Minutes 1950-03-01 7~ ~ ~V~~a ~ ~ the motion was secon~ed bs,r Cour~cilr~an D~mr~ann and the moti~n carried. P~~r. Conrad re~orted there would be a hearir~~ an ~~rarch 8th. ~ay the Co~~nty P~amnin~ Car~.r~issior~ an the 5=~..nfard Dum~ ~ite. ~~r. Deal, the Citv tuditor~ ~ave a ra~ort on the bud~e~ and expenditures to date. Bills a~~a.inst the C~ener~~l ~`~und for ~IQg7.80 and the ~~ater Fund for $77.50 were atxdited~ a~roved and orde"_r'ed ~~id. I~To furtYier business ap~earin~ and upon motian the r~eet ~_ng was adjourned. ATT~T ~ G~~~l ~~-i.~G~+.G.GL~ e 1 . . . Clty ~1 erk I~iayor -c- ~.rroyo ~rancle, C~li~'. ~ETarc h I , Ig 50 The City Council r~et in re~-ular sessian v~ith TETayor I~ixson pre- siding. Upon roll call Councilmen Schnyder~ Clark~ 'a~aite~s and Slarnmann reported ~resent. The minutes of the z~reTaio~zs meeting were read and approved as read. Com~r7unic ~ti ons vuer E r e~d and ~lac ~d on fi le . motion w:~s r~~.c~e by Councilman Darzmann, seconded by Councilm~n Clark to ~rant the ~oxas C'lub, ~ perr~iit- ~or a c~~nce to be held T~"~rch 4 and no fee ta be cr~•=~r~ed. Councilr,lan t'~~iters m~,de ~ motion, cecandea by Councilman Darnmann~ instructing trie Clerk to r~tify ~.I?_ denartr:~ent heads to have buci~ets in for their de*~~rtT}~ents by the l:'ay 17th meetin~~ ~aeveral bills to be ~aid did not h~v~ purc~ase orc~ers and the problem vdas discussed ar~?. the :~uditor nad request~d th ~t rec~uisition ordeY°s be isCued on ~nythin~ taken f'rom t~e stoek t~ile; sa it could be accurately xeY~t u~. A motion ~r.~;s r:?ade by ~aunciZman Darr,mann, seeonded hy C~~ncilman Cl~rk tti~t al1 Department heads be asked to turn in requisition orders to tne Purchasin~; a~;ent for aIl suz~~lies taken from the Stock pile and ~urchase orders be taken out or all purehases. I}Tr. Cra~;hill asked ~iaou~ bein~• a?_lov~ed to ~teep r~is horse at his hor~e or_ ~~l~en atreet and a r-iot~ion vras mac~e by Councilman D~r~mann, ~ seconded by Councilr~an Clark to ~efer F..~r. Cra~hills rec~uest to the ~lar;,nin~r Cor:lrnis~ ion. Co~~ncilrlan C3ark suf'. estpc~ that ~:':r. i~.c Co~r fix up ~urchase orders f~r all bills n~t having them and the bills be allo~v~d. The .i~nson ~r~~ip~ent ~or~~~ny ~Y~ar,~~~.rt be held u~ until they had sub- mitted their bill or_ a lett~r T-?ead, ~or. ~~:a_~fer askp~. ~bout the Cit~r doin~ sor~e v~lork or ~~ort,ion o~ the I.~?.~~.t . lot~ where the ~u~~ic ~;as usin~- it to ~ark on. ~~r. ~Tarris s~id if tne Cittr would ~';ve him ~ c~e~crirtion ef the ~~ropert,y, he ~~~ould fix up ~r~ ap~r~eeMent. i'_r. i:sc Coy ~;°:as instructe~ to order flo~ders for TY;r. Pools funeral and it u~~~~ ~.~reed ta clo ~e the t,;r `"~~11. fron I0: CC~ to 11:00 anc?_ t~~e fla~ ~,e -~t ha1-~' ~~.~-t . R~:221 ,4 ~a~o ~~z~ion of thP Co~,ncil of the Cit~r of yrrojro ~r~nde~ Ca~.! i s". sub~:~ittin~ to -t}ze c~ua~ i~'ied e~ecto~ s of said City .~t the Gener~l ~lec tion t~ l~e ~ielcl in r~~id Cit;~ or~ ,`;.z~ril 11~ l~; j0, ~ nrnpn~~~ C?rdinance entitled t' ~n Orc~in~~:nce o~ the Cit;r of ~rr~yo' E~r~i~~e z7~n~ I to ~he C;ity ~'auncil of ~?~le sai~ ~Czty of Arrovo Granc~e4 ~``,P ~~~fi~~r to exc ee~i th~ ~er ~;r~l Li~i ~~ta.t ~ns ir~l~osea b~~ la~ir uux~on `~heir r1~~;~nt ito ievv nropertvr ~~r ~r~ntiri`: t~ s~icl Cit;r Cot~r~eil the ~'ovaeY~ -t;~ levf arlnualiy ~~~ro~x:.rty tax of nc~t in excess of `ter~ c pnts p`er ~ne hux~dred doll~rs of traluation 7~znon ~roz~ert~,r zr r=~id t.j,'; ~ec~izir,in~,, ~t~=~t U°~ia t~.x v^z'raen co? ~ected ?~e de;:=~osited ir~ ~';,e,c,~xr=~te fund dand t~~~t it be u~ed ~o~n~~?unity ~ecr. ~~tion n~~rr~oses. an~ `_'or no oth~rr~;. I pury~oses'' _ , Fassed and ado~t~~d bc~ the follov:;in~ roll call vc~te : Councilr:en Dixson~ ~c?~-ny~.er, C~.ark~ 'w+aitPrs an~ ' ~~r::rl~nn ' ~TC_'~Ss T~~ne ~~'T:irone ?.?r. ~ .r_~=is reac~ ~:n ~rdir~~r~c~, ~.s ~o~~av~fs: l~n Jrdir,~nce t'~e Ci ~y of r~oy~ ~ranae ~~ivirl~ to t~e City ~o~~ncil of ~~~e ~ric~ City~ o~ t~rrayo ~r~~~~~n~e, the Po~~er to e~c~~Pd t~.e ~~ner~.l I,ir.:t~t.'or~s ir:rocpd ~~tr LatiAr uran tneir rl~.=~t to __evy r~l°~re.:~t;r ~.a~es ~,T 4rr~,r~ltin~ to s-~:id CitZr Co~.zr~cil -~e ~•o~:~er ~o , ~~vfr ,~,n„~~ ~,~z,apert~~ t€~x o`' .r~at i~~ exce:_G af t~~ c ent~ „er or~e 'r~~~r~ured do ars o~~' v~~uat.; on ~zpon ~?r^~"°'tY ` :ir? ~~~id cit~ ; ~'.er>?-~_t~~7,~• t, ,nt c.1i:~ t~x v<<i~er. col-ectad be de~~ Oc'.t,~C~l `L?~. ~ ti;<~r?c~r'cztF' f'';'`..C~ `~~''C": i.t`':'_~", lt, r!~ U~;E.'t ~'OT' Cd?~1C'"lill~?~~r - _:Qcra~tion ~urr,o~-~es ancT ~'or n:~ n-~r~r~r z~ur~~oses. ~r",Ot?.;iC~ ~.i:'?r ic~-r~ ~'~iri c~ ~ ~"_'^11 c n7-rin~ . ~~~~.~c~~ r~~ , ~ec.,_..~.,1 ?~y Co~~rc~l~r~an. Sc~~r_yc~.er ~iz~~t tii-'_s ~eCollztian ~r?d Crdir~nce sun-?Iant riesol~~tion , , 220 a.ncx t~~ e Crcli.r~~:~nc F o`' ~r.Lx~~!.~~r; r l;' . ~ T~n i r- J ..r,~ -c, t~T . I ~ rrL _:.,C.' l I C~. , ~Tot~ ce is ~iereby ~i~=er ~~iat a xer:er~~l :.':urlici~al ~,~,~~~,~an will be ~~elcl ir~, ~'r~e Cit~.~ ;~.x°rov~ ~r~,rlcie~ County oi jar i;uis Cris~o~ ~t^.te of C~'_~_f~r~~:~_~ o.ri i~~esd~.~T; t'~~e 1~tiA ~~.~.v o~ ^~~pril, l~~~C at w~ich e~ect-ior~ -~~~e ~'o~_~o~,.ir~" o~'`'icez~: ~re to be fi,.~~_ed: l~,vo Councilr.~en' ~'u~.i ierri. ~he ~ollov,ing r,e~~.s,are ~~.=i1~. be s~ab~~•`~~tted ~t t~°>.e election, 78 I~ ~ ~ ~--rP~r ~„Ir~:~ I'~'C'I'C~~:7 C:~':~'IT ~T'C`~ .~~"`~,I~'I--~J C,,,.~I~, _'C^ C~' i~~ ~ " 3~~~~.'.a. 1_; 1 ra'~ CI~" C,r ~-~.~c-y~,., ..~ti-'T~u C~,'I""f; 'C, f'-``,'~' C`,r,,,,.CIL Gr r~'~~ ~?lID . ~1 T '1'~Yf M K r~ ~~rL' ~ ? 1! '~.J' ? T ~J S~ ~ . , ~j,.~,,`~ i L~.' ~~1t~~ ~ -llf ~.L • J ~...1 .'J. .~.A.~.`~ Y '~I?;~~~:.~I~`Ti Ii'-i=~~'-^;'} ~`.T L'.', T7a'C~r 'iT`~IF ~I'".'i Z.~.~' P~?CP-,µ,i,~~ ~ r. T;.~,- r,..;, q ,,,-~-,.-_-r, ~ .r-t„ _ -'~i :`1~ . ~ _ti. i.i . 'i~ ",I~ ~~i'~i C`~. .~CTZ~ '1' 4.,,~.,:~'~ .~1;' ~~i ~ _~i. *!n ? r v ~ , ('!irnyr -~1 n lr \-1 TTl1fI'1 Y r~ ry -.:.-e ~rv'-~ ~^i . : /~t r~ ~r rn~ ~ :.i__t...~. i 1_t a. 'L 1.,~" .'.l: 1 i~ - ~:~~1 l.'.ia .l "~'..~a..~T l. '~~Tlt~ P.~iL T„, r., h-,,. r T=P 'tY/ -n._ y~._~ . _ ; ~ . ; +Or Z.}~.: ~ r I ~ ~ _ . ,T~,~~ r ~.,,-.r,;,.,Y I',- r::ID ~'ITY; ""'?1f~ T'~"~ j , . , r i~. ~ " ID ~ °;:r r~ T : ,C`T'"-:i) ^ ~`;i3 _7T I'~ , ~ - _ c ~ ~ _ R , V ~ ~ ~ P n: -n-= ~ ~ n • ~ ~ . y 3, a 1~_ . ~ T~~~ ~ U.:~ ~'G-? C.. 7T~,~2'ti ~.:~~C~:_ f~`i,I. . ~ ~--t , . A r•! .l._'C;~"~^ ."s~';",7 C~G ~ r` C~~ ~ i:~~ti I`L,~'?-v,~ . "'r ~ ~ a~:t~OPT: ~ ~y"D . `n.~,-~ ~rr C'.C`S"~1_Tt; C yn ~TT-ci rry' rn~r .-^7 _...1 .~~~~i T" -J `.,'i .i ~~,J V I 1 i_ \~'i . ~ 7 : .,iJ l~=~x~e r•rill b~~ or.~~ votl.rl~~ pr~ci.r~ct `'ar t'r~ :~u.r o~e of holdin~ ~~:i~~ e~ ret; or~, co ~=;ist;i.r~~; o~' t~:ie conso? i:z~ticn ol' t:ne re~~ul~r e~~'Ci.~. ~1r1 ? Y'~'C'-°.2`?CtS 2St,~l~j i 1 ~~;_,G.i ~'ci ':`:~^~~:.QT',L' =`tc.t~ ,'3.r"~ ~0',:!I`1tJr °Ct1'~?iS :S f0_ ~Ot~::':~'i: ~02"_S0~ l_`'2t+i.E".'_ V0~1~iL _'_'-:i'nC1t;Ct. ~rri~~ CC~:,,,~,T'1~7.11~' • r, -,,R , • ;i.24tr i.Lx ~r",ni-.r±~:~ ;~]'c:C ;.T1Ct,S i1U! 'J~'i - `y?'i'O`r0 r"7''~^~:-E.,'~ t{t~0 `3rlti t ~ - _ _ ~ o n ~ ~ . :.~xZ'E... ~~1E' Y~O-'_12'st". ?"%I:~C=' ~:'n0~ S ',_?E' ~`i. ~?"1~ .,,~'1'OC?O '~T'~7:CZE C 1 `t, _ ';~i.1 T ~ n'ot.~.~:e ~_;a __~re 1~;~r ~ rU':,er ~~~zrei ~~~~t ~t _ ~:i~ electior the ~-~ol?s ;°dl1 :a'`°]~ f'T'O!1 i,i1P., ~?')i:?i 0~~ :aC.'jT~r ~ C..~~.OCr~ i+..`'. t,0 tl"?P_ 'f1CLiZ' Qf' _ ~ i=:"'~.r P T'i ~ ~ Q C' .i~;. t' ~ ' • ~ ~ C~ =ti'''~ ~l t E:.L' C-' ~'i ° ~i ^1 . 1 l ;'l ~C' c~ i !11 ~ ~ . v._ i. y ;~_...lr ._~T~" c~_LCs i1...._AI~ CC_.t.~~ ~ y • - , i ~ . , ~ ~ • - - • , , ~ , `?~c~C ...:_7r~ i'jl ; 1Jn .~~P ~ ;3?~i(~ C~7?~,C.?.~.ti' ~~C~'z }i,ii-C' ...C.'~r'~'_~~~r C~.c:~ r '2't. _C'1 r`~Q~ ~1. ~ ~ ~ w t2F- `.],-aC~~c. ~~,`-3CI"' A ~.ri T''`C12.t~t. 7 r ,~~Cl C'~''~' Oi ~~'i'O~''Q ~T'~T`aU ~ S _ _ . . - _ _ _ ~z. . , _ ".e ~a_ , , _ , ~ ~ _ , , _ ~ ~:1E~"'21.r'- ~ ~ 7, Cz ~ U it- 0~ 1- 1 V~ a.1. .1_ ~_U~ t. ~y . ~~F'' C'~; ~l~ .,'2c ~2 - ~ . ~ - n ,1..., . . ~ < t., ~~_~'C'~.i.-. ~,1 .IiC"GU` ~Tt~t , .'2:^. 0:" L,i. ~I"~~r?S .~1"~0 I~~Zi~:; Y;~'P_Tl 1~7~'~v~:t ._~:i'~r~, E?.~~-~_Cil_ C~,~7 . f,''i~l" r'@~',.>~,C~l~.r2 2l ~:Ct;'JTi . . ~ . _ , - , . , F'C'•.'_T1C~;~~ 2,:: T»taF~u~ '._~C~iE:, s, :~a.~~r~ ~'~'.t? ~'lt~r C":1?1C11. Of' C ~?~1 . ~i tt:r r~:i ~'i'p" J ~.i ,,,.w@' =Z ~'-.Z'Qt , tiC t .~..~.t'~! `32't? ^'J~ 0'~:'S 7 tC? ~ T,~~ a C r;~'~C ._i`?~: l.: ~rfi ..~Cl~~'~.~.,,;J ~R~.~~ ~FY'PC+~ ~t~~9 1~?~0 ~.Y'ir~.. ~i'`'~'' ~ r ~ ro ~ \ i.' J~ ~ 4"? '"y", u j T • ~ ~ , ~,OC``'~l:?i'? O 1T~_'r'' t.~cl('F~ ,~~'i~r~rr r,~`-.-r~'~ ~".T~"~'~ . • _ . ~~r ~ ~ , ,r, T ~ -C ~1, m 1?' ~,''Ct~'3' g y' ' . . i., LE? '~?c,~ -c'~l' • ~ s. ~ . j ~ ;~~,~,-tl_^::1 T 9 -'Y,~ ~ T _ ~ ~ :I~. C ~J 1'~ T ~ L A.. r ~ ~ > ry _ ~ v . fr - , - - , ~v !a"~'I z T'Y.l ~ . ~ _ _ i . ~Q~ ~ r~~'l:: ~.1._~._.._ .._°~~C%Y1 T " - _ v ; ~ * ~ : - x c. c . ~ ~ ~.~~i~s il ~:~.__..r . .,.~'t~.L<,~_.,.i' ~'~~~C~:: :~..i,~7(~~;_(-.r ...W_.. ._i~ .:.C-.:_.r~ :'!r.(.~. r'n7~ .,A li~'1..1 -i- _ ~ : fr' ~ ~v ' ~ . _ ~ t~_ _ ~ c -uct~.r~r o i~~t~r~ici~al , , , . F ; : - - • c ~ ~ . ~ . _ ~i..~ v ~ _ - . ~ C~~.T' `=:i~~ ' t.' . _ _ ~ _ _ ~ ~ :'r i) i,~.i a '''ta~ v a ~ i-+ - . , . . . r _ ~ ~ , . l,~_1._,)~" . + i..l.r t;~E' ~`,F_ UO. 7~ T : t - . _ ~ i C. 1 ' v - .i = y ~ I"' i .'t C~` v , , -.J.. - ~ _ t. 4~ ~ ~ ..e . . . _ ts ~ T ' . ~ ~ ~ F~- ~ ~ ~ F.~ . . _ _ ~ r~ . ~ ~ ; , „ . , , , . c ~ ~ 1;E "r-~ ~ ~ - _ .a r~_ ~ . C~ . , ~~:,rt~_ _ ' ' _ _ `L.~ ~ + ~_1:'3 ~ - . _ , ~ r~ ' _.:_.~a < i~.+ ~"n .n •t. ..nr _ t~ _ _ ~ - .x~... ~i`~1' r,GG: j c _ , iif:;.` . : t~~'~ 't''~'i. ~~'(,r • 1. v,:t~ .r~1,, _ -n - - .y: ~i : - _ _ .CC ~;~~1 _ ~':i _ ~~r,~~" -,r' ~3. _ _ _ _ . ,y , , , 'T~ '~~x~ ~ t.~l a L'r~., .-i r"' S"a~"~ ~~f;, P f.~z -,p `c~f.l.~..~~.,~~.. `c~ ` '.c, ? • / 1/~, ~ ~ i / , ~L T ~'1 l „y,.VV / . - - „ -,?r ~ -s:~t _ -07' - ~.~r ~a~~royo ~r~.nde, iforr.i~. ~~tarcli 15, 1~~0 1he City Coancil :;iat Ar re~~al~r sessz.on v~.~it~~? ~~ayar Dixsan ~?residin~. i,F~on ro11 e~11 Co~;ncilr.-:en ~cn.nyi~er9 r~~iters ~~nci ~~r_~.m.anr r~~^orted pr~~,~r~t. ~u~~nt C-~~,.~ncilr~a.r ~'1ark. T:~e r~inut~~c o`' t~he r;x `.viatzs meetin~; ~~~~~re r~~<~a ~r~d ~r.~,roved ~s r,~~d. Ca~~°:txnic~~;t~ons w~rere r~a.d ~.nd r.;l~_c~~ on ~ile. It ;~r=~.s ~ta~`E~~E:st~d t}z.~t copies o~' t~~e Pis+~:o B.,~.ch ~arba~;e Orc`~iz~arce n~ o'~tair~ec~, so tA~~ ~a,_::~.c~l c~ul~.~: ?ook t~~.em over ana if found ~'~.vor~ble~ the sar1~ Ordi?~~ ~r:ce c~uld ~e ado?~~~u here. _ It ~4~-~-~,~ ~u~; ~e~ted ti;~rit~ ~'ox~ iul ~ in~'orrr~a-tior~ or~ Fe~ex°~1 ~IOne;~ 1'or pi~rs. ihare tipf~.s so~e c~i~c~a~~z~n or~ Gr~ A.nd ~jve. ext~ns ~ or: anr~ t~~re u~r~s r~e"ort=d t~ r~? e~rauna ~36C>>G.CC o~' ~t~te r~~oney~ r°;Ti~ich c~uld be ~isea ~~;r ~~~atc~in~ it, a~:u it ~~a~~v~u and sec~nc~e~ to ~uthorize is. Carir~d t~ ~~r~eF>~xre estir.-,atF:s ~r~c? 1~e~oluti~n for o~rer3pr,t o~ C`or~r~vall ~nd `.~~11y ~~o, so t_~~e n~ce --zr~T ~~pers c~~tild ~e sert ir_ `'or a,, :lic~~ti:~n ~r the s~one~r rrory: -~?~e ,.~t~~.te. ~ r'r. A~iderson ~s~~ea a~;~~.it do~~~$,Y soi~:e v~ar~ 07~ Leed~~r~ L~ne ard lt, `,u'~3.5 S11E: c'@~'at2u ~.:T' • ~'Oi1T'~C~ ? O~~i l~, `'JV~?I' ..=~ii_i Se~ ~','~1%~t ~1@ ~,:3QU~~'lt. c~u1d b~ ~orle, ~s i,~e I~~n~ a_s ~r1T, i~':~~~t ~;e~ic~%e o~? on~ ~:rd ~nd ~6ft. , _ ; o~ ~~_`Ler. a~Q c~i~ ~~~z :t ~ae ~.~o,~l~. ~;c ~rl~.ci to ~o ov~r the roaci I - :°iti~ . ~=knc~Prson or ~~~'i ic~ay =x .i~~. I.`a~~,ror .~ixson _1s~~ec~ i er°a :i~ ~n to ~~~,Te t?~le ~ U~.te f~r a v~reek ~r~.: Courcil.r:i,~r1 ~c~~ny;~er ::~~.~ie a ~^otion~ secor~cze~ Councilr'~~n ~am.~~nn'