Minutes 1949-12-07 f~rroyo urande ~ ~alif . l~Yovember 2g ~ 1a4~ 1~pecial meetin~ vras held ti°lith 1~':~:yor ~ixson presidin~ and Couneilmen ~chnyder~ Clark~ ef~iters and ~ar~~m~nn were ~resent. ihe meeting vvas called to diseuGs the following subject~: I. l~'he hir~in~ of ~~=rs. Collett in tr~e office to replaee ~~irs. Ep~~ ~rho L•:ished to leave as soon as some one coul.d be found - to take her Flace. The eouncil unanirriously agreed the hirin~ of help be left to th~ Clerk. 2. The meetin.g of the ~hannel ~ounties ~ivision of Lea~ue of Califarnia ~itie~ to re helc~ in paso ~obles on Dec. 8~ 1949. ~~jayor ~ixson wg~reed to ~ttenc~ the ?~eetir~- ~ut the other eouncil ~jem~ers cauld not sa~ ? t this tl:~e if it ~s~ou~.d be ~ossible for them to attend. ~Yarious other subjects were discu~sed but no action taken. 1';o further t~usiness ap~earin~~ ~nd ugon TM~otion the meetin~ was aajourned. ~ t ~ , ` ~t~ ~ , AT`l~T . , City Clerk ~1ayor I, ~ ~ _u_ l ~rroyo ~rande ~ ~=alif. ' ~ec~mber 1g49 ' 1'he ~ity ~ouneil met in g,egular session with ~ayor ' ~ixson preszdin~. ~pon rQ1I call ~ouneilmen ~chnyaer~ ~~~~~rs , and ~ar~mann reported pr~~sent. ~ouncilman ~lark arrivPd lat~r. ' ~he minu~~s af the nrevious re~ul~r ~d~.~peeial me~ti.n~s were read and approved as read. Co~-~rlunications ~r~ere re~d and t~.ken care af a.s follows. 1. i~equest of the ~'acific 'lelephone and Tele~'raph ~o. to install under~round conduit at the interseetion of ~%ornwall av~nue and t~ena stretat was f~eferred to the ~itv ~n~'ineer and after his apL~roval it t^~as r~oved and sec~nded to ~r~nt their ~.equest~ 2. lhe de~.d from the ~~ruwatari ~ras inspe~ted ~nd upon motion by ~our~ciZma~ ~ammann~ seconded by ~ouncilman ~~aiters~ it was agreed to acce~t the deed subjeet to the ~p~ler~ental agreement. . V V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r~ ~ i-~: ~Oi,l;i'IQFY ~#218 Y~esolution of the ~%mty ~ouncil of the ~ity of xrroya ~rande, rut or'zin~ a cept~nce c~f deed to n~=~I ~st~~e. °O ~a~.~.~. c~-~.-~Q ~ ~ ~o-E'-~~ '~-o~P~ C'a~P IJ--~C. ~ouncil.an .~a. ~nn made a r~otian~ seconded by ~ounci~ma:n ~~aiters that all fature proposed projects be turred over to the ~n,~~,~ineerin~ ~e~art~;ent ~'or plans and speeifications and upon i'ir~ish of plans haue them apr~roved by the ~ity ~ouncil. ~11 ~ouncilmen voted ~~ye. mation was made by eouncilman ~~mmann, seconded by ~%ouncilman ~~aiters, to have the ~ity ~n~ineer draw up ~lans and specifications .for the extensi~n af ~rand Avenue. ~'he motion was un~ni~ously earried. r~'he bids for ins~allation af ~~~:ter Iines were a~ened for and after discus~ion a r~otion cfaas *~ade by ~ouncilman gchnyder~ seconde~ b~T ~%our,ci.Iman ~ar_,snann to ~ece~t the ?~id af L. ~xebb the price ~ein~ .~1¢ for eaeh Iineal feet of 4 inch tr~nsit pipe installed. ~lll ~aunailr~en voted t~ye an the motion. 'iruck tirea and tires ar.d tubes for the yoTice car were ' needed ard it w~s moved ard seconded to ask for bids on the tires. ~r. ~nderson asked about disposin~ of used Iumber in the yard and ~ouncilman Schnyder made a m~otian, secanc.ed by Coune~.Im~n I}ar~m~nn to turn the ~~d lumber over to ~a.rry ~~rt! ~~'ire Chief~ for dis~os~.l. ~'ouncilman Clark asked if t~~.e matter aP rr~ater bein~ u~ed from j¢~r. Pa~es water meter had be~n laoked into~ and a re~or~G ma~e. Couneilman ~l~,rk made a motion~ seconded by ~ouncilm~n 'v~aiters to notify ~~r. P~.g~ that the water would ~e disconnected ur~less a minnium vras paid for eaeh consumer, within two w~eks. ~jayar ~ixson asked the ~lerk to cont~.et J. 'raylar and se~ if any report from the ~nderwriters about an ~nsurance survey had been received. ~nderson asked about ~rater line from ~c ~lures plaee to Lackey. r~e was told there ~,;ould h~~ve to be an~ a~re~r~ent from j~ie ~lure before.anyone could be hooked on as it 4ras only a 3/4 inch line. . lt v~a.s moved ~nd seconded to call for bids an ~asoline~ for the eity, to be opered at the ~'irst m~eting in ~anuary. ~ir• ~ook read a reques~ from rroperty ovan~rs on `~a?ly ~o road to reroute the road. ~ Motion by ~ouneil~an ~a^~mann~ seconded by ~%ounciLnan ?~aiters ~ to refer -the propoGed reroutin~ c~f jally xo road to the ~lann~n~ commission to k~e act~.d uz~on as scan as poGsible. The re~orts from the ~hief of poTice and Folice ~ud~e were read and the c~uest;on was a~ked as to why there ~tere 13 dis~i~sals ~.n~ it ~v~s maved and secorded to ask the ~ ud~e to ~ive the reason for disr~?i ssals ~21 his rp~ort. ~.~;~Ui.ui'ltvT~ ~#~lc~ ~.esoultion of the City cQUncil of the City af Arroyo Grande~ aceeptin~ the ~upplemental ~~r~ement from ~aruwatari and authorizing the T~iayor and Clerk to sign the a~reement in behalf of the City. passed and adop~ed by the folloti^rin~ roll call vate~ ~'Y~= ~ouncilmen llixson~ Sehr~~rder~ ~lark~ ~~aiters and ~am.mann. ~KO~ : ~;one kt3~~~fi: None Bills ag~ inst the ~eneral ~`und for $24~7.51 the ~~~ter ~und ~45'4. 69 and the `+~~te~ Ue~osit r'und for ~~6.0~, were audited, ar~~roved and : ordered r~aid. i~o further business appearing, and upon motion the meetin~ uvas I' adjourned. ' ~'1 i i+~ ~ - ' ' I ' .~lQ~l=~.~~ ' i ~ity Clerk yor O° Yasse~ an~~. ~dapte~ ~y th~ i' ~'o1=ov,ln~ roll c~ll vot~= t~'Yl~~ eouncil:~~en ~ixsor~ ~ehnyder~ ~~ait~~s and ~_r7mann a `'-~a r r: ane ~--LL~'i' ~ C oEanc i Irn~ n 41ark .