Minutes 1949-11-29 . _ . . .
E~rroyo urande ~ Calif . ,
1"'ovember 2~ ~ la4a
~ special meetin~ vras held vdith j~:~yor ~ixson presidin~ '
and e oune ilmen ae nnyd er ~ C Zark ~ e'i~ it er s and ~ar~sn~nn v~er e~r e s ent .
ihe meetin~ vvas called to discu~s the following subject~: '
1. 1~he hir~in~:~ of i~=rs. Collett in tY~e offiee to replace
Iti~rs. who ti:ished to leave as soc~n ~.s som.e one co~ld be found
• to take her filace. 'i'he ~ouncil unanimously ~.greed the hirin~
of help be Ieft to the Clerk.
2. The meetin~ of the ~hannel Counties Division of
Lea~u e of
California ~ities to be hel~ in Paso nobles oM Dec.
~949. ~iayor ~ixson a.~;reed to ~ ttencl the meetir~ but the
other ~ouneil ~'jeml~er~ could not sav a t this tl: e if it v.~ould
be ~?ossi~:le for them to attend.
Various other subjects were discu~sed but no action ~
taken. ,
j':o further t~usiness ~~r~earing~ and upon ~otion the ,
meetin~ was aajourned.
f ~ ~ ~
'~1. T'i ~ T ` ~
City C~.erk i~~Tor
~rroyo ~rande~ ~alif.
~ec~mber 7~ 19~9
i'he ~ity ~ouncil met in gegular session with ~ayor -
~ixson presidin~;. Jpon roll eall ~ouneilmen ~chnyaer~ ~~~~~rs
and ~arunann reported pr~-~sent. ~%ouncilman ~lark arrivPd later. '
The minutes oP the ~revious re~ul~r e:na~ »~pecial me~~ti.n~s '
were read and approved as read.
Co~ununications vaere r~~d and t~.ken eare af as follows.
1, y~equest of the ~~:cific 'le~? ephone and ~ele~r~ph ~o.
to install underground canduit at the interseetion of ~ornw~ll
av~nue ~nd ~~ena str~ _~t was f~ef
erred to the ~itv ~n~;ineer and
after his ap~c~roval it ~r~as moved and sec~nded to ~r~:nt their
2. lhe de~~d from the ~~ruw~tari ~n~as inspe~cted and
upon mation by ~ouncil~an ~ammann~ seconded by ~ouneilma.n ~yaiters~ ,
it was a~eed to accept the deed subject to the
agreement. '
~ _ . _