Minutes 1950-02-01 ~e.~.~ 72 ~ ~ . . ~ ~royo Grande~ Calif. F'ebruary 1~ 1950 The City Council ~et in re .~;uTar session with P~:ayor I~ix~an ~resiciin~. Upon roll call Councilmen Sehnyder~ Clark~ ~ammann and , o°laite~s reported present~. The minutes of the previo?ls me~ting ~rere rea~ ~~nd az?~ rovec~ as r~ad. Communicati ^ns ~~~ere read and taken eare of as f ollows ~ 1. T~ie comrnunicat~on fror~~ the Pacific eoast Lumber Cor~pany, settin~ a~rice of $12~o~G on the stri~ of land Iyin~ betwePn the Genter of l~elson ~tre~t ~nd the I~?ortherly line of _~llen Street' ~ras discussed and a r~otion~Ma~e by Councilma:n Schnyder~ seconded by Couneilm~n Damrn~nn to ~o on record in favor of the purchase of the property, if it met ~vith the ~pproval of the pt~blic . The motion ~rras unamir~ously carried. A motion ~~a.s made by Council;r~~an Dammann~ seeonded by Councilr~an Sehnyder to turr~ the proposed purchase of the property ~ aver to the Planning ~ommi.ssion~ for study and recom.mendat~am and it yvas su~~ested t"yiey call a Sp~cial ~~eetin~ of the ~ublic £or a hearing an th~ subvect. It was alsa su~~ested to ~ubl9sh an artiele in the ~,aper on the subject. ~ ~ 2. ~pon motion af'Councilman 5ehnyder, seeonded ~y Council- man Waiters~ it ~ras decided to ac~vertise the progerty on Branch ~treat and call for hids on 2 separate parcels. The bids to be opened P;arch Ist. meetin~ at 8:OOP.~~. 3. The co.mmunication from the ~.rroyo Grande Planning Comriission, with a recomr~endatian that the petition ir_ regard to Z'ally--Ho road be denied. It ~ras felt that the benefits to be ~~..°a_ ~c°: derived, would not justify the expense af obtaining Ri~hts aP way and bu~ ldin,~ the nrw road, nor w ould the hazards and incorr- veniences involved justify any ehan~e from the present ~oute. A motion v~as made by Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Dammann that the re~o~rnendations of the Planr~in.~ Commis~ian be accepted. IttIr. Co~~d recorlme~aed that a ci~an~e mi:~ht be made in the (~rand ~venue extension and he v=rould look into the m~tter~ if it r~et v~ith the ap~ roval of the ~ouncil. Councilm~n Schnycler made ~ e:~ a r~otion, second~d ~y Co ±ncil~~~n Dan~rnann to aecept the recomrr ' endati€~n of the ~ineer. Chief of Foliee ~tonesifer recor~meaided tr~at the City get posse~sion o~' the house at the t~reTl and ~`r. r`lilliams have the use of it -~.nd ~e r:~ade ~ound ke~~per and see if th~ surplus ~o~s aroi~nd town c~uld be t=~ken car~e of . ' ~lso the ~l~ief of Police s~.~~:_~•ested a ne~u typev~ritter be pzzrchased for tYie Clerks' U__"~':c~ ar~~ t'r~~ Police Dep~rtr~ent ~ave t~ie ane now in use. ` Councl3.ma.n Dammann m~de a~oti~n~ seconded by Gouncilma:n ~chn~rder t'nat tl~e Clerk be autnorized to r~aake a~~x_:licatian to the Board of Supervisors for a use ~ermit for a Dum~ site on the Charles 5anfard ~ro~erty. ~s`. Harris said l~.e ,:rould tryr and nave t?~~e ~Te~~W~ ~~a:ter C~rc~~inance ready For the l',Tarch lst. meetin~;. Bills ~~ainst the GeY~er~l rund for ~1884.qq ~ the 4'Jater i F'und for $3041.01, the y"~ater De~osit Fund ~'or $8.00 and the SPeeial Gas `T'ax Street Improvem~nt Fund for ,~270.00, ~rere I audited and a~proved and ardered paid. P'o furt'r~er business a~~~ea~ir~g the me~tin~; ~~as a~~uurned. ~ < , ~'I'T~'.S T : _4~ City Glerk P:~~y our