j
It was mav~d and seconded th~t a pmrtable tester for
water meters be purch~sed ar~d aZso order 2~~ Bad~er v~rater meters
for trial.
`rhere was
~So~e discussion on whether to sell the Branch ~tre~t
house and lots~ but no actidn taken.
~r. I~ar°ris ~ the ~ity ~ttorney~ reported that it would be
~ permissable to put the matter of a t3x ~or recreation on t~e
ballo~ at the next regular ~a.ty election.
I~~o further business appearing and upon ?~otion the
meeting was adjourned. ~
~ ~ ` ~
~TT~~STs ~
City Cle~k ! ayor
_ p _
Arroyo ~rande ~ Calif .
I~rovem~er 16 ~ zg49
The City Cour~cil met in re~ular sessian v~ith ~g~yor
Dixson presidin~. Upon roll cal.I Council:nen achnyder~ ~f~aiters~
and Damr~~.nn reported ~t~ esent . Counc ilman Cl~rk arrived l~.ter .
The minutes o`' the previous m~eting were read ~nd
a~proved as read~
Communic~.tion~ ~~ere di~cu~sed ~nd the followi.n~ action
I. ~.uth ~wall's Ietter in rP~ard to insurance and
v~luations an the house at well - A motion was made by Councilman
Clark~ seconded by Councilrnan ~~`aiters~ to raise the amount of
insuranc~ fror.~ ~14~0.00 to :a2540.00~ and ~et fi~;ures on the
insurance f'rom different companies.
2. It «as Moved and seconded that the ~ity take over
the lic.~htin~ and decoration of tY~e Christmas tree in ~uth ;~wall!s
yard .
3. The recor,~mer~dation fror? the City I'lannin~ ~ommission
, 1,, , . C
C ~
in regard to ~treet Ii~~hts :.a~ c?iscus..ed and a motion wa,~ r~ade by
Councilman ~chnyder~ seconded by ~ouncilr~an Damm~nn to consult the
P.G. ~C L. about the nece~sary li~hts and ~et the price on o:~eration
of the differen~t ~i ~es .
Councilman ia`aiters reported th~t the ~ones Co. ~mbulance